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Track the number of biblefarts in a round - Printable Version

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Track the number of biblefarts in a round - Berrik - 09-24-2019

And show it in the statistics at the end.

Times a bible was profaned:

RE: Track the number of biblefarts in a round - aft2001 - 09-24-2019

Yes. I love it.

As an additional stat that only appears when it occurs: Times a bible was utterly blasphemed
(For when you superfart on a bible. If you haven't tried it before, do it.)

Really just stats for ridiculous things like that would be fantastic. Amount of times someone *tip 'd with a fedora, *hatstomps done by an angry HoS, etc.

But at the BARE MINIMUM, OP's suggestion pls.

RE: Track the number of biblefarts in a round - warcrimes - 09-24-2019

a good idea

RE: Track the number of biblefarts in a round - Silvercloud29 - 09-24-2019

Needs to show up on goonhub statistics for the round as well

RE: Track the number of biblefarts in a round - kyle2143 - 09-25-2019

This is real good. And I would like to see it and other good round end statistics like what used to exist, like richest escapee and most damaged living escapee. We really need to reorganize those screens to be 1 screen and a lot more user friendly.

RE: Track the number of biblefarts in a round - aft2001 - 09-25-2019

Here's a list of reasonable and feasible possible new statistics that I've compiled/thought of. Some of these may create lag, though I'm not sure.

  • Biblefarts
  • Super Biblefarts
  • Suicides (not including biblefarts not done via *suicide)
  • Doors opened by the AI
  • Number of clones created via cloning machine
  • Number of activated artifacts (not artcells)
  • Number of buttbots on the station
  • Amount of explosions that have occurred on the station
  • Amount of weed grown by botany
  • Total amount of screams
  • Total amount of farts
  • Highest amount of power generated by the TEG
  • Richest escapee (Combines amount of credits in both bank account and inventory)
  • Most damaged escapee (ALL types of damage)

RE: Track the number of biblefarts in a round - Mouse - 09-25-2019

Most deaths would be a nice one.