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Less spy-thief on lowpop/RP1 - Printable Version

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Less spy-thief on lowpop/RP1 - Avack - 03-29-2018

It's well-known that RP1 has a rather low population, but lately I've been noting that we've been getting a lot of spy-thief rounds there, and they've been uniformly not-very-fun in my opinion. Here's a few reasons:
  1. When the game runs out of people to make spies, it can often bypass their preferences, since it requires multiple antags. Since RP1 can frequently only have two or three people on round-start, the game often has to force everyone into the role.
  2. The spies often end up knowing who their targets are, just because there's not enough people to not be spies.
  3. When there's nobody around, stealing stuff becomes both trivially easy and rather more damaging to the station, since nobody's around to notice the theft or to replace it/work around it.
  4. In the case of RP1, the completive nature of the gamemode seems to favour antags who dedicate themselves to their goal than to RP, since losing focus is a good way to fall behind in items and get slaughtered by any spy more murderous than you.
  5. Also in RP1's case, the normally long, slow rounds tend to be disrupted by losing important stuff to spy theft more than Goon2's short rounds.
 I freely admit that I'm not familiar with lowpop spy-thief on Goon2, so I can't speak for what it's like there, but I'd like it if a minimum player count could be imposed. 10 people, perhaps? That would make sure there were enough people to address the problems I've outlined about (except, perhaps, #4 and #5) without making it too rare on quiet days.
 I'm not sure what I would want done about #4 and #5. I'm hoping to keep an eye on it and see how I feel about it now that we're getting some more people on the RP server again.

Very interested to hear what other people think.

RE: Less spy-thief on lowpop/RP1 - Triacontakai - 03-30-2018

lowpop spy thief in general is also pretty boring since there's no one around to prevent you from stealing stuff, and therefore practically zero conflict until someone has collected all their loot

RE: Less spy-thief on lowpop/RP1 - Wisecrack34 - 03-30-2018

5 Stars

RE: Less spy-thief on lowpop/RP1 - Drago156 - 03-31-2018

Honestly I play on 2 any where from prime time to dead pop, and spy thief is too common in general IMO, and is especially annoying too.

Also, spy thief on lowpop is just not really good because it's quite easy to figure out who the other spies are without even filling the bounties, and people don't really tend to bother doing anything about spies anyways until the spies start killing each other, and even then.

I say the min player count should definitely be 10-15 for #2's case, couldn't say for 1.

RE: Less spy-thief on lowpop/RP1 - Flourish - 04-21-2018

You now need 10 players declared ready for spy-thief. Let me know if this doesn't work.