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High res map. - Printable Version

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High res map. - Ronnyfire - 06-19-2013

Did a bit of searching, nothing was found. Sorry if i missed something.

I am wondering if there is a better way for me to make a good full resolution image of Cogmap than just spectating and screenshotting everything then splicing it all together.

I am willing to do the grunt work to get together a good image for everyone, but mainly don't want to deal with making sure rooms i am taking a picture of are untouched, everything in its original place.

Re: High res map. - Weavel - 06-19-2013

Here's a very-slightly-outdated version, before you start putting it together.

Re: High res map. - Weavel - 06-19-2013

Also while that isn't exactly high-res I don't think it's really needed. You should get a general idea of where things are from the map, and a better idea from exploring, rather than just looking at an image.

Re: High res map. - Ronnyfire - 06-19-2013

I know where things are, don't worry about that. I have a fairly good memory for that sort of thing.

I also know about that map, it has been very useful in learning the layout... but i want one with every tile in full 32x32 glory and am willing to work to make it.

Re: High res map. - Weavel - 06-19-2013

Well the thing is, you and I might know where everything is but it'll sort of ruin the exploration experience if you put a big ass map out with everything visible.

Re: High res map. - Sundance - 06-19-2013

I too, would like a full glory see every 32x32 tile high res map.
I'm currently designing a telescience map, in which I'm using photoshop + grid + cutting out tiles from screenshots, and it's actually so much easier than working with BYOND software.
Having a high res map would rock my socks.
Also, alot of the maps now are outdated, have a look yourself and you'll notice that some parts don't seem quite right.

Ronnyfire Wrote:I know where things are, don't worry about that. I have a fairly good memory for that sort of thing.

I also know about that map, it has been very useful in learning the layout... but i want one with every tile in full 32x32 glory and am willing to work to make it.

If you are willing to make it, i'd recommend going on gibbed 4 or w/e it's called now on an obscure hour, when there are like 6 players so the place ain't trashed.
Also, SAVE IT IN .PNG!!. If you save it in anything else, it'll look lossy AS FUCK.

Weavel Wrote:Well the thing is, you and I might know where everything is but it'll sort of ruin the exploration experience if you put a big ass map out with everything visible.

If ronnyfire is willing to put in work, then i'd be willing to photoshop secrets out, like the Vintage 2011 or w/e. All that'll take is cutting and adjacent tile, the pasting it over. The beauty of photoshop/having everything is squares.

Re: High res map. - Ronnyfire - 06-20-2013

This is what i have so far. I will have to go over each room in spectator at the beginning of a round to make them all look like how they are initially, instead of partially unpowered and exploded, but i am happy with it so far.

Re: High res map. - Ronnyfire - 06-20-2013

And when i cropped my workspace for the night i totally cut off the very bottom of the station, but that will take no time to fix.

Re: High res map. - Hard Boiled - 06-20-2013

Sorry, but the image I got was snatched up before the new place was even finished, iirc. It's a nice resolution, imo, but it's pretty out of date. I think it would just need a bit of copy/paste and some new screenshots or however it's done, but since I know next to nothing about that stuff, I'm not much help. Welp, here's the image, folks. There are some secrets(?) but hey, I'm pretty sure I got the image here, or the IRC, so whatevers.

Re: High res map. - Ronnyfire - 06-20-2013

ooh, pretty!
Ill continue work on mine so we have an up to date version soon (tonight?)

Re: High res map. - Weavel - 06-20-2013

Yours is looking quite good so far man, keep it up, I think honestly it'll be fine to have "secrets" up there really. Plus we can always do a revised version to cut out ye secrettes

Re: High res map. - Ronnyfire - 06-20-2013

I do believe i am done! If anyone spots anything wrong please alert me to it so i can fix it.

As for secrets, i don't care if they are in the map or not personally, if someone wants to scour the map to find a hat then whatever. That being said, if people want the secrets removed feel free to remove them and re-post the map.

Re: High res map. - Ronnyfire - 06-20-2013

oh crap nevermind i never did get a picture of the default kitchen, there is always something missing or a pile of bodies and gore.

Re: High res map. - Weavel - 06-20-2013

I can see a few tiny details, nothing important but I'll just list bits as I see them.

- Pods in QM and the arrivals pod bay are missing, QM pod bay lights are smashed
- Door open at the arrivals pod bay
- Pile of papers and ashes in Genetics
- Beaker Box moved in Chemistry
- Power in Sec seems entirely off

there are some really tiny things like a missing crowbar and an opened locker but I don't want to be that much of a cunt so idk

Re: High res map. - Ronnyfire - 06-20-2013

All that kind of info is welcome, i don't think the map will ever be perfect, but i would like it to be close!