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Let Humans Have Cyber Torso Surgery - Printable Version

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Let Humans Have Cyber Torso Surgery - Wisecrack34 - 02-07-2019

A pretty simple idea, let surgeons put a decapitated head onto a light robot chest. A cyber heart and a set of cyber lungs (These were added right?) would be required to have him live and would have the downsides of:

- Patches being unusable

-Needles taking longer to use, due to finding a proper place to stick it in

-Regents in the body requiring bathroom use to expel

Thoughts and Prayers concerns?

RE: Let Humans Have Cyber Torso Surgery - Recusor - 02-08-2019

It seems like it might be a lot of work for not much upside I feel frown If someone is in that state, it seems like it would be much easier to either borg them normally or monkey clone them. If its a question of wanting an upgrade, installing the lungs and heart would be easy for a living subject. The idea of the patches being unusable seems somewhat debilitating at the moment too. If this was something to do to someone you dont like to nugget them, making them into a torso only borg seems more appropriate to me somehow.

With all that said, would this maybe work better as a new implant that can be added to the chest as armor maybe? with the same downsides but maybe acting as a better version of the police vest?

RE: Let Humans Have Cyber Torso Surgery - Wisecrack34 - 02-08-2019

most of the ups and downs I came up with as more of a statistical reason to add it, I feel like a pseudo borg would be a really fun idea for role playing and such.