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ChemiCompiler Improvements - Printable Version

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ChemiCompiler Improvements - qwertyquerty - 03-29-2019

The ChemiCompiler is a very complex machine, and it takes a lot of effort just to get it to mix a single chemicle. Once you DO put in all of that effort, it isn't really rewarding, because of many problems with the ChemiCompiler

  1. Heating is Very Slow. It can take a good 5 minutes for CLF3 to heat up to the right temperature in these things. It's actually the exact same thing as the Chemical Heater, but the thing with the chemical heater is I usually set the temperature to 1000, so it heats up a lot faster, and gets to the right temperature right away, so I can take it out. Problem with doing this in the ChemiCompiler is that you can't take it out until the program finishes, and you can't move onto the next step in the program util heating is finished. Heating slows down the closer you get to the target temperature, so actually getting there takes forever, and the ChemiCompiler also appears to stop 3 degrees before the target temperature you set.
  2. Chemical Transfer is also Slow. What's the point of writing a ChemiCompiler program for it, when you can mix it in your hand faster? I'm not saying we should have insta mix in the ChemiCompiler, but I do think it should be a realistic speed. Think about a machine like this IRL. How long do you think it would take to transfer a single liter from one container to another? Probably not 25 (not including lag) whole seconds like it does in game.
  3. No Stop Button. Someone can just walk up to it, put in +[] then hit run, and boom no one can use the ChemiCompiler for the rest of the round. Also maybe someone with your program is going horribly wrong, and it's filling the room with toxic smoke. You can't even attempt to get close to it to stop it.
  4. Running Programs. You should be able to run a program without saving it, to perform small tasks quickly, like cleaning up tx ax and sx if you forget to clear them in your code.
  5. Adding . To the lang. Debug is important for getting a program running so we should be able to have . to output a number to a console that could be added to the GUI.
I understand it's supposed to be a hell machine, but leave the hell part to actually writing the programs for it. You should be rewarded for going through the hell of making a program. Currently it's like 
"Haha you made that entire program basically for nothing so ha fuck you nerd"

RE: ChemiCompiler Improvements - TDHooligan - 03-30-2019

I haven't had any problems debugging my existing brainfuck using notepad and the register outputs but completely agree the heating is obscenely slow compared to just zapping things at 1000K in the reagent heater.
In the short term, you can simply pre-heat some of the registers' chems to a high enough temperature to cause a reaction when it's added.

RE: ChemiCompiler Improvements - AwkwardDryad - 03-30-2019

Yeet/Yeet we needs more heet.

RE: ChemiCompiler Improvements - qwertyquerty - 03-30-2019

I have a feeling this won't get considered since barely anyone uses the chemicompiler, so not much positive feedback will be shown.

RE: ChemiCompiler Improvements - Berrik - 03-30-2019

At the very least, 3, 4, and 5 from the OP should be implemented. The rest, I don't have an opinion on as I havn't played with it (and frankly, don't know enough about coding to do so).

RE: ChemiCompiler Improvements - qwertyquerty - 03-30-2019

(03-30-2019, 06:59 PM)Berrik Wrote: At the very least, 3, 4, and 5 from the OP should be implemented. The rest, I don't have an opinion on as I havn't played with it (and frankly, don't know enough about coding to do so).

You should try out chemfard, my simplification of chemfuck. It's very easy to learn and understand. Thread is in general discussion I'm too lazy to link it.

RE: ChemiCompiler Improvements - Kira - 04-01-2019

Chemcompiler makes my head hurt.

RE: ChemiCompiler Improvements - The Grim Sleeper - 04-05-2019

(04-01-2019, 07:38 PM)Kira Wrote: Chemcompiler makes my head hurt.
Well, then at least that feature is working fine.

RE: ChemiCompiler Improvements - MrMagolor - 04-08-2019

I definitely agree with 1, 2, and 3