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Official Traitor Items Discussion Thread (Wonk) - Printable Version

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Re: Official Traitor Items Discussion Thread (Wonk) - Dauntasa - 08-04-2013

Bear Traps
For Janitors I guess but whatever
like 4 crystals for a box with a few of them.

Basically they're a mousetrap except that when they activate instead of doing basically nothing they either rip off a leg if you stepped on them or an arm if they were in a backpack.

Also you can still stick grenades to them Demonology 101

Re: Official Traitor Items Discussion Thread (Wonk) - APARTHEID - 08-04-2013

Fake Bible - 2-4 Telecrystals - Chaplain ONLY.

It's a bible! Well, not exactly. Sure, it LOOKS like a bible and it HOLDS ITEMS like a bible, but this sucker doesn't heal! Not one bit!

Sure, they'll FEEL divine providence in all of its glory, but that'll be due to the brain damage, not your two semesters in Faith-Based Medicine.

Re: Official Traitor Items Discussion Thread (Wonk) - Conor12 - 08-16-2013

Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch
[Image: OiKWmuA.png][Image: zJcqPrj.png]
A holy weapon for the chaplain to smite his enemies, 4 or 5 telecrystals, larger radius than a syndicate pipe bomb. Because fun. Probably comes with this:

A Reading from the Book of Armaments, Chapter 4, Verses 16 to 20:
Then did he raise on high the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch, saying, "Bless this, O Lord, that with it thou mayst blow thine enemies to tiny bits, in thy mercy." And the LORD did grin and the people did rejoice and did feast upon the lambs and toads and tree-sloths and fruit-bats and orangutans... Now did the Lord say, "First thou pullest the Holy Pin. Then thou must count to three. Once the number three, being the number of the counting, be reached, then lobbest thou the Holy Hand Grenade in the direction of thine foe, who, being naughty in my sight, shall snuff it."

Re: Official Traitor Items Discussion Thread (Wonk) - Dareon - 08-16-2013

Hacked mining charges can be "stuck" to people, but just wind up on the floor as the target runs away. If it could be programmed to go into their inventory somehow, that would be grand.

My main, shitty, thought was it just goes into their active hand, auto-disarming whatever they were holding. This would give someone enough time to drop it as they ran if they were quick on the uptake.

This would probably result in some sort of fundamental change to miner traitor gameplay. I don't know if surprise package bombing sprees are more or less funny than every single exterior window being broken, however.

Re: Official Traitor Items Discussion Thread (Wonk) - Weavel - 08-16-2013

Seeing as currently the bigger Concussive Charges might gib someone if held on to, that might be a bit OP if you can just wander about slapping people once to do both a disarm and a gib. would be cool enough if it took a moment or two to apply

Re: Official Traitor Items Discussion Thread (Wonk) - enforcer9 - 08-16-2013

Weavel Wrote:Seeing as currently the bigger Concussive Charges might gib someone if held on to, that might be a bit OP if you can just wander about slapping people once to do both a disarm and a gib. would be cool enough if it took a moment or two to apply
I think he meant for it to be droppable if you noticed that you got charged, at least that's the way I saw it.

Re: Official Traitor Items Discussion Thread (Wonk) - Dauntasa - 08-16-2013

when sticking it to someone, automatic safety mechanism activates setting the charge timer to one minute seconds, but because it's been hacked the only way to get it off is to stick it onto someone else or remove the arm entirely

Re: Official Traitor Items Discussion Thread (Wonk) - Xeram - 08-21-2013

Dauntasa Wrote:when sticking it to someone, automatic safety mechanism activates setting the charge timer to one minute seconds, but because it's been hacked the only way to get it off is to stick it onto someone else or remove the arm entirely

This sounds much more hilarious.

Have it visibly on you and a scream as it digs into your skin to attach.

Re: Official Traitor Items Discussion Thread (Wonk) - VictorMAngoStein - 08-22-2013

Can power gloves be installed into pods as a weapon yet?

Butt mine (For assistants and roboticists): It looks like a butt, but when you try to pick it up it explodes (with the superfart sound.) If you're smart you can shove extra explosives inside. Great for wizard rounds or just leaving outside robotics/botany. On spawning you can label it either as a random player's butt or a synthbutt, but if that person knows that they aren't debutted they will probably report it.

Re: Official Traitor Items Discussion Thread (Wonk) - atomic1fire - 08-24-2013

Medical Scan disrupter implant

Can be used on a victim to screw up their medical diagnosis if being done via scanner.

e.g Show them as cardiac arrest and convince a doctor to throw them into a grille.
Show the victim with more or less damage then they actually have, giving them various drug addictions or something

the implant could probably also Mess up the genetics scanner from the inside for a short while (maybe the genetics scanner stops cloning and gives some bogus error message, and then "restarts", forcing them to find the implant and wait for the scanner to turn back on)

Use it on some poor sap you just murdered to keep doctors preoccupied until they find the implant and know it's a traitor's tactic to slow the station down.

Re: Official Traitor Items Discussion Thread (Wonk) - Rob Stark - 08-27-2013


A laser used by the famous x-men, that can be worn on your eyes! It's the same as a laser gun, however you can hold it on your head. It would look exactly like thermals, and if it were possible, maybe they could work like thermals too?

Re: Official Traitor Items Discussion Thread (Wonk) - VictorMAngoStein - 08-28-2013

^That sounds TGstation as fuck.

Make it an implant that lets you fire lasers out of your ass instead.

Re: Official Traitor Items Discussion Thread (Wonk) - Rob Stark - 08-28-2013

VictorMAngoStein Wrote:^That sounds TGstation as fuck.

Make it an implant that lets you fire lasers out of your ass instead.

Honestly I would much rather lasers being fired out of my ass than my eyes, it seems more realistic. Besides, It was just an idea I got from watching X-men.

Re: Official Traitor Items Discussion Thread (Wonk) - Cogwerks - 08-28-2013

Dauntasa Wrote:Bear Traps
For Janitors I guess but whatever
like 4 crystals for a box with a few of them.

Basically they're a mousetrap except that when they activate instead of doing basically nothing they either rip off a leg if you stepped on them or an arm if they were in a backpack.

Also you can still stick grenades to them Demonology 101

That sounds fun, I'll add that sometime soon.

Re: Official Traitor Items Discussion Thread (Wonk) - Admiral jimbob - 08-31-2013

Emagged hand teleporters should have no off-limits destinations. Basically I want to run a traitor Captain gimmick where I teleport people into the ice caves dressed in clown suits and dare them to survive.