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Post ITT and I will give you an avatar - Printable Version

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RE: Post ITT and I will give you an avatar - Retrino - 10-11-2020

metaironysarcasm quoting  pichtyure  metaironysarcasm quoting

adhaedit: retrino? retina??? here is a eyeball

RE: Post ITT and I will give you an avatar - Froggit_Dogget - 10-12-2020

im feeling lucky

adhaedit: frogg

RE: Post ITT and I will give you an avatar - getbrecked - 10-13-2020

who ate all the damned lollipops

adhaedit: you

RE: Post ITT and I will give you an avatar - Caro - 10-13-2020

can I have new

adhaedit: yougio

RE: Post ITT and I will give you an avatar - THISISANICEGAME - 10-15-2020

I have no avatar and I must scream.  my mouth is opening oh no

adhaedit: it is a nice game

RE: Post ITT and I will give you an avatar - Mouse - 10-17-2020

oh no i posted in the avatar thread

adhaedit: mouse

RE: Post ITT and I will give you an avatar - gurking - 10-17-2020

I want something weird please

adhaedit: gurking reminds me of erlking so here u go

RE: Post ITT and I will give you an avatar - MaRcuSTheDAWG - 10-17-2020

something spooky for the month

adhaedit: scary

RE: Post ITT and I will give you an avatar - Trustworthy - 10-29-2020

I return from hiatus, and demand a sacrifice.

Ines-Edit: woof

RE: Post ITT and I will give you an avatar - Serrano - 10-30-2020

Can I have kitty pleese

Ines-edit: meow :3

RE: Post ITT and I will give you an avatar - virvatuli - 11-02-2020

I crave something NEW, VISCERAL, and possibly WISPY

adhaedit: wisp from war thunder

RE: Post ITT and I will give you an avatar - Varali - 11-02-2020

caw caw

gerhazo edit: caw

RE: Post ITT and I will give you an avatar - Boxta - 11-03-2020

the klondlike bar the klondlike bar is klondlike nuclear klondlike bar

gerhazo edit: bbeb

RE: Post ITT and I will give you an avatar - TheRealFlapJackson - 11-04-2020

bill the funny dorito from the anime gravity falls

gerhazo edit: bsbhhb

RE: Post ITT and I will give you an avatar - pali6 - 11-11-2020

give picture, please