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Please list all of your crimes here - Printable Version

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Please list all of your crimes here - warcrimes - 05-10-2018

Just tell everyone the crimes you went and did. 

Felonies, misdemeanors, civil offenses, just put em all out in the open. 

Please include contact information thanks

RE: Please list all of your crimes here - Salami Sam - 05-10-2018

I took the Captain's hat and I'm never gonna give it back!!!!

RE: Please list all of your crimes here - Vitatroll - 05-10-2018







Assault and Buttery.

Recipient of Stolen Butts.

Grand Theft Butt.

RE: Please list all of your crimes here - Mageziya - 05-10-2018

i exist

RE: Please list all of your crimes here - Frank_Stein - 05-10-2018

I've only committed war crimes

RE: Please list all of your crimes here - Recusor - 05-10-2018

I once downloaded a car

RE: Please list all of your crimes here - Eibel - 05-10-2018

I loitered in a no loitering zone

RE: Please list all of your crimes here - Xeram - 05-10-2018

I downloaded a bear to my neighbor's public wifi

RE: Please list all of your crimes here - Studenterhue - 05-10-2018


RE: Please list all of your crimes here - Firebarrage - 05-11-2018

This one time, while driving, I went slightly over the posted speed limit.

RE: Please list all of your crimes here - Triacontakai - 05-11-2018

(05-11-2018, 04:54 AM)Firebarrage Wrote: This one time, while driving, I went slightly over the posted speed limit.
Absolute M O N S T E R

RE: Please list all of your crimes here - Ed Venture - 05-11-2018

Sometimes I forget to wear a seatbelt.

RE: Please list all of your crimes here - Technature - 05-11-2018

I jaywalk.


RE: Please list all of your crimes here - Schwicky_Schwag - 05-11-2018

one time when holly dantooine (weavel) was asleep in the armory i farted on her face

wait is this irl crimes or space crimes

RE: Please list all of your crimes here - Ham Solo - 05-12-2018

being a massive shitlord