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Re: More Specialty Security Jobs - Frank_Stein - 12-20-2015

Vitatroll Wrote:Most people don't find playing security fun and, even if they do, they generally find the loss of possible antagonist rounds is too high a price. There are ways to fix this, but I doubt they would be looked well upon and I don't like to pollute another's idea thread with ideas that don't stand in line with their ideas.
I've always wondered that, actually. Do antags get picked before jobs are decided or after? Because if that's the case then there shouldn't be any reason not to pick Sec because you'd only get it if you'd already been passed as antag.

misto Wrote:make the inspector gimmick job a subset of security
Yeah, I like that idea. Make it a job that's about being mildly annoying stickler for decorum. An ultimate straight man for the clown.

Give em a massive text dump book of rules and regulations, that justifies a fine for infractions for pretty much anything under the sun. Instead of using the ticketing program on the pda, tie it into something like the post it notes so they can rapid fire the fines.

It also needs a mouthful of bureaucratic name.

Re: More Specialty Security Jobs - Frank_Stein - 12-20-2015

Also make it a whitelist job. Not because they have any special responsibilities or access, but to make it extra bureaucratic.

Approval should be based on a test of how well they know the giant book of regulations they'll spawn with.

Re: More Specialty Security Jobs - SgtBriar - 12-20-2015

Frank_Stein Wrote:Also make it a whitelist job. Not because they have any special responsibilities or access, but to make it extra bureaucratic.

Approval should be based on a test of how well they know the giant book of regulations they'll spawn with.


Re: More Specialty Security Jobs - KikiMofo - 12-20-2015

Frank_Stein Wrote:Do antags get picked before jobs are decided or after? Because if that's the case then there shouldn't be any reason not to pick Sec because you'd only get it if you'd already been passed as antag.
This is correct. Antag gets rolled before jobs get rolled. If you get rolled for antag you won't get security but if you don't get rolled for antag you will get rolled for security. Many people don't understand this and I think that is why we don't see many security officers lately. Just my thoughts though.

Re: More Specialty Security Jobs - DyssalC - 12-20-2015

BaneOfGiygas Wrote:To elaborate a bit more because I would've edited this in but fuck:

I'm of the opinion that the equipment that the Warden (if this is implemented, it really needs to be called something else) brings to the department doesn't necessarily need to be delegated to a particular job. If you have a security department that is understaffed or just filled with people who don't want to be the Warden, then you're gonna have all of those functionalities sit unused for the entire round. Allowing access to whichever officers are up to making use of the devices enhances the overall usefulness of the department without the requirement of someone having picked a particular job beforehand.
No. The reason it's restricted to the Warden is because it's too powerful of a thing for just anybody to use.

Lets say some random pub ends up with an all-access ID. Now they can access the Control Room, lock everybody out of sec with the defensive features, and wreak havoc to all of the station.
Lets not ignore the fact that the Warden wouldn't be white-listed, so it's not like only a select few could be Warden, but at the same time only ONE person can be Warden, and the Warden access can't be copied via customs.

There's no reason that making it restricted to just Warden would make it unused. The very fact that the job is called Warden does not immediately make the job awful, either. If somebody doesn't know that the Warden gets access to the Control Room then they probably don't know what the job itself entails, and therefore shouldn't be using it. There's literally no reason for the name to be changed, it encompasses the responsibilities quite well, and there's many reasons to not give everybody with sec access access to the control room.

Re: More Specialty Security Jobs - Erik - 12-21-2015

The warden sounds like a traitor denial job which just sits in the brig to denial access to the armory to any traitors that wish to break into the armory, no let's not

Re: More Specialty Security Jobs - salix_catus - 12-21-2015

Warden could be good...

The warden also starts with a keyring with an armory keycard on it. HoS also gets this. Armory access being a physical thing is better.

Warden also gets a vr room which is a plain room full of observation screens (these work like security camera computers but there should be an option to "track...[crewmember name input]" allowing warden to effectively coordinate security by peforming the "copter in the skies" role.

Wardens pda has a special motion tracking system that beeps when anyone runs within a certain radius of the warden. Helping them peform thier role. But easily countered by walking instead of running.

Warden is thereby a useful role without being OP.

Re: More Specialty Security Jobs - Frank_Stein - 12-21-2015

DyssalC Wrote:
BaneOfGiygas Wrote:To elaborate a bit more because I would've edited this in but fuck:

I'm of the opinion that the equipment that the Warden (if this is implemented, it really needs to be called something else) brings to the department doesn't necessarily need to be delegated to a particular job. If you have a security department that is understaffed or just filled with people who don't want to be the Warden, then you're gonna have all of those functionalities sit unused for the entire round. Allowing access to whichever officers are up to making use of the devices enhances the overall usefulness of the department without the requirement of someone having picked a particular job beforehand.
No. The reason it's restricted to the Warden is because it's too powerful of a thing for just anybody to use.

Lets say some random pub ends up with an all-access ID. Now they can access the Control Room, lock everybody out of sec with the defensive features, and wreak havoc to all of the station.
Lets not ignore the fact that the Warden wouldn't be white-listed, so it's not like only a select few could be Warden, but at the same time only ONE person can be Warden, and the Warden access can't be copied via customs.

There's no reason that making it restricted to just Warden would make it unused. The very fact that the job is called Warden does not immediately make the job awful, either. If somebody doesn't know that the Warden gets access to the Control Room then they probably don't know what the job itself entails, and therefore shouldn't be using it. There's literally no reason for the name to be changed, it encompasses the responsibilities quite well, and there's many reasons to not give everybody with sec access access to the control room.
Eh, I really don't see why you'd have to make it locked to a specific sec role. The control room is not really THAT powerful.

You'd be just slightly less powerful than an AI in there. Meaning an AI could just turn the APC off and undo anything you'd do. The only way to prevent that would be to subvert the AI to your side, and if you did that, then you wouldn't need to use the control room in the first place because you'd have the AI on your side.

And even if you did kill the AI and get into the room, you'd really don't have much power for yourself. Sure you can lock people out of rooms, but that's just a mild deterrent until they can get their hands on some tools. Which works when you're Security trying to slow a criminal down to buy time to catch them, but not when you want to just hole up in the control room.

Your best bet would be to get an accomplice and to work with them, and that kind of cooperation isn't something to be discouraged.

Re: More Specialty Security Jobs - Erik - 12-22-2015

salix_catus Wrote:Warden could be good....

This entire idea sounds like one big traitor denial. a frog saying "get out"

Re: More Specialty Security Jobs - DyssalC - 12-22-2015

ErikHanson Wrote:
salix_catus Wrote:Warden could be good....

This entire idea sounds like one big traitor denial. a frog saying "get out"
That's not a bad thing. That's actually sort of one of the big points of sec. Sec can't not get upgrades just because it'd make things harder on traitors and criminals because then we'd end up with a very stagnant, unfun sec department. Security needs new toys to play with just as much as traitors do.

Re: More Specialty Security Jobs - babayetu83 - 12-22-2015

ErikHanson Wrote:
salix_catus Wrote:Warden could be good....

This entire idea sounds like one big traitor denial. a frog saying "get out"

you still havent explained why thats a bad idea

Re: More Specialty Security Jobs - poland spring - 12-23-2015

Archenteron Wrote:The theoretical monitor/psuedo-AI for security would be the Dispatch Officer, obviously.
This and the Control Room would be a good idea. The controls should allow for advanced camera usage, obviously, but also have some capacity to set/observe brig time, because that often gets overlooked by overzealous officers.

Let's face it though, we need to add SOMETHING to Sec to make it more desireable. It's BORING as a traitor to not have any organized opposition. If people get caught more, there should be more pressure on Sec to follow due process and parole those traitors out. Even without your special items, it's entirely possible to wreak havoc on the station! It might be awkward to have this guy be based out of sec, but traitor strategies can easily adapt. Sec has been kind of lame for a while now, and this could be just the boost it needs to be fun once again.

Re: More Specialty Security Jobs - Sundance - 12-24-2015

I really wish we would stop stigmatizing security whenever a thread crops up, as it's often denounced by players who rarely play security and literally have tunnel vision when it comes to tackling the issue.
As said numerous times in many threads, security needs something that enables to either make them to their job better, or more fun, and that does not mean better guns.

As someone who frequently plays security, hell yes more specialized jobs would be good.
I'm going to go the extra mile here and say that perhaps we should completely departmentalize security. That means no more vanilla security officers, each officer now has a specific job and specific spawned items. Nothing is taken away by this, it's literally just adding another layer of functionality on top, essentially giving security it's own eco system.
One could argue "Well, can't security officers do this anyway" and in many ways, yes they can, but giving them a specific title/dresscode/job items encourages them to stick to their job.
The jobs should vary from round to round. Essentially picking security officer will assort you into the following job titles:

Here's some harebrained idea's:

Hunter/Trapper:: Addendum to OP: Inifite tranq rifle sounds a bit much, just give him a "hunter box" which contains tranq darts, an implanter + 2 tracking implants. Also give him 2 stun mines, because that's totally his style. And cuffs. Instead of a dog, maybe give him a forensic analyser? He'd be like a more rugged even more hands on-y detective, which is cool. Maybe also give him access to detectives office but not his stuff just to piss the detective off.

Hall Monitor: Instead of that fancy tool, just give him the manifest. Also make his PDA able to give fines without registration of a head. Hall monitor would literally become fine/ticket honcho.

Vice Officer: Should spawn with the vice officer suit and the serpico bucket hat. Give him a chemical analyzer. Give him also a large wad (like 4000 or something) of cash in his pocket, largely implying that he's corrupt.

Warden: Instead of building a control room (which I feel like security should have access to anyway, armory needs to be more fortified) perhaps the warden should have a device that pings all the fire alarms in security so they close? Similar to a lockdown, but someone with a crowbar could bust out.
Also can we please stop being hysterical about warden? 2 pages of literally an idea that's not even benign to begin with. Warden is a cool job if you take away the weapons access.

Inspector: Post it notes / gold stickers. Give him papers with things that need to be signed (shit with ____ in it). That is all.

Corporal: Standard officer. Spawns with a taser on him however, like the hos.

Nanotrasen Naval Officer: Spawns with pieces of a pod to construct in his bag. The pod the hi-tec blue one with Mk1.5 (2.0?) disruptors

Nanotrasen Ranger: Spawns with a camera eye, temperature resistant armor and a phaser. Used to assist telesci missions.

Special Reconnaissance Officer: Has a special headset which allows him to listen to all department frequencies at once. Spawns with a remote camera and 2 pet securitrons.

Medical Officer: Essentially a medical doctor with security access.

Chief donut officer "CDO": Spawns with several boxes of donuts. Spawns wearing a paper hat.

Re: More Specialty Security Jobs - Ed Venture - 12-24-2015

I fine with more jobs for security as long as the normal security officer job stays. I do my job as a normal red shirt and do it pretty well most of the time.

Re: More Specialty Security Jobs - Paineframe - 12-24-2015

The thing about specialty jobs is that if no situation comes up that fits your specialty, you're just sitting around bored - and if you gave up regular job privileges for that specialty, then your round just plain sucks. Who needs a "hunter-killer" sec member when there isn't a rampage traitor on the loose? What happens to the warden if no one gets brigged that round? Moreover, those are specialties that aren't needed in the first place - a two-minute brig sentence for farting in the HoS's face isn't so critical that it needs a special job operating all sorts of specialty defense systems from his own control room in order to prevent escapes which never happen anyway. And giving someone the explicit job of "hunting down and killing traitors" just encourages shit behavior. What happens if normal sec gets to the rampage traitor before the hunter-killer does? Is he going to shrug his shoulders and go back to being an inferior version of a sec officer, or is he going to pull the handcuffed and stripped prisoner out of the brig and execute them because his job gives him the excuse he needs? I don't understand how you can look at the detective (who never does his job, does jack shit with all the special flavor stuff he gets, and is notorious for gunning people down at the slightest excuse) and think to yourself "we need MORE jobs like that one".