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Let people in sleepers see a readout of their health - Printable Version

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Let people in sleepers see a readout of their health - Faceplant - 05-09-2019

Sleepers are great, they fulfill an important niche in medbay triage by quickly stabilizing low-med crit patients, as well as treating minor boo-boos for all damage types. However, being in a sleeper isn't so great. You can't tell how long the doctor set the timer for, what's been injected, or what your health is at. I suppose that the name Sleeper implies that it's not designed to provide an interactive experience, but if we're going to let the timer on the thing be set up to two minutes, we ought to give the patients something to stare at.

Didn't notice the thread below mine that just got bumped. Shifting this over to there.