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The wires are on strike. They refuse to carry power - Printable Version

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The wires are on strike. They refuse to carry power - Armchair - 06-01-2013

Apparently the wires don't carry a charge anymore? After a round where my traitor power gloves seemed to do nothing but tickle my opposition despite the 2+ MW output of the engine, I decided to check exactly how much power was running through the wires in the halls.


Power on the wires outside the APCS? None.

Every wire I could find in the engine? Completely safe to the touch.

All the wires on the solars? Dead.

Electrified grilles? Safe to bash with my bare hands.

Re: The wires are on strike. They refuse to carry power - Armchair - 06-02-2013


It appears that someone noticed the problem and corrected it. The wires are appropriately hazardous today. Nice response time.