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RE: More Robots - medsal15 - 04-08-2017

BackpackBot: A backpack and 2 legs. Carries things around for you. Needs to be scanned with an ID to follow the person wearing it. When emagged, it will follow a random person and steal something from them.

BotBot: A robot that makes more robots. When emagged, everything it builds is emagged too.

RE: More Robots - Dr Zoidcrab - 04-08-2017

Auto-patrol setting for medibots/cleanbots?

RE: More Robots - Studenterhue - 04-08-2017

Lampbot-Like a floorbot, but for light fixtures. Give it light tubes or light bulbs, set which ones you want it to use, and set it free. Can also replace light tubes with different colored ones, so you can outfit the bar into a swanky rave floor. Comes with a wide vocabulary of highly confusing interior design terms, is vaguely French, maybe Swedish.

RE: More Robots - Nnystyxx - 04-09-2017

Miscellaneous comment: I especially like the advent of more varied bots, because it means that if bot-control abilities were added to the AI as suggested in the camera views thread, that increases its repertoire of tools while still requiring crew intervention to set it up with these bots. A way for both the crew and AI to benefit!

RE: More Robots - MaRcuSTheDAWG - 04-09-2017

Might as well add a robot arm to a nuke

RE: More Robots - Frank_Stein - 04-09-2017

Robot arms attached to canister bombs. The arm slaps the tools out of your hands when you try to disarm the bomb

RE: More Robots - misto - 04-11-2017

did we already suggest the ability to put severed human arms or synth arms into one of those gray robo butts the robotics fabs print out to create an inverted buttbot. because

RE: More Robots - Superlagg - 04-11-2017

Four arms of any kind tied to a motor. It spins in place and repeatedly slaps anyone who walks by. Give it a proxy sensor and put it on a segway, it wanders around a bit. Stick it in the brig for troublesome prisoners.

RE: More Robots - misto - 04-11-2017

how about stuffing some parts into a drone carcass to make a dronebot. it beeps and flips and builds walls

RE: More Robots - Lady Birb - 04-12-2017

Health scanner+two robo-arms on an operating table= auto-doc. Preforms basic surgeries, such as limb replacement or shrapnel removal, but nothing like manipulating organs. Will take tools from tiles around it, and will make an annoyed beep if the required tools are not in range. Emagging will cause it to delimb anyone placed on it. Optionally adding an AI interface board will allow the AI to remotely control it and preform advanced surgery.

RE: More Robots - sartorius - 04-12-2017

The Botted Plant: Put an arm and a proximity sensor on a shrub or potted plant. The resulting stationary robot will shake itself and use its arm to place the random crap obtained from shaking a plant on a nearby tile for passers by to peruse at their leisure.

Emagged: The botted plant attempts to pull stationary or slow-moving targets directly on top of itself and shake itself rapidly to smack its victim with multiple branches, then throw them away from itself. It will occasionally fire random junk at targets outside its grab radius.

Double emagged: The botted plant moves at the rate of a mulebot by dragging itself along the ground with its single arm. It actively attempts to beat its targets unconcious and then tenderize them with hundreds of branches to the face by the second. It also fires machine-gun like bursts of random junk at targets like a hacked vending machine on crank.

RE: More Robots - Nnystyxx - 04-13-2017

(04-12-2017, 10:35 PM)sartorius Wrote: The Botted Plant: Put an arm and a proximity sensor on a shrub or potted plant. The resulting stationary robot will shake itself and use its arm to place the random crap obtained from shaking a plant on a nearby tile for passers by to peruse at their leisure.

Emagged: The botted plant attempts to pull stationary or slow-moving targets directly on top of itself and shake itself rapidly to smack its victim with multiple branches, then throw them away from itself. It will occasionally fire random junk at targets outside its grab radius.

Double emagged: The botted plant moves at the rate of a mulebot by dragging itself along the ground with its single arm. It actively attempts to beat its targets unconcious and then tenderize them with hundreds of branches to the face by the second. It also fires machine-gun like bursts of random junk at targets like a hacked vending machine on crank.

Fun question: can floorpills contain nitroglycerin?

RE: More Robots - HotCoffeeMug - 04-13-2017

(04-13-2017, 10:44 PM)Nnystyxx Wrote:
(04-12-2017, 10:35 PM)sartorius Wrote: The Botted Plant: Put an arm and a proximity sensor on a shrub or potted plant. The resulting stationary robot will shake itself and use its arm to place the random crap obtained from shaking a plant on a nearby tile for passers by to peruse at their leisure.

Emagged: The botted plant attempts to pull stationary or slow-moving targets directly on top of itself and shake itself rapidly to smack its victim with multiple branches, then throw them away from itself. It will occasionally fire random junk at targets outside its grab radius.

Double emagged: The botted plant moves at the rate of a mulebot by dragging itself along the ground with its single arm. It actively attempts to beat its targets unconcious and then tenderize them with hundreds of branches to the face by the second. It also fires machine-gun like bursts of random junk at targets like a hacked vending machine on crank.

Fun question: can floorpills contain nitroglycerin?

No i think its on the black list that floorpills use


Boble: a bible bot crafted by using a arm and a sensor on a bible it runs around quoting random things no idea what and beats injured people on the head.

Emagged: tries to run under people and if they fart the usual happens.

RE: More Robots - medsal15 - 04-14-2017

Eggbot: Throws eggs at the lastest pointed location/entity. Made with an egg, an arm and a leg.
Emagged: Will make egg puns while feeding eggs to people who are down.

RE: More Robots - NateTheSquid - 04-14-2017

(04-14-2017, 11:23 AM)medsal15 Wrote: Eggbot: Throws eggs at the lastest pointed location/entity. Made with an egg, an arm and a leg.
Emagged: Will make egg puns while feeding eggs to people who are down.

the only rampage i will accept from now on is an emagged egg bot + bible bot murderfest