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Make dying less deadly - Printable Version

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RE: Make dying less deadly - Lady Birb - 09-25-2017

(09-25-2017, 04:51 PM)atomic1fire Wrote: I think it would be funny if certain antags had a "FINISH THEM" button, which let them instakill anyone already in crit.


RE: Make dying less deadly - drymelon - 09-27-2017

here's my biggest gripe with dying, when you're in that state of being able to breathe but unable to talk and you're awkwardly flailing around. fully capable to drag my ass to the nearest medkit but unable to call out for help, that's the real killer of being in crit

RE: Make dying less deadly - Superlagg - 11-26-2017

So I made this fancy googledoc to dump some of my thoughts about this and organize it into something approaching coherent.

Main points include:
- Remove random death chance.

- Replace/expand damage slowdown with/into some kind of PAIN counter.
-- Too much pain becomes incapacitating.
-- BRUTE would count normally, BURN counts extra, TOX can do whatever it wants.

- Split Shock into pain and hypovolemic variants.
-- Painshock would be incapacitating, but unlikely to be deadly.
--- Regular damage would put people here.
--- Or just turn (shallow) crit into this.
-- Hypovolemic shock would be actually serious.
-- Blood loss is serious and does a great job at killing.

- Make BRUTE damage by itself less deadly.
-- Punching the shit out of someone isn't deadly on its own.
-- BRUTE would slowly regenerate to ~95
--- Just enough to get out of shallow crit/painshock if that's all that's keeping you there.
-- Make some blunt weapons have a chance of causing bleeding?
--- Sharp toolbox corners, yo.

- Infections.
-- Open wounds and BURNs could get infected.
--- BURNs are more likely to cause infections.
-- Deadly if untreated, can be localized to a part.
--- Amputate or jam a bunch of meds in there.

The purpose here is to make it so that you can kick the crap out of pesky jerks without worrying about murdering them, while still letting it be just as easy to kill someone if that's your goal.

Also, some related stuff about making injuries more interesting to work with. Infections, for life-threatening conditions that you'll want (but not always need) medics to treat. Removing the random death chance at deep crit to make it less of a waste of time to save people.

Course, with the heavy emphasis on bloodloss being the big killer, many of the easy ways to stop bleeding'll need to be reworked. Mainly so that you can't game gunshot injuries by preloading up on healing chems.

Any thoughts?

RE: Make dying less deadly - warcrimes - 11-26-2017

All of that sounds amazing. Absolutely agree that brute shouldn't be as deadly as it is right now, theres no reason for people to die in the boxing ring unless they're being hammerred in the head over and over, and in that case they should have the brain damage to show for it.

Also a fan of untreated wounds getting infected, maybe needing tox treatment if shit goes necrotic.

RE: Make dying less deadly - Frank_Stein - 11-26-2017

Internal bleeding and organ damage could probably factor in there somewhere