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[Vehicle] Dynamic Pod Exitting - Printable Version

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[Vehicle] Dynamic Pod Exitting - Tombi - 02-28-2018

Idea: Put a player, exitting a 2x2 pod, onto the front-right tile - relative to the direction the pod is facing.

For as long as I can remember exitting a 2x2 pod always puts you on the bottom left tile of the pod sprite. This way you could exit onto all four tiles and is  more convenient.

EDIT: Posted patch

RE: [Vehicle] Dynamic Pod Exitting - Wisecrack34 - 02-28-2018

Fuck yes, I DESPISE getting out of a 2x2 pod for just that reason, can't tell you how much space dosh i've lost from stepping out on the left side of a structure

RE: [Vehicle] Dynamic Pod Exitting - Haprenti - 02-28-2018

Not only that, but the fact that you're thrown flying into space. There's some situations where you have to make a detour just because of this mechanic.

RE: [Vehicle] Dynamic Pod Exitting - awfulworldkid - 02-28-2018

The issue with this idea is that the pod only actually exists as that bottom-left tile for most interactions with other objects or mobs, if I recall correctly.

RE: [Vehicle] Dynamic Pod Exitting - Tombi - 02-28-2018

This is true. The source tile is based on the bottom left.
Based on the goon-2016 code:

/obj/machinery/vehicle/proc/eject(mob/ejectee as mob)
if (!ejectee || ejectee.loc != src)
if (ejectee.client)
if(src.pilot == ejectee)
 src.pilot = null
for (var/obj/item/I in src)
 if ( (I in src.components) || I == src.atmostank || I == src.fueltank || I == src.intercom)
logTheThing("vehicle", ejectee,, "exits pod: <b>%target%</b>")

I reckon putting a check on the line before ejectee.set_loc(src.loc) to assert the facing direction, then just use a offset for that direction.
NB I'm just going to make it a patch. Seems simple enough.

RE: [Vehicle] Dynamic Pod Exitting - Lady Birb - 02-28-2018

(02-28-2018, 02:12 PM)Haprenti Wrote: Not only that, but the fact that you're thrown flying into space. There's some situations where you have to make a detour just because of this mechanic.

I think I remember one of the coders saying that the whole 'getting out of a pod while in space sends you flying in the direction the pod last moved' thing is a bug. Was hoping it would be fixed by now.