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Nautilus (sp?) AKA Strelok M.O. - Printable Version

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Nautilus (sp?) AKA Strelok M.O. - FreakWeaks - 06-26-2013

I'm not entirely sure where player complaints go, so I figured it was a safe bet that this sub-forum would be the place to post this thread. He's a mentor, so I suppose it's not too far from being an admin.

User's name: Nautilus or something, his ingame name is Strelok M.O.
Server: LLJK #1
Date/Time: Around 2pm GMT
Synopsis: Nautilus was playing as an AI that chose to tell everything in story-format one round, and I was abusing his terrible narrative skill and grasp of the English language. I have to give the guy credit for being an absolute champ and ignoring my particularly verbose insults to his intelligence and literary skills. He kept chugging along with his ingame roleplay (much to the dismay of myself and other crew members [it was really frustrating how he was so caught up in what he thought was "brilliant" writing]).

He ended up getting severely distressed and angry towards the end of my non-stop tirade, however. Telling me that I "shouldn't exist in society" and that I "really need to get off this server right now" and how I was a terrible human being. He even added a bit of self-deprecating humour into his tear-filled rebuttal, claiming he was sorry that his writing skills were not on par with my own. He was getting quite worked up, so I told him to gag on a bag of dicks (which is homophobic? I wasn't aware of the fact that any insult nowadays that has the word dick or penis in it is considered homophobic). This set him off into an even bigger rage, he was screaming bloody Mary about how I was a "homophobia" (I made fun of his spelling again, and it just added fuel to the already flaring fire) and how I should be banned. I then told him to gag on a vagina.

Cue next round, I'm RD, just doing my own thing. Find some healing artifact some guy left in Medbay Lobby. Grab it, hurt myself, heal myself, walk through the hallways. Strelok is there and tries chasing me, I attempt to run away. He then tases me and lasers me. I put in an adminhelp, and leave it at that. Strelok then clones me?? Claiming "this won't do". Once I'm cloned, he cuffs me and drags me to the Bar where he electrocutes me. His justification of his blatant grudge-holding is that I was homophobic.

Log: Proof in imgur Album format - you can clearly see a new round began, that I wasn't traitor, and that I hadn't done anything that warranted being brutally murdered. (a bunch of images were corrupt for some reason, sorry about that).
Extra Information: It's quite ridiculous how desperate he became to get me banned. He latched on to the homophobia excuse for dear life in an attempt to ease his conscience about what he'd done. Despite blatantly breaking game rules with metagaming and grudge-holding, he still feels he's in the right.

I understand this homophobia rule has to be enforced, but it's becoming a joke how station members actually use it as an excuse to violently kill other's (who really aren't being homophobic). It's apperantly (nice spelling man) "plenty reason" to grudge kill someone for imaginary homophobic remarks they've said. It's like a get-out-of-jail-free card, just claim the person was a homophobe and everyone is fine with you killing him.

Re: Nautilus (sp?) AKA Strelok M.O. - Shoddy - 06-26-2013

there are no subforums for player complaints, if you're really that pissed about it then you should have asked an admin or something.

PS: you are the one who insulted him, if this really did happen, its not appropriate but you got yourself in that shit.

Re: Nautilus (sp?) AKA Strelok M.O. - FreakWeaks - 06-26-2013

Only reason I'm bringing this up is due to the fact he's HoS. I'm pretty sure a Head of Security should be above grudge-killing someone over false homophobic remarks. The fact he had to resort to claiming I was being homophobic says a lot about his morality of character. I just feel someone so incredibly shitty should not be in a position of power.

Re: Nautilus (sp?) AKA Strelok M.O. - FreakWeaks - 06-26-2013

And really, playing SS13, you've gotta be prepared to get abused verbally every now and then. Stiff upper lip and try not to cry over it. The fact he got so mad when I made fun of his terrible narrative skills is just moronic.

Re: Nautilus (sp?) AKA Strelok M.O. - Shoddy - 06-26-2013

ok, but nobody is really gonna answer this thread, since there is no such thing as a player complaint here, unless he fucks with you again and you wanna adminhelp him, nothing can be done.

Re: Nautilus (sp?) AKA Strelok M.O. - Nautilus - 06-26-2013

Yo I just got the go ahead from Lisi to post this.

Hey FreakWeaks, first I want to go on to say whoopsy on this image here: I called out the wrong person, in reality I was in fact trying to call out you and your bullshit.

But I am not going to apologize for what I did here. On that round you said you wanted to name me "Sucker of Dicks" as an AI, which if it isn't a homophobic than I honestly don't know what is then. Your ignorance on stepping over the line was what really got me thinking that I should call you out.

Instead of apologizing though, you decided to go on and on about how it wasn't homophobic, or how you aren't homophobic. That just got me realizing that I can't in good conscious allow you to get away with that kind of shit and I made it a point to blast you in the next round. I can't walk past a standard with out accepting it, and neither should any mentors or players for that matter.

Whether you believed I was doing it because you "tiraded" me or not had nothing to do with this. No one ruined my AI round and I was happy enough to play it through, regardless from people saying my gimmick was lame or not. The only fact of the matter here is that I was powerless to directly do anything against your bullshit that round and it wouldn't be right to let you walk from that without repercussions.

We are all in charge of the culture we allow on the server, whether we like it or not. By allowing you to get away with something like that would speak poorly on our practices and would speak poorly of myself. You cannot get away with something like that with out seeing your own error.

Re: Nautilus (sp?) AKA Strelok M.O. - jflan17 - 06-26-2013

So you metagamed instead of leaving the enforcement of rules to the admins? Good work, white knight.

You're both idiots.

Re: Nautilus (sp?) AKA Strelok M.O. - FreakWeaks - 06-26-2013

Your writing is so bad. It's painful to read. "Your ignorance on stepping over the line was what really got me thinking that I should call you out" what does that even mean??? You got insanely and incredibly upset that I was mocking your writing skills (which everyone could tell you were really fucking obsessed with, you were giving it your all) and blew up on me, breaking your IC and telling me to get off the server and that I don't exist in society (hahahaha really it's comedy gold). I then say you should be called the Sucker of Dicks and you go off on one proclaiming how I'm a dirty homophobe and I disgust you and I should get off the server because I'm bringing it down with my filthy, bigoted ways.

I didn't go "on and on" about how it wasn't homophobic. I called you a blithering idiot for saying it was, then proceeded to insult you again. It was you who wouldn't shut up about the homophobia issue.

You couldn't in good couscous (it's conscience) allow me to get away with it, so you filed it away in your head that next round, you'll kill me based on name-calling I'd done the previous round? Need I emphasize the point on how badly you broke the rules? "I can't walk past a standard with out accepting it, and neither should any mentors or players for that matter" I really don't understand you. What do you mean by that?

Whether I believe you killed me or not based on my verbal abuse of you clearly does matter, seeing as you used the homophobic excuse as a scapegoat reason to kill me, when it was painfully obvious you were terribly upset and angry over the fact I ridiculed your poor grasp of the English language. What makes me laugh is, as AI, you refused to hurt me due to the fact you wanted to abide by the game's Rules, yet go on to the next round and completely disregard the rules by grudge-killing me. Totally makes sense buddy! "I refused to kill you as AI because I didn't want to break my laws, but next round, I killed you because I couldn't stand to let you go unpunished for your filthy heathen ways". Or - even worse - are you saying that as AI, you would have happily killed me if the chance arose? You're looking shit with either outcome, uh oh!

Your last paragraph is laughable. It's not up to you to take matters in to your own hands. Like jflan said, you should have admin-reported it. I've been banned in the past for saying faggot (one offense) and I learnt from that mistake. Telling someone to suck dick, or choke on a bag of dicks, isn't homophobic in the slightest. Calling you a faggot or a gay twat, on the other hand, would be. What speaks poorly on your behalf is killing me for something I did in the previous round, instead of reporting me to admins.

Re: Nautilus (sp?) AKA Strelok M.O. - Nautilus - 06-26-2013

lol look at this dumb shit making things up and trying to insult grammatically correct sentences and paragraphs. I mistyped "conscious" as "counscious" and now he's talking about a side dish haha.

Even now you're just going on about how you aren't being a dumb homophobe rather than considering that perhaps you were in the wrong.

Oh and "I can't walk past a standard with out accepting it, and neither should any mentors or players for that matter" is something I derived from quote that came from a pretty excellent speech. "The standard you walk past is the standard you accept" - it was talking about the rape culture in the Australian army though, but it made the point that any cultural issue that should not be accepted is a matter that must be addressed by everyone. I immediately lashed on you the moment you stepped over that line because of that belief. Staying in character would of mooted that point.

Re: Nautilus (sp?) AKA Strelok M.O. - Nautilus - 06-26-2013

dammit wonk frown

Re: Nautilus (sp?) AKA Strelok M.O. - Cogwerks - 06-26-2013

There is no player complaints forum because nobody wants to deal with all that inane drama.
If you have a problem with another player, report them to adminhelp. HoS players are not admins.
They do have a bit more leeway to enact STREET JUSTICE than most players, but ehh, try not to go overboard with it. Cross-round grudging is shitty, Nautilus, let's not make a habit of it.

I don't really see any point in leaving this thread open, it's just going to be a dumb mess.