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Thermals & Cloaks - Printable Version

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Thermals & Cloaks - Weavel - 06-09-2013

I think thermals are amazingly unfun for literally everyone involved.

Currently, thermals as they are function as somethingI can't remember where I saw the suggestion, but someone said that thermals should give only the outline of someone and not just show people through walls. Make it ONLY show people, rather than being a no-negatives eyepiece.

note: this post has zero to do with the fact that I got killed as an admin-created wizard by a detective who saw me in the most hidden goddamn place, didn't say a word to me and shot me to death on the spot, then bragged about it

Re: Thermals & Cloaks - Weavel - 06-09-2013

I need to read things I post before I hit submit!!

that first sentance was meant to be:
Currently, thermals as they are function as something that really has no negative beyond making you open to being flashed.

Re: Thermals & Cloaks - UrsulaMejor - 06-09-2013

There're only two thermals on station; the detective's, and the HoS's. Only one of these will be present and worn during the average round.

So... I'm not quite seeing what you're seeing. If you don't like them, go stab the Detective in a maintenance hall somewhere and steal them for yourself.

Re: Thermals & Cloaks - Admiral jimbob - 06-09-2013

Making them just give outlines would be great. Currently, as a detective, I see a lot of really obvious shit - people spawning their traitor gear in maintenance at the start of a round, the chef arranging syndicate sauce in the freezer - that I have to weigh up whether to overlook or not in the name of fun. I think I do a pretty good job of that, but anything that lowers the need to... well, do that, is a good thing in my book.

Also it doesn't even make the slightest sense the way it is just now thermal vision is not x-ray vision.

Re: Thermals & Cloaks - Weavel - 06-09-2013

I've had that problem as well, Jimbob; I once caught a traitor who spawned 10 Detomatix before the 2-minute mark, it's not fun for me or the guy getting caught.

Quote:If you don't like them, go stab the Detective in a maintenance hall somewhere and steal them for yourself.

I think they're overpowered and not fun, saying "well there are only two overpowered and unfun things available, just kill anyone who has them" isn't much help. I do understand that there aren't a lot of them, but they're just too good.

Re: Thermals & Cloaks - Nubcake - 06-09-2013

thinks that need removing: cloaks, thermals, supercops

Re: Thermals & Cloaks - UrsulaMejor - 06-09-2013

Weavel Wrote:I've had that problem as well, Jimbob; I once caught a traitor who spawned 10 Detomatix before the 2-minute mark, it's not fun for me or the guy getting caught.
Whenever this happens to me, I just, you know, look the other way. In the interest of fun. Because I'm a nice guy.

Either that, or I jump in, tase him, take the stuff they spawn, cackle loudly and leave him there with no items to do whatever. Then I'll loosely lock up their items in security for them to steal back later or get killed trying.

Re: Thermals & Cloaks - Sundance - 06-09-2013

How about an overlay that goes over a player sprite when you can't see him due to darkness/being behind a wall?
[Image: NWhYBFJ.png]
The overlay makes the player appear as unknown. You cannot see what the player is doing or equipped.
When you are in visible range, the overlay goes away, so you can see who that player is, so it's not totally nerfed to shit (i.e: walking down a hallway and everyone you pass is unknown).

Re: Thermals & Cloaks - Weavel - 06-09-2013

That'd be fine with me Sundance, pretty dead-on to what I was thinking.

And Urusula the problem is not everyone does that.

Re: Thermals & Cloaks - mbc - 06-09-2013

In terms of cloaks, why not make the cloak flicker for a few seconds whenever the cloaker attacks someone or shoots a gun? It would be more stealth-focused (which is what the cloaker should be) but would still give you a small edge in normal combat, allowing you to quickly ambush someone as long as you don't stick around for a longer fight.

Re: Thermals & Cloaks - FrontlineAcrobat4 - 06-09-2013

Sundance Wrote:How about an overlay that goes over a player sprite when you can't see him due to darkness/being behind a wall?
[Image: NWhYBFJ.png]
The overlay makes the player appear as unknown. You cannot see what the player is doing or equipped.
When you are in visible range, the overlay goes away, so you can see who that player is, so it's not totally nerfed to shit (i.e: walking down a hallway and everyone you pass is unknown).
this is really how thermals should work

Re: Thermals & Cloaks - Dachshundofdoom - 06-09-2013

MyBlueCorners Wrote:In terms of cloaks, why not make the cloak flicker for a few seconds whenever the cloaker attacks someone or shoots a gun? It would be more stealth-focused (which is what the cloaker should be) but would still give you a small edge in normal combat, allowing you to quickly ambush someone as long as you don't stick around for a longer fight.

This is a good idea. As it stands you either have one of the two thermals on the station or you get beaten to death by a cloaker. God help you if the detective IS the one with the cloaker. It's either this or make T-rays suck less at revealing them.

I like the idea of making them unable to identify people through walls.

Re: Thermals & Cloaks - Klayboxx - 06-09-2013

Yeah, cloaks are dumb. Who made them pockatable again, anyway? They aren't fun to play against and they really aren't that fun to play with. Part of the robust fun of ss13 is that something unexpected can happen and you get completely fucked even though you had the upper hand.

Re: Thermals & Cloaks - Armchair - 06-09-2013

Klayboxx Wrote:Yeah, cloaks are dumb. Who made them pockatable again, anyway? They aren't fun to play against and they really aren't that fun to play with. Part of the robust fun of ss13 is that something unexpected can happen and you get completely fucked even though you had the upper hand.
I agree that they aren't very fun, so that's why I haven't used them in forever. Are they still pocketable? The traitor items page on the wiki says that they are too big for pockets. I haven't used one in forever, so I had assumed that the wiki is correct and the increase in item size was a nerf to give the station a chance to fight back with wet floors and banana peels.

Re: Thermals & Cloaks - Klayboxx - 06-10-2013

Armchair Wrote:
Klayboxx Wrote:Yeah, cloaks are dumb. Who made them pockatable again, anyway? They aren't fun to play against and they really aren't that fun to play with. Part of the robust fun of ss13 is that something unexpected can happen and you get completely fucked even though you had the upper hand.
I agree that they aren't very fun, so that's why I haven't used them in forever. Are they still pocketable? The traitor items page on the wiki says that they are too big for pockets. I haven't used one in forever, so I had assumed that the wiki is correct and the increase in item size was a nerf to give the station a chance to fight back with wet floors and banana peels.

Nah, two days ago I went on a chef killing spree and another traitor gave me a cloak so I wouldn't kill him. I put that fucker right in my pocket.