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Tips N' Tricks & Little things you learned that are game changing. - Printable Version

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RE: Tips N' Tricks & Little things you learned that are game changing. - Vitatroll - 08-17-2016

I usually just dump all of my mix (phlog+thermite, something like 70-30) into the foam tank beside toxins and use that as my floor deleter. It works fine. Might take a few hits, but you have as much as you need.

RE: Tips N' Tricks & Little things you learned that are game changing. - atomic1fire - 08-25-2016

Uh I already posted this in another thread but there's a mining fabricator in the maint hall north of arrivals and you can print an industrial spacesuit with it.,196,1;z=1.1

Any staff assistant can get their hands on a space suit just because of that.

edit: Not indy spacesuits, but you can easily get fabric to grab a normal spacesuit.

RE: Tips N' Tricks & Little things you learned that are game changing. - Vitatroll - 08-25-2016

I thought Noah's patch changed it to where you could no longer print indysuits on roundstart. I mean you could easily go buy the stuff to make it, but that would require working out some credits.

Granted I haven't made one of those for half a year or so, so I'm out of the loop.

edit: Unless you meant engineering spacesuits which just require fabric, which you can get from ripping up bedsheets.

RE: Tips N' Tricks & Little things you learned that are game changing. - Arborinus - 08-25-2016

Nope, you need to put in high density crystals now (uqill, gemstones) in the fabricator in order to make an industrial suit.

Since I'm here, I'll post a tip: Those towels you can get from bins now will stop you from slipping if you put it on top of the wet tile. This doesn't work with space lube or butter though.

RE: Tips N' Tricks & Little things you learned that are game changing. - medsal15 - 08-25-2016

If you type a website instead of a command in the command bar, your main browser will open that website. Faster than typing and changing window, right?

As a blob, when you deploy, take up all the space in the room and put 2 layers of protection: fire resistant and normal. These layers must be around/behind every checkpoint, nucleus and door. Also, hide some slime launchers inside, it's more fun.

RE: Tips N' Tricks & Little things you learned that are game changing. - atomic1fire - 08-25-2016

I corrected the tidbit about the spacesuits.

You still need to get fabric from the uniform maker, but normal spacesuits are still pretty easy to get a set of.

RE: Tips N' Tricks & Little things you learned that are game changing. - Dions - 08-29-2016

CTRL + F works on everything. Be free.

RE: Tips N' Tricks & Little things you learned that are game changing. - Fishanchips - 08-30-2016

There is an all-purpose medkit in the gym bathroom under the loofah.

Dispose of bodies or bloody clothing using the sauna furnace (or engineering furnaces depending on your access level/location)

Force feed people Bo Jack Daniels mixed with unstable mutagen. The Bo Jacks will knock them out after two sips and with each sip the unstable mutagen kicks in turning your victim into a horribly drunk fat mutant.

PDAs have a crisis alert function that works while messaging is turned off so you don't have to worry about PDA bombers while being murdered.

Cryostylene in drinking glasses works as a wonderful substitute for the riot shotgun as a barman (fill with 10u and throw).

The wraith can decay (emag) any sort of miniature bot, the AI turret controls, the cloner, APCS, and many other things.

Possessing (POSSESSING NOT ANIMATING) AI modules as a wraith allows you to upload laws to the AI.

IV drips work while in your backpack so you can hook up a stimulant bag and go utterly crazy in security or you can be a vampire with a constant stream of blood flowing through your veins (if you can procure the bloodbags).

It is very tricky to do, but you can use the pod wormholes as weapons to either send some chump to be mutated at the faint signal or teleport drones away if you have no weapons available on your pod.

There is a spare bank records computer in the AI central core.

Bees are affected by strange reagent.

RE: Tips N' Tricks & Little things you learned that are game changing. - Grek - 08-30-2016

All items can have shipping barcodes attached to them, not just crates and lockers. Try sending yourself through the mail! Or a proximity bomb! Or lit match and a welding tank! Or George! The sky is the limit.

RE: Tips N' Tricks & Little things you learned that are game changing. - DreamCarver - 08-31-2016

(08-30-2016, 07:41 PM)Fishanchips Wrote: PDAs have a crisis alert function that works while messaging is turned off so you don't have to worry about PDA bombers while being murdered.

Please, please use this. You have no idea how helpful it as as security/medical to have a name and location when before all we had was "HELP HE'S MURDERI-BLARGH"

(08-30-2016, 07:41 PM)Fishanchips Wrote: Possessing (POSSESSING NOT ANIMATING) AI modules as a wraith allows you to upload laws to the AI.

Great, now I'm terrified of wraiths even more now.

RE: Tips N' Tricks & Little things you learned that are game changing. - Wraithcraft - 09-06-2016

Here's one that is pretty useful all you nerds who keep starting fires in my chemistry lab.

Just click on the beaker with paper in hand, and you have paper, then heat it up hot, and you get ash!

RE: Tips N' Tricks & Little things you learned that are game changing. - Nnystyxx - 09-06-2016

Clown cars cannot push crates. Clown cars cannot get you if you are standing in the same spot as a crate. Click drag yourself onto a crate to stand in the same spot as it. As long as you do not move from that spot, you are immune, and can even drag the clown out of his car if he bonks uselessly against the crate long enough.

RE: Tips N' Tricks & Little things you learned that are game changing. - Superlagg - 09-06-2016

(09-06-2016, 10:01 PM)Nnystyxx Wrote: Clown cars cannot push crates. Clown cars cannot get you if you are standing in the same spot as a crate. Click drag yourself onto a crate to stand in the same spot as it. As long as you do not move from that spot, you are immune, and can even drag the clown out of his car if he bonks uselessly against the crate long enough.

As if the clown car needed more things working against it. Honestly, that car is about as useless as the nerd driving it.

It's perfect!

RE: Tips N' Tricks & Little things you learned that are game changing. - VictorMAngoStein - 09-08-2016

If you dress up in a red jumpsuit and armor with your assistant ID proudly on display, then go around stunning people, the nerds won't scream "Strangeloaf is stunning people," they'll say "security is stunning people!"

Oh, and detectives have no sense of humor, ever. Follow them around, be mildly annoying, and they'll shoot you into crit. Fuck detectives.

RE: Tips N' Tricks & Little things you learned that are game changing. - Grek - 09-08-2016

It actually sounds to me like you're the problem.