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Artifacts and Robot Arms - Printable Version

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Artifacts and Robot Arms - MrMagolor - 03-03-2018

I recently got borged from a borger artifact... even though I had the Robot Arms trait. Surely, it should be that Robot Arms or other synthetic arms make the borging artifact recognize you as a borg, because that's what I thought it did, and it seems silly to have it as it is now.

EDIT: It has come to my attention that it seems robot arms also do not count as silicon touch for activating artifacts, though whether this is true or not is debatable. If this is true, then robot arms should also count as silicon touch for activating artifacts, obviously.

RE: Artifacts and Robot Arms - Cyfarfod - 03-03-2018

I despise borging artifacts. Maybe if borgs were more fun to be, but as it is, it's just another example of "Oh you thought you could click A Thing? Well fuck you and fuck your round! What kind of idiot would dare to CLICK on a THING?!?!?"

RE: Artifacts and Robot Arms - cyberTripping - 03-03-2018

I think they only recognize artificial arms as a borg for activation requirements, like carbon touch vs silicon touch

but i agree it should be extended to borging artifacts

RE: Artifacts and Robot Arms - Cyfarfod - 03-03-2018

Pretty sure they don't count for silicon touch, either.

RE: Artifacts and Robot Arms - cyberTripping - 03-03-2018

I must be misremembering then, but if its not a thing it totally should be

RE: Artifacts and Robot Arms - MrMagolor - 03-03-2018

Well then, this should obviously be extended to making trait robot arms count as silicon touch, if you have to go out of your way to get a monkey/human arm anyways.

RE: Artifacts and Robot Arms - Maegor - 03-03-2018

And the blood that remains after you are borged doesn't even contain your DNA so you can get your appearance back.

RE: Artifacts and Robot Arms - Lady Birb - 03-03-2018

My additional idea: greatly reduce the spawnrate of borging artifacts, greatly increase the spawnrate of those artifacts that rip off one of your limbs and replace it with a cyborg one. Make it so activating a silicon artifact is less of a gamble of 'am I about to have my entire round ruined?'.

Oh yeah do the thing op suggested that is also good.

RE: Artifacts and Robot Arms - MrMagolor - 03-20-2018

Quote:Make it so activating a silicon artifact is less of a gamble of 'am I about to have my entire round ruined?'.

Well, silicon bulky artifacts anyways. It would be neat to not have to worry about all of those when playing as miner, cause I just send those straight to artlab, and I know artlab probably doesn't go anywhere near them (if anyone goes to artlab at all)