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[Feature] Halloween Random Event - Closet Skeletons - Printable Version

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[Feature] Halloween Random Event - Closet Skeletons - UrsulaMejor - 09-16-2019

Adds an event where skeletons can spawn in random closets on station.
If the chosen closet is open, it will attempt to close it (potentially closing you in with a skeleton!)
Closets rattle on spawn to let you know that something might be amiss with it ?
Currently admin only; perfect for spooktober!

prpr: UM-019

RE: [Feature] Halloween Random Event - Closet Skeletons - kyle2143 - 09-17-2019

Nice, very simple and short. Will definitely use for spooktober.

RE: [Feature] Halloween Random Event - Closet Skeletons - Cyclical - 09-18-2019

I like this, quite spooky. How long is the interval for the shaking?

RE: [Feature] Halloween Random Event - Closet Skeletons - UrsulaMejor - 09-18-2019

it only shakes at the moment that it spawns, otherwise it could potentially create a large amount of overhead.