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Major please fix the desynch bug already - Printable Version

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please fix the desynch bug already - Berrik - 10-24-2018

it's real cool when it hits you in an antag round!

RE: please fix the desynch bug already - mbc - 10-24-2018

byond bug. try

RE: please fix the desynch bug already - Technature - 10-24-2018

Round is still going, so talking about this should probably not happen.

On a side note I saw that happen and it probably would have happened without the bug. Being outnumbered 3 to 1 as a non-wiz tends to do that to ya, especially when one of them is another tator.

Round stopped being interesting after you died, thanks for the laughs.

RE: please fix the desynch bug already - Berrik - 10-24-2018

I'm using that version already.

RE: please fix the desynch bug already - Wire - 10-24-2018

still a byond bug, nothing we can do

RE: please fix the desynch bug already - Noah Buttes - 10-24-2018

If it's a byond bug, has it been reported on the byond forums yet?

RE: please fix the desynch bug already - Wire - 10-24-2018

endlessly for eons. lummox doesn't know wtf.

RE: please fix the desynch bug already - mbc - 10-24-2018

go to and just keep trying older versions until it works maybe?