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Give some ideas for gimmick rounds - Printable Version

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Re: Give some ideas for gimmick rounds - Lavastage - 02-02-2014

Around 4 people are turned into monkeys. all given traitor objectives to work together and to get as much cash as possible. Space Monkey Mafia anyone?

Re: Give some ideas for gimmick rounds - epicdwarf - 02-02-2014

A few people started talking about a WW1 gimmick today in the OCC. Someone said something about dividing the station north and south. I suggested make the crew the French military. Let's elaborate on this idea. Everyone gets old hunting rifles and an old military uniform. We could have trenches represented by resprited tables. Divide the station based on department, or spawn them on separate Z-lvl to duke it out. On the make the crew France idea, spawn the crew on a separate Z-lvl and tell them to take on the Germans(represented by the syndicate or hostile mobs).

Re: Give some ideas for gimmick rounds - atomic1fire - 02-02-2014

Why not make the battleground someplace other then the station. Let the opposing team prepare someplace else, like the biodome, and then add teleporters for the teams to run through. You could even probably make the maze the battle field.

Re: Give some ideas for gimmick rounds - Lantern - 02-02-2014

Earlier today, wirewraith did a gimmck round where the whole station was a death match. I think that could be a fun round type to let everyone unleash their inner psychopath and have some fun and let off steam. Dont have it happen a whole lot, maybe as often as gang probably.

Re: Give some ideas for gimmick rounds - Tteckk - 02-02-2014

One crew member is given the spiked football and the crew is told to retrieve the ball. The crew member who picks up the ball next is 'it' and is tasked to run for his life. Crew are given spudgers to throw at 'it' which are so not a rip off of bludgers from harry potter. They just smaller bowling balls in disguise.
No one is forced to play.

Re: Give some ideas for gimmick rounds - Tteckk - 02-02-2014

Maybe give 2 or 3 crew football helmets to become 'defenders' to help 'it'

Re: Give some ideas for gimmick rounds - Anticheese - 02-03-2014

The crew is given half a dozen MechComp vending machines, and is instructed to boobytrap the station as much as possible in order to protect the nuclear disk while the Captain is away. The caveat is that no explosives can be used, and the path to the disk must not be walled off. After a grace period, the sprites for the boobytraps are deleted or changed, and a syndicate team arrives named after the dudes from Home Alone.

Can they survive the less-than-lethal creativity of the crew?

Re: Give some ideas for gimmick rounds - Chike101 - 02-04-2014

Nukeball! The sport of the future. Played in a closed space arena with random chunks of walls and floors. Teams are designated by Space Suits, and each team has a nuke. First team to get nuked loses. One nuke disk is to be placed in the middle, and two teams must fight over it. Unarmed hand to hand combat only.

Summary: Two teams fighting hand to hand in space over a nuke disk to nuke the other team.

Re: Give some ideas for gimmick rounds - MaRcuSTheDAWG - 04-28-2015

ALERT! Due to a teleporter malfunction, many hostile species and mechanoids are headed your way. One of the creatures appears to be a thingamabob. It is highly armed with electron weaponry. Just..... try to survive. K? -General Anton

Re: Give some ideas for gimmick rounds - Megapaco - 04-28-2015

I have a idea for a Hotline Miami round that may or may not be stupid.

Everyone spawns in wearing the vice officer suit, these people would be the Russian Mobsters and their goal is to protect their mob boss. The mob boss will be a player who's main goal is to survive. The mobsters will be armed with syndicate daggers, extinguishers, and any other blunt weapons they can find. The mobsters have to make a base and set it up and start cooking drugs. Meanwhile five or six players will be chosen as "50 Blessings Operatives". They will be armed with shotguns,butchers knives, stimpacks, red chainsaws, and revolvers and of course cool animal mask. Their main goal is to wipe out the Russian mob boss using whatever means needed. While this is happening we could have some cool Hotline Miami music and have the effect that happens when a chaos dunk is about to go off(The flashing lights that change colors) to really give it that Hotline Miami feel to it. After the mob boss dies or all the 50 blessings operatives die I guess the admins could just improvise from there and come up with more ways to keep it going.

Re: Give some ideas for gimmick rounds - MaRcuSTheDAWG - 04-28-2015

Replace EVERY sound in the game* with Beepsky swearing.
*Doors opening, glass shattering, etc.

Re: Give some ideas for gimmick rounds - BabaYaga - 04-28-2015

That time when there were 7 traitors each representing one of the 7 deadly sins with custom objectives was pretty fun.

Lust was a borg who fell in love with the AI and would never leave its side, not allowing anyone access to it.
Gluttony was someone with the matter eater mutation who went around eating everything.
Envy was collecting everyone's unique items in a locker.
Sloth was the AI, being lazy and melancholy, not responding to requests.
Wrath was just a heavily armed serial killer I think.
Pride was something to do with rank I think, not sure.
Greed was something to do with siphoning station funds maybe.

Re: Give some ideas for gimmick rounds - Mageziya - 04-28-2015

Make one person a "God of Darkness" and another a "God of Light". The two are to actively try and gain cultist followings of their own while the chaplin attempts to mediate between the two gods bring them to peaceful terms. Eventually, if the chaplin failed his mediation, the station would be given a go-ahead to engage in holy war, or at the very least attempt to kill the gods.

Re: Give some ideas for gimmick rounds - thehman03 - 04-28-2015

ALERT! Due to a teleporter malfunction, many hostile species and mechanoids are headed your way. One of the creatures appears to be a thingamabob. It is highly armed with electron weaponry. Just..... try to survive. K? -General Anton

Can we not bump threads from a literal year ago to push more dumb robots tia

Re: Give some ideas for gimmick rounds - BaneOfGiygas - 04-28-2015

So I have an idea for rev rounds!

...of course, by rev I mean Revelation. What else could you possibly be thinking of?

Along the same lines as what BabaYaga mentioned, this would result in a various chain of events, all leading towards apocalypse (or just a nuke blowing up the station, whatever) that follows the same general progression as the process described in the biblical Book of Revelation. In the book, seven seals are broken which then cause seven trumpets to be sounded which then prompts seven bowls filled with pure godly wrath to be poured onto the earth. This can be truncated any number of ways, but here's a full list and my interpretation of what they'd all look like in the SS13 context:

The Seven Seals (not the fluffy kind)
1. The white horseman, with a crown, bow, and intense desire to conquer shit. This is Conquest, the horseman of the apocalypse that eventually got phased out in favor of Pestilence, probably because Conquest resembles War way too much. If we take the Conquest route, this would probably take the form of an antagonist-y figure characterized by...well, conquering. Perhaps make one of the authority figures or security officers or someone become overtaken with a heavenly force and then start instating martial law. Alternatively, if we choose Pestilence, that's easy. Just make a person who's a walking miasma and transfers all sorts of nasty diseases. Also, for all of the horsemen, horses are optional. Or you could give them colored horse masks.
2. The red horseman, War, with a huge fuckoff sword and the desire to have everything kill everything else. This would be simple, taking the form of a saberguy/chainsawguy going around and wreaking havoc on the station.
3. The black horseman, Famine, with a scaly figure and tendency to make nutrition slowly die. Perhaps he immediately soils any food in the area, gives people immense cravings for food a la Enriched MSG overdose, or shoves weight-loss shakes into people.
4. The pale horseman, Death. It's a guy that kills other guys, probably by the merit of simply existing. Easy.
5. The voices of fallen souls, all given white robes after bemoaning the fact that all of those living assholes haven't been smitten yet. This would probably take the form of something like making all of the ghosts visible to the crew, perhaps even letting ghosts talk with the crew. Alternatively, you could turn some of the ghosts into wraiths, since nothing says "pissed off ghost" like a few wraiths tormenting the crew.
6. Cataclysmic earthquakes. You could throw meteors at the station, you could summon one of those "spectral emissions" or whatever the fart storms are...hell, maybe it could even be a blowout.
7. The seven "angels", each given a trumpet (or maybe a vuvuzela, fitting with the game) that would signify yet another disaster...

The Seven Trumpets/Vuvuzelas
1. A mixture of hail, fire, and blood rains from the sky and burns shit up. Random plasma fires, torch botany, madman with a flamethrower, just as long as shit's getting torched.
2. In the original text, a burning mountain plunges into the sea and wipes it out. In this case, you could basically incinerate anything on a space tile when the second trumpet sounds or something of the sort, since space is the closest thing we have to the "sea".
3. A great star named Wormwood crashes into the earth, poisoning the water supply. Swap the contents of the water tanks around the station with sarin or something? Stuff's getting vague now.
4. The stars go out. I think the admins have a button they can press that does this?
5. "The Locusts" rise out of the ground, though they're more like hell-scorpions that torment people with their stinger tails. Fermid swarm, maybe?
6. A storm of holy armymen who breathe fire and brimstone and shit. Maybe just sic a bunch of Syndicate Agent NPCs on the station, or those darkness critters.
7. The angels are then given the bowls of pure divine anger, and the pouring of the bowls begins.

The Seven Bowls
1. Foul and painful sores everywhere! Maybe make some random people into zombies or introduce some critter-zombies to the station, or turn everyone into skeletons?
2. The sea turns into blood. Just turn every space tile into something nasty!
3. The other water sources turn into blood. Maybe introduce some meat station walls/floors and have some of the mutant critters scuttle about?
4. The sun sends out a heatwave that scorches pretty much everything. Give the unprepared a heavy dose of burn damage as they're wracked by a wave of solar heat!
5. Complete and utter blackness. Station-wise power outage, probably.
6. Three unclean spirits that look like frogs show up and start conspiring to have everyone fight against everyone else and generally sow panic and confusion. Not sure on a specific interpretation.
7. Shit's fucked. Huge earthquake, huge meteor swarms, everything's gone to hell. Game over.

You could just stick with the seven seals, add in the trumpets, or something of the sort. It's just something that came to mind that I'd try and expand on.