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Round Beginning Security Popup. - Printable Version

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Re: Round Beginning Security Popup. - Frank_Stein - 07-30-2015

Honestly, that is so concise that I kinda think something like that might be good for every job on the station (With a checkbox for turning it off once you think you've gotten the hang of things)

Re: Round Beginning Security Popup. - Zamujasa - 07-30-2015

I was actually thinking the same thing when I was writing it. If you could keep track of when everyone has played a job once, you could pop it up the first time someone plays a job, and have an option in the character menu for showing it all the time or never.

Re: Round Beginning Security Popup. - vampirate - 07-31-2015

Zamujasa Wrote:
Quote:You are a Security Officer!

[Image: Jobsec.png]

Your job is to keep the station, and its crew, safe.

* Your PDA comes with a ticketing app for minor crimes.
* Your stun baton and taser are a short- and long-ranged stun weapon, respectively.
* You can restrain someone by using a pair of handcuffs on them.
* The brig in your department can be used to jail crimers for their crimes.

Communication is key! Talk to your fellow officers by starting messages with :h.

For full details, see the wiki. Not reading this is no excuse!

I dig it.

Ugh, that button...

Re: Round Beginning Security Popup. - vampirate - 08-01-2015

I actually kind of agree with the above post. While mainly I'd at least like to see it for sec, I don't suppose it would be a bad general popup with an opt out that triggers per job