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Suicide Spam - Printable Version

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Suicide Spam - Swedish Horror - 06-03-2013

You can type suicide like 10 times then click on Yes for each and you end up suiciding ten times creating chat spam, this should probably be fixed even if it is funny to slit your throat ten times in front of a person!

Re: Suicide Spam - magic mountain - 06-03-2013


Re: Suicide Spam - Klayboxx - 06-03-2013

while you're at it you should fix slap spam, for multiple reasons

Re: Suicide Spam - Sord213 - 06-04-2013

Klayboxx Wrote:while you're at it you should fix slap spam, for multiple reasons
No he shouldn't. It's hilarious having someone slap spamming you then walking off and watching them slap themselves into yellow/orange health because they weren't paying attention.

Re: Suicide Spam - Klayboxx - 06-04-2013

Sord213 Wrote:
Klayboxx Wrote:while you're at it you should fix slap spam, for multiple reasons
No he shouldn't. It's hilarious having someone slap spamming you then walking off and watching them slap themselves into yellow/orange health because they weren't paying attention.

For multiple reasons

Re: Suicide Spam - mbc - 06-04-2013

I thought *slap spam was on purpose. It's a high risk-reward thing, like *snap spam!

Re: Suicide Spam - Klayboxx - 06-04-2013

MyBlueCorners Wrote:I thought *slap spam was on purpose. It's a high risk-reward thing, like *snap spam!


Re: Suicide Spam - Dauntasa - 06-04-2013

such as?

Re: Suicide Spam - Marquesas - 06-10-2013

the thing about emotes is that when new ones are introduced whoever codes them completely forgets the limiting mechanism
rip snapspam, burpspam, etc.

Re: Suicide Spam - Walrus - 06-10-2013

Marquesas Wrote:the thing about emotes is that when new ones are introduced whoever codes them completely forgets the limiting mechanism
rip snapspam, burpspam, etc.

We'll always have the brobot. Heh.