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Detective/Security thread - Printable Version

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Re: Detective/Security thread - Geo - 03-24-2013

mozi Wrote:some minor suggestions to make forensics a bit more worthwhile:
  • More activities need to call the proc for adding fingerprints. pulling (anything); grabbing; opening/closing a crate; pressing buttons/switches/lamps/other stationary stuff; and using a computer are the big ones missing it, I think. Pulling/grabbing a body could either put the prints on the body itself or on the body's uniform.

  • The DNA scanner can detect blood but blood decals (the big puddles on the floor) currently don't register, I don't think they record any DNA var.

  • Gloves should carry the fingerprints of anyone who has worn them. if you have gloves coated in the blood of your victim and just toss them away then they could match them to you. that's how they got OJ :?

  • Using a scanner on someone covered in blood doesn't pick up the blood, you have to take the uniform off them then scan that. maybe using the scanner on someone who is prone/restrained can automatically scan & give a report of all items they're wearing.

  • shamelessly stolen from /tg/ but everyone's starting gear starts with their fingerprints on it.
a bigger suggestion:
  • Give black gloves/insulated gloves unique fiber patterns, sorta similar to fingerprints but with no database to check against. A pattern could be a small binary string like AAABBA, that allows enough permutations for every set of gloves to have a unique pattern each round. so instead of just the useless "yellow fibers" on everything if you have a suspect you can check out their gloves and see if they match the pattern used on (whatever). if your gloves are incriminating you could just toss them out though if you were lazy and the detective found them with your prints (as above) that would suck for you. I would leave the way latex gloves work as is

All these would definitely make detecting a lot more useful, just finding fibres isn't too useful with the amount of people that end up with gloves on in any round.

Re: Detective/Security thread - Geo - 03-24-2013

Oops submitted without finishing.

Alternatively have it so there are more different types of gloves for the jobs that use them, so electricians have yellow gloves, engineers have orange. This would make it more useful when only finding fibres to narrow down the suspects.

Re: Detective/Security thread - atomic1fire - 03-24-2013

LordGobulcoque Wrote:Err.. So admin Lisi told me to add a few locations that the detective doesn't have any cool monologue quotes.

The snip (Barber shop.) Perhaps a backstory on how the old barber was a crazy hair dying throat cutting psycho fuck.


Quote:When I see this place it reminds me of the last time we had a case here. We had a call about some missing crewmen. I found some blood in the barbershop, and then he attacked. I pulled my gun and let's just say it was a close shave. The crazy crewmember had been killing patrons of the barbershop, and passing the bodies off to chef for meat pies.

Maybe that's too Sweeney Todd.

Re: Detective/Security thread - Captain_Bravo - 03-26-2013

I would really love for Security to have some kind of a ticket pad. Something like a small notebook you hold in your hand. Clicking on it brings up fields to fill out, stuff like "Name", "Arresting Officer", "Offence", and "Fine Amount." Swiping it in the brig credit swipe automatically sets the target to the ID of the officer who filled it out, and when you swipe your own ID it automatically deducts the cost of the fine and/or bail.

The best part: The tickets that come out when you've filled everything in are normal paper. So all of a sudden, potheads have a great reason to be assholes to the cops. Either for tickets to turn into joints, or to try and accost the officer to steal his ticket pad and wrap a dozen joints in Drug Trafficking Charges issued by Officer Goodtimes. It adds more opportunity for making money flow and improving the economy, gives Sec something other than a flash or a taser they can threaten assistants with, and gives the rest of the crew something they might want off of Sec other than a half-empty stun baton and blood-covered armor.

Re: Detective/Security thread - Captain_Bravo - 03-26-2013

Also, a notepad would allow us to put this video on the wiki job page for Security:

Re: Detective/Security thread - atomic1fire - 03-27-2013

Make it a ticket printer and require that the person's id be scanned for the ticket to be printed.

Otherwise idiots will just fill out fake tickets and randomly fine people for dumb things.

Re: Detective/Security thread - Cogwerks - 03-27-2013

atomic1fire Wrote:Make it a ticket printer and require that the person's id be scanned for the ticket to be printed.

Otherwise idiots will just fill out fake tickets and randomly fine people for dumb things.

Idiots filling out fake tickets to commit graft: comedy

Re: Detective/Security thread - Anticheese - 03-27-2013

Ooh! I've got it!

Make it so that the ticket printer can be used to open up a text input box, along with a field for fine, and time. The machine will then print out a ticket with an adhesive backing that can be applied to a perp, literally slapping them with a fine. If the person doesn't pay the listed amount in the required time, their criminal status gets set to arrest. A message gets sent to all officers PDAs.

For added graft, the payments from the machine can be collected by any security officer.

It's a handy alternative to a brigging, AND it means more money circulates!

Re: Detective/Security thread - Captain_Bravo - 03-27-2013

That is brilliant.

Re: Detective/Security thread - FrontlineAcrobat4 - 03-27-2013

there are so many misdemeanors not worth a briging, but deserve a ticket, time for some police graft

Re: Detective/Security thread - Hard Boiled - 03-28-2013

Not only is that a fun idea, but imagine working with a good HoP who turns some random sec into a bounty hunter. Or the detective himself. Instead of running around trying to find super criminals, they can have fun catching the lesser guys. Hell, it's ripe for a bunch of fun things. If anything though, an emag should make it so that you can slap fines on anyone.

Re: Detective/Security thread - Anticheese - 03-28-2013

An emagged ticket dispenser should directly apply hilarious offenses with nearly impossible to pay fines, backdated to be due an hour before the game starts.

Re: Detective/Security thread - Hard Boiled - 03-28-2013

If the machine was something in security (as it should be) and the money from fines paid could be drawn only from officers, captain and HoS/P I thing that emagging it to do those you mentioned plus allowing anyone to draw from the funds would also be cool.

Re: Detective/Security thread - enforcer9 - 03-28-2013

If we end up with tickets and i'm sec, next time I see a traitor, i'm going to stick a ticket for 50000 credits to be payed within 10 minutes. If the traitor manages it, I shall free him and allow him to continue his distructive rampage.