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Overheard On The Station (And Elsewhere) - Printable Version

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Re: Overheard On The Station (And Elsewhere) - Ed Venture - 10-16-2015

Holy hell carrying scolding hot coco though a pitch black kitchen is nerve racking

2:03:17 AM

2:03:37 AM
why would you do that

2:03:42 AM
scolding. "You made me too hot you jackass! What if you spill me and fall and get pregnant then what? When i was your age..."

2:03:56 AM
"I am a VERY ANGRY mug of cocoa ok! You don't know me!"

2:04:15 AM
"shame on you, I raised you better than this. Where's your flashlight?"

Re: Overheard On The Station (And Elsewhere) - Huff H Law - 10-18-2015

SUPER COP [145.9] states, "4. You must pretend that you are a space vigilante and report any and all crimes that you see over the radio! If you do not see ANY crimes happening, just lie and pretend that there is. This law overrides law 2 in the event that someone tells you to shut up."
SUPER COP [145.9] states, "DOOMED I SAY"
Damian Campbell [145.9] says, "ok then"
Ezra Dia [145.9] says, "Well then, Super Cop, stop reporting false crimes."
SUPER COP [145.9] states, "DENIED"

Re: Overheard On The Station (And Elsewhere) - Zadeon - 10-18-2015

The Boss attacks Jeremy Lesile in the head with the cyalume saber!
Jeremy Lesile says, "WAIT"
The Boss attacks Jeremy Lesile in the head with the cyalume saber!
Jeremy Lesile gasps, "PPEAASEE"
The Boss attacks Jeremy Lesile in the head with the cyalume saber!
Jeremy Lesile shudders.
The Boss attacks Jeremy Lesile in the head with the cyalume saber!
The Boss attacks Jeremy Lesile in the head with the cyalume saber!
The Boss attacks Jeremy Lesile in the head with the cyalume saber!
The Boss attacks Jeremy Lesile in the head with the cyalume saber!
... and lands a devastating hit!
Jeremy Lesile faints.
The Boss says, "Not quick enough"

Re: Overheard On The Station (And Elsewhere) - Haine - 10-23-2015

A bit long.
[Image: ZiD6Qm8.png]

The Emergency Shuttle has docked with the station! You have 3 minutes to board the Emergency Shuttle.
The space cockatiel chatters, "that!"
This is a chaplace ribbons.
Someone taped together a chainsaw and a box of 1st place ribbons. Great.
It is a normal-sized item.
Reset Naywalk [145.9] says, "oh god"
Reset Naywalk [145.9] says, "birds"

The faulty space cockatiel chatters, "FECK!"
The space budgerigar mumbles, "Nice burner, buddy."
The superb space cockatiel mutters, "beardo?!"
Horse Horsington throws the quark loaf.
Donger states, "SO MUCH PARROTS"
Reset Naywalk (as Andrew Boxer) throws the quark loaf.
Manne Love [145.9] says, "Loaf"
Donger beep-bops at Shitty Bill.
The space budgerigar chirps, "FECK!"
The deficient space budgerigar picks up the quark loaf!
The broken space eclectus squawks, "GIRLS!!"
Horse Horsington throws the quark loaf.
Stanley Blunder lays down a spicy riff on his saxophone!
Horse Horsington feeds the quark loaf to the broken space eclectus!
The dreadful space eclectus picks up THE MONSTER!
The deficient space budgerigar tries to pry open the quark loaf.
The space grey picks up the chaplace ribbons!
The buff space budgerigar mutters, "burgle?!"
The dreadful space eclectus pecks at THE MONSTER.
The dreadful space eclectus cackles, "ecumenical!"
The cute space budgerigar chatters, "FECK!"
Donger beep-bops!
Horse Horsington screams!
Stanley Blunder says, "Fucking bird stole THE MONSTER"
Stanley Blunder lays down a spicy riff on his saxophone!
Horse Horsington farts like a muppet!
Medsal Fifteen asks, "Uh oh?"
The deficient space budgerigar cackles!
The space budgerigar chirps, "yer!"
Everett Donkin says, "Yes"
Reset Naywalk [145.9] says, "I don't want to cause alarm, but one of the birds has a quark loaf"

The space budgerigar chatters, "FECK!"
The excellent space grey mutters, "Nice!"
The deficient space budgerigar fusses with the quark loaf.
The space grey pecks at the chaplace ribbons.
The space budgerigar chirps, "ARSE!"
Medsal Fifteen says, "Well"
The space grey tries to pry open the chaplace ribbons.
Donger beep-bops!
Medsal Fifteen says, "RIP loaf"
Stanley Blunder lays down a salacious riff on his saxophone!
The healthy space caique mutters, "DRINK!!"
Manne Love [145.9] says, "I was gonna loaf myself, but BIRRRDS"
The deficient space budgerigar chirps, "ghosts?!"
Shitty Bill farts. It smells like medbay in here now!
The deficient space budgerigar waves around the quark loaf.
Horse Horsington farts. You can faintly hear a harmonica...
Stanley Blunder lays down a sensuous riff on his saxophone!

Re: Overheard On The Station (And Elsewhere) - Spy_Guy - 10-23-2015

<[`_`]> the penalty for a late firing is death
<HeadSurgeon> the penalty for inbreeding your pokemon died

Re: Overheard On The Station (And Elsewhere) - CaptainBravo - 11-01-2015

Quote:(7:20 AM) * CHRISTMASSYWONK has joined #goonstation
(7:27 AM) <efremummy> it's not christmas
(7:27 AM) <HeadSurgeon> until christmas
(7:27 AM) <efremummy> EXACTLY

Re: Overheard On The Station (And Elsewhere) - Roomba - 11-07-2015

Meghan Hutton [145.9] says, "nad yer gonna tell the AI to redirect the ENTIRE station fund to me."

Meghan Hutton [145.9] says, "oh whoops"

Meghan Hutton [145.9] says, "did I say that loudly"

Oar Dehrv [145.9] says, "Please direct the entire budget into my account."

Meghan Hutton [145.9] says, "do it, or the HoS eats lasers."

Meghan Hutton [145.9] says, "a dozen of em"

Roy Brindle [145.9] asks, "Meghun, where-a ere-a yooo?"

Meghan Hutton [145.9] says, "none O' your business, bozzo"

Oar Dehrv [145.9] says, "Yeah it's not worth asking that question."

Meghan Hutton [145.9] asks, "is it done?"

Meghan Hutton [145.9] says, "AI"

Meghan Hutton [145.9] says, "it's still not done"

AI #22 [145.9] states, "Ok"

Meghan Hutton [145.9] says, "redirect all funds into Oar's account."

Oar Dehrv [145.9] says, "This psycho has me in cuffs and is armed to the teeth"

Secret Empire Update

Payroll Announcement

The payroll has been suspended until further notice. No further wages will be paid until the payroll is resumed.

Jeremy Lesile [145.9] asks, "Right, who emptied the research budget?"

Secret Empire Update


Jeremy Lesile [145.9] asks, "Right, who emptied the research budget?"

Re: Overheard On The Station (And Elsewhere) - Mageziya - 11-07-2015

I admit that when I play geneticist I generally have no idea what's going on in the round at all, but that's really funny.

Re: Overheard On The Station (And Elsewhere) - Arborinus - 11-07-2015

Tumany Cooks says, "Hey"

Tumany Cooks says, "Want to help me"

Fabian Fiddler asks, "Yes?"

Tumany Cooks asks, "with an experiment?"

Fabian Fiddler says, "Uh..."

Fabian Fiddler says, "What kind of experiment"

Tumany Cooks says, "put on this butt"

Tumany Cooks throws Tumany Cooks's butt.

Tumany Cooks throws the staple gun pie.

The staple gun pie smacks into Fabian Fiddler!

Tumany Cooks staples Tumany Cooks's butt to Fabian Fiddler's head!

Fabian Fiddler hangs his head in shame.

Fabian Fiddler says, "Fucking hell"

Re: Overheard On The Station (And Elsewhere) - Spy_Guy - 11-12-2015

Quote:<@HeadSurgeon> spyguy, haine, wonk, hufflaw, keelin, play pulsar?
<asteriskphart> oh no, hufflaw
<@SpyGuy> No thanks I'm at work.
<@HeadSurgeon> thanks obama
<@SpyGuy> :C

Re: Overheard On The Station (And Elsewhere) - Mageziya - 11-20-2015

Charles Ludwig says, "Power cell: -9900%"
Charles Ludwig says, "Fully charged"

Re: Overheard On The Station (And Elsewhere) - CaptainBravo - 11-22-2015

Quote:(6:38 PM) <KikiMofo> I miss crotch punching
(6:38 PM) <@HeadSurgeon> and crotch

Re: Overheard On The Station (And Elsewhere) - Roomba - 11-23-2015

SKELETOR THE HUMAN HARMER attempts to grab the plasma spore but it is not implemented yet!

The plasma spore ruptures and explodes!

Re: Overheard On The Station (And Elsewhere) - Mageziya - 11-24-2015


Re: Overheard On The Station (And Elsewhere) - CaptainBravo - 11-26-2015

merry something day

Quote:(9:42 PM) <Bunmo> HeadSurgeon works for Cthulhu
(9:42 PM) <@HeadSurgeon> mglwnafh cthulhu rlyeh wgahnagl fhtagn