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Overheard On The Station (And Elsewhere) - Printable Version

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Re: Overheard On The Station - Asmadeus - 02-01-2015

You: Marq. I have little problem with SHITLORD sec guard Yusuf Rasuild. Guy just keep stuning me in brig. Don't lock me up, just cuff and stun
Yusuf Rasulid release an audible discharge of intestinal gas.
You attempt to remove your handcuffs. (This will take around 67 seconds and you need to stand still)
Nicholas Nick Nash attempts to remove the handcuffs!
Nicholas Nick Nash says, "Get ready for little talk."
Nicholas Nick Nash says, "With someone."
Nicholas Nick Nash says, "Shitlord"
Yusuf Rasulid asks, "Are you calm down now?"
Nicholas Nick Nash asks, "Are you stop begin shitlord?"
Yusuf Rasulid says, "You have been very bad"
Yusuf Rasulid asks, "Can we talk now?"
Nicholas Nick Nash manages to remove the handcuffs!
You successfully remove your handcuffs.
Yusuf Rasulid has been stunned with the stun baton by Nicholas Nick Nash!
Yusuf Rasulid stammers, "Uhh oohh"
The baton is now off.
Admin PM from-Marquesas: Hmmm, I mean I guess the arrest was deserved but, yes, that is an interesting way to arrest someone.
You unbuckle.
The baton is now on.
Nicholas Nick Nash has attempted to beat Yusuf Rasulid with the stun baton but held it wrong!
Admin PM from-Marquesas: Bahahaha.
You begin to recover.
Reply PM to-Marquesas: Karma.
Nicholas Nick Nash has been stunned with the stun baton by Yusuf Rasulid!
Admin PM from-Marquesas: Ahahahahaha.
Yusuf Rasulid attempts to handcuff Nicholas Nick Nash!
Reply PM to-Marquesas: But anyway, guy is a shitlord.
Yusuf Rasulid says, "Bad boy"
Yusuf Rasulid handcuffs Nicholas Nick Nash!
You begin to recover.
Yusuf Rasulid tries to remove something from Nicholas Nick Nash!
Yusuf Rasulid tries to remove something from Nicholas Nick Nash!
Yusuf Rasulid tries to remove something from Nicholas Nick Nash!
Yusuf Rasulid tries to remove something from Nicholas Nick Nash!
Yusuf Rasulid tries to remove something from Nicholas Nick Nash!
Yusuf Rasulid tries to remove something from Nicholas Nick Nash!
Yusuf Rasulid removes Nicholas Nick Nash's ID Card (Staff Assistant) from Nicholas Nick Nash!
Yusuf Rasulid tries to remove something from Nicholas Nick Nash!
Reply PM to-Marquesas: I'm arested for geting into sec
Yusuf Rasulid tries to remove something from Nicholas Nick Nash!
Butch Anderson [145.9] says, "DEATH BY PROFESSIONAL WRESTLING"
Yusuf Rasulid removes the backpack from Nicholas Nick Nash!
Yusuf Rasulid tries to remove something from Nicholas Nick Nash!
Yusuf Rasulid removes PDA-Nicholas Nick Nash from Nicholas Nick Nash!
Admin PM from-Marquesas/Luis Smith [X]: Yes. He is.
Nicholas Nick Nash has been stunned with the stun baton by Yusuf Rasulid!
Admin PM from-Marquesas: Ho-ho-ho.
You begin to recover.

Yusuf Rasulid asks, "Why did you just attack me?""
Reply PM to-Marquesas: Marq. I know I'm not fucking angel but this is little too much.
Hooty McJudgementowl frowns at Nicholas Nick Nash.
Nicholas Nick Nash asks, "Wait, attack?"
Admin PM from-Marquesas: Honestly, I'm rather curious where this is going.
Yusuf Rasulid [148.9] says, "That was very bad"
Admin PM from-Marquesas: I mean at best I'd call this borderline bad.
Nicholas Nick Nash says, "I don't even hit you"
Admin PM from-Marquesas: Er, at worst.
Yusuf Rasulid says, "Yes, you did"
Yusuf Rasulid [148.9] says, "Yes, you did"
Hooty McJudgementowl frowns at Yusuf Rasulid.
Yusuf Rasulid [148.9] says, "I'll leave you here to think about the bad things you've done"
Nicholas Nick Nash says, "No? I tryed to take your ID."
Nicholas Nick Nash [148.9] says, "No? I tryed to take your ID."
Admin PM from-Marquesas: On that note I'm fairly sure he's under the impression that bucklecuffing is permanent.
Reply PM to-Marquesas: But lets play a his game, it can be funny
Hooty McJudgementowl frowns at Nicholas Nick Nash.
Admin PM from-Marquesas: Fun fact.
Admin PM from-Marquesas: He just adminhelped asking if he could kill you.
Butch Anderson screams!
Reply PM to-Marquesas: You are kidding.

And then Shitlord was gibbed into spiders and I was released. Good shift

Re: Overheard On The Station - Twoflower - 02-01-2015

Elias Todd [145.9] says, "COG GAVE ME A BROKEN REVOLVER"
Elias Todd [145.9] says, "AAAAAAAA"
BOOM! Elias Todd's head explodes.
Elias Todd seizes up and falls limp, his eyes dead and lifeless...
Alert: Due to crew shortages, and fatalities. The emergency shuttle has been called. It will arrive in 10 minutes.
Jake Marshall [145.9] says, "it wasn't broken"

Re: Overheard On The Station - VictorMAngoStein - 02-05-2015

Kotomata: also what was with the blob horse mask

Re: Overheard On The Station - Conor12 - 02-07-2015

[19:58:25] <@Conor12> I just bought ff 3 + 4 + 7 + 8 + 13-2

[19:59:07] <Hufflaw> that's ff 7 conor12
[19:59:18] <Hufflaw> learn addition and substraction jc

[20:00:39] <@Conor12> those don't even add up to that :|

[20:01:03] <mrbaconator> it's actually like
[20:01:04] <mrbaconator> 43
[20:01:05] <Hufflaw> what
[20:01:06] <mrbaconator> or somethin
[20:01:07] <Hufflaw> no way

[20:01:14] <Hufflaw> .calc 3+4+7+8+13-2
[20:01:16] skybee 3 + 4 + 7 + 8 + 13 - 2 = 33
[20:01:32] <Hufflaw> oh man I fucked up

Re: Overheard On The Station - Vunterslaush - 02-07-2015

Elias Todd [145.9] says, "Apparently sticking a second tank on rocket boots just makes them explode"
Elias Todd [145.9] says, "Also I now have no shoes"

Re: Overheard On The Station - Megapaco - 02-07-2015

Daemon Clovin says, "I strapped myself in because I was high on melons"

Re: Overheard On The Station - Haine - 02-07-2015

Quote:<HeadSurgeon> nice meme
<quiltyquilty> thanks headsurgeon
<butt> thanks headsurbutt
<buttebot> thanks buttgeon

Re: Overheard On The Station - Hephasto - 02-08-2015

Quote:Ludwig L. Ludwig Esq asks, "Can you disarm it?"
Khalil Bowchiew says, "yolo"
The analyzer picks up the rapid atmospheric change of the canister, and signals the detonator.
A sparking noise is heard as the igniter goes off. The plasma tank blows, creating a microexplosion and rupturing the canister.
The ruptured canister shatters from the pressure, and the hot gas ignites.

Re: Overheard On The Station - parf - 02-11-2015

The Pie-Throwing Clown exclaims, "Don't eat those carrots!"
The Pie-Throwing Clown gasps, "NO"
The Pie-Throwing Clown gasps, "what the FUCK"
The Pie-Throwing Clown gasps, "save my pie"
The Pie-Throwing Clown gasps, "please"
The Pie-Throwing Clown gasps, "if you can't save me, take my pies"
The Pie-Throwing Clown gasps, "what the FUCK"

Re: Overheard On The Station - Gannets - 02-11-2015

OOC: SailorDave: the clown is only slipping you up so that you can get back up again, stronger than before

Re: Overheard On The Station - UrsulaMejor - 02-11-2015

[Image: 7be56e52d8.png]

Re: Overheard On The Station - UrsulaMejor - 02-12-2015

[12:15] (+butt) Jesus is the only butt I need

Re: Overheard On The Station - Ali0en - 02-13-2015

DEAD: Ghost (That Dang Pickle Man) laments, "Every round I'd roll assistant and go on a conquest searching for Space Jews"

Re: Overheard On The Station - Blueleaf - 02-14-2015

Spoilered due to length and terrible puns.

Quote:Pun Geon [145.9] says, "I wasn't always a clown you know"
Pun Geon [145.9] says, "I started out as an investment banker"
Pun Geon [145.9] says, "BUT I LOST INTEREST"
Pun Geon [145.9] says, "HOOOOONK"
Pun Geon [145.9] says, "Honk honk honk"
Pun Geon [145.9] asks, "Hey, why couldn't the bicycle stand on its own after the long ride?"
Pun Geon [145.9] exclaims, "because it was two tired!!!"
Pun Geon [145.9] says, "HENKE"
Pun Geon [145.9] asks, "Did you ever hear about that scientist that blew off half his limbs?"
Pun Geon [145.9] says, "He's all right now"
Lil' Varder birdwells.
Pun Geon [145.9] says, "HONK"

Pun Geon [145.9] exclaims, "After i stopped being a banker, i was a baker!"
Pun Geon [145.9] says, "But my bakery burned down"
Slap Happy Pappy busts out some mad moves.
Slap Happy Pappy moves Terrible Machine into Cyborg Docking Station.
Pun Geon [145.9] says, "I guess you could say that my business is toast :C"
Pun Geon [145.9] says, "HONK"

Pun Geon [145.9] says, "I couldn't remember how to throw my boomerang... but it came back to me"
Pun Geon [145.9] says, "You know, i wanted to be a juggler"
Pun Geon [145.9] exclaims, "But i just didn't have the balls!!!"
Pun Geon [145.9] says, "HONK"

Pun Geon [145.9] says, "What do hungry clocks do"
Pun Geon [145.9] asks, "?"
Pun Geon [145.9] says, "THEY GO BACK FOUR SECONDS"
Pun Geon [145.9] says, "HENKE"

Pun Geon [145.9] asks, "Hey Willy, what's a prisoner's favorite punctuation mark?"
Kel Thuzad [145.9] says, "uh"
Pun Geon [145.9] exclaims, "A period; it marks the end of his sentence!!!"

Pun Geon [145.9] asks, "Why did william quit the army?"
Pun Geon [145.9] says, "Because the drill sergeant kept sayin', "FIRE AT WILL!""

Pun Geon [145.9] asks, "Why is peter pan a bad boxer?"
I AM A HUMAN BEING [145.9] states, "oh god i just threw up coffee into my own mouth irl"
Terrible Machine birdwells.
Kel Thuzad [145.9] says, "its a brawl"
Pun Geon [145.9] exclaims, "Because his punches never land!!!!"

Pun Geon [145.9] says, "You know, i smoked a lot of pot, but i went to rehab"
Slap Happy Pappy says, "Moron"
Doctor Honker says, "I didn't know it was HoS."
Wibbleworth Willy flips in Terrible Machine's general direction.
Pun Geon [145.9] exclaims, "There was a sign on the lawn sayin', KEEP OFF THE GRASS!"

Pun Geon [145.9] asks, "Hey, you hear about the butcher who accidentally backed into his meat grinder?"
Pun Geon [145.9] exclaims, "He's got a little behind in his work!"

Pun Geon [145.9] says, "I once knew a great joke about memory loss"
Medsal Fifteen has added the large beaker to the backpack!
Pun Geon [145.9] exclaims, "but i can't remember how it goes!!!"

Pun Geon [145.9] says, "Did you see that new taser? It's pretty STUNNING"

Pun Geon [145.9] exclaims, "You know, i heard that the chief engineer broke a finger the other day, but on the other hand he's totally fine!"

Pun Geon [145.9] asks, "Why can't athiests solve exponential equations?"
Terrible Machine stamps the post-incendary dermal repair stamp on Julian Mackabee.
Terrible Machine stamps the post-incendary dermal repair stamp on Julian Mackabee.
Terrible Machine stamps the post-incendary dermal repair stamp on Julian Mackabee.
Jenny Antonsson [145.9] says, "The clown's breakin' the law 'bout keepin' the airwaves free o' unneccessary chatter."
Pun Geon [145.9] exclaims, "Because they don't believe in higher powers!!!!"

Pun Geon [145.9] says, "I still haven't found my watch"
Pun Geon [145.9] exclaims, "I know i should, but i just can't find the time!!"

Pun Geon [145.9] exclaims, "I used to be addicted to eating soap... but i'm clean now!!!!"

Pun Geon [145.9] says, "Hey guys, i've got some second hand batteries i'm handing out"
Slap Happy Pappy has grabbed Doctor Honker aggressively (now hands)!
Pun Geon [145.9] exclaims, "Free of charge!!!"

Pun Geon [145.9] says, "Hey guys, did you know? I'm a master sleep smith"
Pun Geon [145.9] exclaims, "I can do it with my eyes closed!!!!"

Pun Geon [145.9] asks, "Why did the bad singer also make a bad pirate?"
Pun Geon [145.9] exclaims, "Because he couldn't hit the high seas!!!!"

Pun Geon [145.9] asks, "Hey, what happens if you forget to pay your exorcist???"
Pun Geon [145.9] exclaims, "YOU GET REPOSSESSED!!!!"

Pun Geon [145.9] says, "if you're wondering why i keep making these puns, it's because this is hell, and you deserve it"

Pun Geon [145.9] asks, "You hear about the two pieces of bread that wanted to get married?"
I AM A HUMAN BEING [145.9] states, "Joey Gregory has signed up as Roboticist, under the command of Admiral Nicholas Nick Nash."
Alex180500 earned the Fish medal.
Pun Geon [145.9] says, "Their parents didn't approve, so they eloafed"

Pun Geon [145.9] asks, "Hey, how do ribosomes escape from prison?"
Pun Geon [145.9] exclaims, "Straight through the cell wall!"
Pun Geon [145.9] says, "HONK"

Pun Geon [145.9] says, "I asked out a librarian the other day"
Doctor Honker [145.9] says, "HoS."
Doctor Honker [145.9] says, "The beepsky is onto me"
El Brak screams!
Pun Geon [145.9] exclaims, "We were gonna go out for valentines, but she told me she was fully booked!"

Pun Geon [145.9] says, "The detective went to the barbershop to get some evidence, but sadly, it was all hairsay"

Pun Geon [145.9] asks, "Why are watch-makers great clowns?"
Kel Thuzad screams!
Pun Geon [145.9] exclaims, "Because they're very practiced at making faces!!!"

Pun Geon [145.9] asks, "Hey, why did the coffee taste like mud?"
I AM AN AI [145.9] states, "No. I am in command of this station."
Pun Geon [145.9] exclaims, "Because it was ground only a few minutes ago!"

Pun Geon [145.9] says, "You know, my dad was a baker"
Pun Geon [145.9] says, "He really knew how to rise to the occasion"

Pun Geon [145.9] asks, "What do you call a cook that used to be a lawyer?"
Pun Geon [145.9] exclaims, "A sue-Chef!"

Pun Geon [145.9] says, "You know, i drank way, way too much"
Wibbleworth Willy gasps, "Heal us, find my leg."
Terrible Machine [145.9] states, "THAT'S A BLOB ALRIGHT."
Terrible Machine states, "THAT'S A BLOB ALRIGHT."
Pun Geon [145.9] says, "But i couldn't stop: i was beyond the pint of no return"

Pun Geon [145.9] asks, "Have you ever tried eating a clock?"
Janet Jakobsson attacks the blob with Stun Baton!
Kel Thuzad throws Official Caution - The Blob.
Janet Jakobsson attacks the blob with Stun Baton!
Janet Jakobsson attacks the blob with Stun Baton!
Pun Geon [145.9] says, "It's very time-consuming"

Pun Geon [145.9] asks, "How do psychics like their steak?"
Pun Geon [145.9] exclaims, "MEDIUM!"

Pun Geon [145.9] says, "You know, i beat up a spelunker for his treasure once"
I AM AN AI [145.9] states, "The reset module is gone, insect."
Pun Geon [145.9] exclaims, "He refused to talk at first, but eventually he caved in!"

Pun Geon [145.9] asks, "you know why clowns love bananas?"
Pun Geon [145.9] exclaims, "It's because they're very apeeling!"

Pun Geon [145.9] asks, "Why do printers make great jazz artists?"
Pun Geon [145.9] exclaims, "Because they're always jamming!"

Pun Geon asks, "Hey, what do you call a person with no body and no nose?"
Pun Geon exclaims, "unfortunately, nobody knows!!!"
Pun Geon says, "HONK"

Pun Geon asks, "Why does waldo always wear stripes?"
Pun Geon exclaims, "Because he doesn't want to be spotted!!!!!"
Father Jack exclaims, "ARSE!"
Pun Geon exclaims, "HONK!!!!!"

Pun Geon asks, "Hey, what's a plumber's least favorite shoes?"
Cristian Tennant says, "These walls"
Pun Geon exclaims, "clogs!"

Pun Geon says, "I used to work in the circus, but"
Shitty Bill asks, "I ever tell you 'bout the secret Jones told me?"
Shitty Bill asks, "I ever tell you 'bout that time I got lost in a station made of meat?"
Pun Geon exclaims, "It was too in tents!!!"

Pun Geon says, "Hey, you know what? there's lots of great reasons to live in sweden"
Wibbleworth Willy says, "WE HAVE TO KILL THE AI"
Shitty Bill asks, "Got any hyro?"
Wibbleworth Willy says, "BEFORE IT KILLS US"
Poe Merchant says, "flamer almost complete"
Pun Geon exclaims, "For example, the flag is a big plus!"

Pun Geon asks, "Hey guys, did you hear about the dog who had her puppies next to the police station?"
Pun Geon exclaims, "She was ticketed for littering!!!"
DEAD: Ghost (Terrible Machine) moans, "pun geon is the best a clown can ever be"

Pun Geon asks, "Why did the dog keeper go to the dentist?"
Pun Geon exclaims, "Because one of his canines was loose!"

Pun Geon says, "I saw a very depressed bunny the other day"
Pun Geon says, "I tried to cheer him up, but he didn't carrot all"

Pun Geon asks, "What do you call a party of crows that just doesn't turn out?"
Medsal Fifteen slurs, "Fucgh"
Wibbleworth Willy is hit by the heavy laser!
DEAD: Ghost (Mr. White) wails, "blob vs meteors?"
Pun Geon [145.9] exclaims, "An attempted murder!"
Pun Geon exclaims, "An attempted murder!"
Roark Rickety Rickaby says, "Pun that is just..."
Roark Rickety Rickaby says, "Why"
Wibbleworth Willy is hit by the heavy laser!
Poe Merchant says, "i think you're suffocating"
Shitty Bill asks, "You ride?"
Roark Rickety Rickaby says, "BOO"
Pun Geon says, "it's been 50 minutes"
Wibbleworth Willy is hit by the heavy laser!
Kel Thuzad says, "for some reason"
Wibbleworth Willy is hit by the heavy laser!
DEAD: Ghost (Nicholas Nick Nash) moans, "It is fun to talk with people sometimes."
Pun Geon says, "I'm sscraping the bottom of the barrel here"
Kel Thuzad says, "i kept gasping"
Wibbleworth Willy is hit by the heavy laser!
Wibbleworth Willy seizes up and falls limp, his eyes dead and lifeless...
Kel Thuzad says, "even though i had air"
Wibbleworth Willy is hit by the heavy laser!
Wibbleworth Willy is hit by the heavy laser!
Wibbleworth Willy is hit by the heavy laser!
Roark Rickety Rickaby says, "You've been doing this for 50 minutes"

Pun Geon asks, "You know what's better than a talking wasp?"
Wibbleworth Willy is hit by the heavy laser!
Kel Thuzad says, "look where heroes end up"
DEAD: Ghost (Mr. White) wails, "then messed with the Ai's laws"
Pun Geon exclaims, "A spelling bee!!!"

Pun Geon asks, "Why don't oysters give to charity?"
Pun Geon says, "Because they're shellfish"

Quote:Pun Geon has been officially sneered at by Nanotrasen Corporate Security for Merciless and relentless assault by puns. on 14/02/53.
Issued by: Poe Merchant - Security Officer

The Blob has been officially yelled at by Nanotrasen Corporate Security for Consuming hallways on 14/02/53.
Issued by: Kel Thuzad - Security Officer

Quote:OOC: UrsulaMajor: what's the cheapest cut of meat?
OOC: UrsulaMajor: deer balls: They're under a buck!

UrsulaMajor has earned the Banned medal

Re: Overheard On The Station - UrsulaMejor - 02-14-2015

Pun Geon [145.9] says, "if you're wondering why i keep making these puns, it's because this is hell, and you deserve it"

honk Demonology 101