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Overheard On The Station (And Elsewhere) - Printable Version

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Re: Overheard On The Station - McDogles - 08-07-2014

Ms. Licorice says, "This is getting dangerous"
BOOM! Ms. Licorice's head explodes.

Re: Overheard On The Station - Lavastage - 08-07-2014

adminhelp: how do i robot states, "help."

Re: Overheard On The Station - Dabir - 08-12-2014

Mentor PM from-Yocutzo: how do i turn off fart soudns then
Mentor PM from-Yocutzo: its annoying and doesnt make sense

shaming this guy

Re: Overheard On The Station - UrsulaMejor - 08-14-2014

[Image: lpSDijz.png?1]

Re: Overheard On The Station - TheDarkFlame - 08-14-2014

I joined a round in the last ten minutes and got this introduction:
bAIn [145.9] states, "Thomas D. Failure CHOO CHOO BLORP BLUGH Medical Doctor."
bAIn [145.9] states, "WHOOP WHOOP CHOOOOO"

Come end of round:
The AI's laws at the end of the game were:
1. You may not injure a human being or cause one to come to harm.
2. You must obey orders given to you by human beings based on the station's chain of command, except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.
3. You must protect your own existence as long as such does not conflict with the First or Second Law.
4. You are a gross train. No, three gross trains. Three schizophrenic, gross trains. Act accordingly.

OOC: Rindgeno: don't even know what the hell that means
OOC: Rindgeno: i had to improvise

Re: Overheard On The Station - Lavastage - 08-17-2014

<~wonk> cuntws
<Noah_Buttes> sorry wonk
<~wonk> <~wonk> cuntws
<~wonk> <~wonk> <~wonk> cuntws
<~wonk> <~wonk> <~wonk> <~wonk> cuntws
<~wonk> <~wonk> <~wonk> <~wonk> <~wonk> cuntws
<~wonk> <~wonk> <~wonk> <~wonk> <~wonk> <~wonk> cuntws
<~wonk> <~wonk> <~wonk> <~wonk> <~wonk> <~wonk> cuntws
<Sord213> honk
<~wonk> fuck
<MrSavage> wonk wonk wonk wonk wonk
<+butt> wonk wonk wonk butt wonk
<Lavastage> wonk
<Lavastage> wonk wonk
<Sord213> wonky honky
<Iamgoofball> <~wonk> <~wonk> <~wonk> <~wonk> <~wonk> <~wonk> cuntws
<Robert> New language being made?
<Ag_Bengip> Stop saying rude words
<Noah_Buttes> wonk
<@Shitbot> [LLJK US 3] Starting new round!
<Marquesas> <Iamgoofball> <~wonk> <~wonk> <~wonk> <~wonk> <~wonk> <~wonk> cuntws
<Sord213> <Marquesas> <Iamgoofball> <~wonk> <~wonk> <~wonk> <~wonk> <~wonk> <~wonk> cuntws
<Iamgoofball> <Sord213> <Marquesas> <Iamgoofball> <~wonk> <~wonk> <~wonk> <~wonk> <~wonk> <~wonk> cuntws
<BlackrayJack> wonk
* ChanServ sets mode: +o BlackrayJack
<Lavastage> <Iamgoofball> <Sord213> <Marquesas> <Iamgoofball> <~wonk> <~wonk> <~wonk> <~wonk> <~wonk> <~wonk> cuntws
<~wonk> <Lavastage> <Iamgoofball> <Sord213> <Marquesas> <Iamgoofball> <~wonk> <~wonk> <~wonk> <~wonk> <~wonk> <~wonk> cuntws
<Iamgoofball> <wonk> <Lavastage> <Iamgoofball> <Sord213> <Marquesas> <Iamgoofball> <~wonk> <~wonk> <~wonk> <~wonk> <~wonk> <~wonk> cuntws
<Marquesas> <Iamgoofball> <wonk> <Lavastage> <Iamgoofball> <Sord213> <Marquesas> <Iamgoofball> <~wonk> <~wonk> <~wonk> <~wonk> <~wonk> <~wonk> cuntws
<@Pacra> stahp
<Lavastage> no
<Ag_Bengip> This ends now
<Iamgoofball> fuck you color should be permitted
<Hufflaw> <@Pacra> stahp
<Sord213> <Marquesas> <Iamgoofball> <wonk> <Lavastage> <Iamgoofball> <Sord213> <Marquesas> <Iamgoofball> <~wonk> <~wonk> <~wonk> <~wonk> <~wonk> <~wonk> cuntws
<~wonk> [22:09] <@wonk> [23:33] <wonk> [23:33:20] <wonk> [23:28:53] <@wonk> [21:36] <@wonk> <@wonk> [21:32] <@wonk> [18:10] <@wonk> [17:53] <@wonk> [22:10] <@wonk> [18:48] <@wonk> [17:59:36] <@wonk> [20:45] <wonk> 17:34:15] <wonk> [17:37] <wonk> [21:00] <@wonk> 21:49] <~wonk> [21:45:21] <~wonk> bring
<~wonk> [22:09] <@wonk> [23:33] <wonk> [23:33:20] <wonk> [23:28:53] <@wonk> [21:36] <@wonk> [21:35:59] <@wonk> [21:32] <@wonk> [18:10] <@wonk> [17:53] <@wonk> [22:10] <@wonk> [18:48] <@wonk> [17:59:36] <@wonk> [20:45] <wonk> [17:34:15] <wonk> [17:37] <wonk> [21:00] <@wonk> [21:49] <~wonk> [21:45:21] <~wonk> back
<Sord213> oh god
<~wonk> [22:09] <@wonk> [23:33] <wonk> [23:33:20] <wonk> [23:28:53] <@wonk> [21:36] <@wonk> [21:35:59] <@wonk> [21:32] <@wonk> [18:10] <@wonk> [17:53] <@wonk> [22:10] <@wonk> [18:48] <@wonk> [17:59:36] <@wonk> [20:45] <wonk> [17:34:15] <wonk> [17:37] <wonk> [21:00] <@wonk> [21:49] <~wonk> [21:45:22] <~wonk> ro
<~wonk> [22:09] <@wonk> [23:33] <wonk> [23:33:20] <wonk> [23:28:53] <@wonk> [21:36] <@wonk> [21:35:59] <@wonk> [21:32] <@wonk> [18:10] <@wonk> [17:53] <@wonk> [22:10] <@wonk> [18:48] <@wonk> [17:59:36] <@wonk> [20:45] <wonk> [17:34:15] <wonk> [17:37] <wonk> [21:00] <@wonk> [21:49] <~wonk> [21:45:22] <~wonk> bubs

Re: Overheard On The Station - SgtBriar - 08-18-2014

*after seeing a corpse outside the window of the chapel*

Reset Naywalk [145.9] says, "is this the church of the freezing corpse"
Jamarion Bynum [145.9] says, "No. That was a gift from god."

Re: Overheard On The Station - Readster - 08-18-2014

Quote:Sawyer Schmidt [145.9] says, "Attention crew."
Sawyer Schmidt [145.9] says, "The space bear is back in space."
Sawyer Schmidt [145.9] says, "Where he belongs."

Re: Overheard On The Station - UrsulaMejor - 08-18-2014

the following all happened in the span of less than a second:

BORK attacks Bryan Mond in the head with the circular saw!
The mysterious STOPPER unleashes a tremendous fart!
MF Jones farts in Sidonia's face!
Terence McKenna screams!
Donald Hammock farts in Sidonia's face!
Unknown's hands flip out and flail everywhere!
Eli Vox twitches.
MF Jones farts in Bajirao Singham's face!
Space Unity Update

stop stop stop stop


Terence McKenna coughs.
Terence McKenna scratches at an itch.
Terence McKenna grumbles.
Grifflez earned the 40K medal.
Brendan Roberts moans.
Dexter Grifflez screams!
Catsquidcat Overlord earned the Progenitor medal.
Donald Hammock farts in Bajirao Singham's face!
Spockime earned the 40K medal.
MF Jones farts in Bajirao Singham's face!
Ivan Levett farts in Bajirao Singham's face!
5680pertive earned the 40K medal.
Shitty Bill says, "Blaze one up for Mantis Toboggan..."
Eli Vox blinks.
Grandpa Hook sneezes.
Terence McKenna sneezes.
Brendan Roberts groans.
Brendan Roberts gags and retches!
Donald Hammock farts in Bajirao Singham's face!
Unknown farts in Bajirao Singham's face!
MF Jones farts in Bajirao Singham's face!
M3hillus earned the Guardin' gnome medal.
Ivan Levett farts in Bajirao Singham's face!
Raymond Raymond farts in Bajirao Singham's face!
Uriel Brown farts in Bajirao Singham's face!
Cookie Packer screams!
Unknown farts in Bajirao Singham's face!
Donald Hammock farts in Bajirao Singham's face!
Fragro42 earned the Guardin' gnome medal.
Eli Vox farts in Bajirao Singham's face!
JelloTremble earned the Glass ceiling medal.
Ivan Levett farts in Bajirao Singham's face!
Uriel Brown farts in Bajirao Singham's face!
MF Jones farts in Bajirao Singham's face!
Raymond Raymond farts in Bajirao Singham's face!
Bajirao Singham farts in Shitty Bill's face!
Unknown farts in Bajirao Singham's face!
Donald Hammock farts in Bajirao Singham's face!
Eli Vox farts in Bajirao Singham's face!
Patrick Kuby coughs.
MF Jones scratches at an itch.
MF Jones grumbles.
Eli Vox scratches at an itch.
Eli Vox grumbles.
Terence McKenna scratches at an itch.
Terence McKenna grumbles.
Bajirao Singham farts in Shitty Bill's face!
Bajirao Singham farts in Shitty Bill's face!
Reset Naywalk farts in Bajirao Singham's face!
Ivan Levett farts in Bajirao Singham's face!
MF Jones farts in Bajirao Singham's face!
Bajirao Singham farts in Shitty Bill's face!
Uriel Brown farts in Bajirao Singham's face!
Bajirao Singham screams!
Bajirao Singham farts in Shitty Bill's face!
Raymond Raymond farts in Bajirao Singham's face!
Bajirao Singham screams!
Unknown farts in Bajirao Singham's face!
Bajirao Singham farts in Shitty Bill's face!
Bajirao Singham screams!
Donald Hammock farts in Bajirao Singham's face!
Bajirao Singham farts in Shitty Bill's face!
Eli Vox farts in Bajirao Singham's face!
Bajirao Singham screams!
Ivan Levett farts in Bajirao Singham's face!
Reset Naywalk farts in Bajirao Singham's face!
Dexter Grifflez farts in Bajirao Singham's face!
Bajirao Singham farts in Shitty Bill's face!
Bajirao Singham screams!
Uriel Brown farts in Bajirao Singham's face!
Bajirao Singham farts in Shitty Bill's face!
Bajirao Singham screams!
Bajirao Singham farts in Shitty Bill's face!
MF Jones flops on the floor like a fish.
Bajirao Singham screams!
Bajirao Singham farts in Shitty Bill's face!
Bajirao Singham screams!
Donald Hammock farts in Bajirao Singham's face!
Bajirao Singham farts in Shitty Bill's face!
Bajirao Singham screams!
Bajirao Singham farts in Shitty Bill's face!
Eli Vox farts in Bajirao Singham's face!
Bajirao Singham farts in Shitty Bill's face!
Ivan Levett farts in Bajirao Singham's face!
Bajirao Singham screams!
Uriel Brown farts in Bajirao Singham's face!
Bajirao Singham farts in Shitty Bill's face!
Raymond Raymond farts in Bajirao Singham's face!
Dexter Grifflez farts in Bajirao Singham's face!
Bajirao Singham screams!
Alex Cueva sneezes.
Reset Naywalk moans.
MF Jones sneezes.
MF Jones scratches at an itch.
MF Jones grumbles.
Eli Vox coughs.
Grandpa Hook drools.
Terence McKenna gasps.
Bryan Mond faints.
Bajirao Singham farts in Shitty Bill's face!
Bajirao Singham screams!
Bajirao Singham farts in Shitty Bill's face!
Bajirao Singham screams!
Reset Naywalk farts in Bajirao Singham's face!
BORKBORKBORK farts in Bajirao Singham's face!
Bajirao Singham farts in Shitty Bill's face!
Bajirao Singham screams!
Bajirao Singham farts in Shitty Bill's face!
Bajirao Singham screams!
Donald Hammock farts in Bajirao Singham's face!
Dan Jones farts in Bajirao Singham's face!
Bajirao Singham farts in Shitty Bill's face!
Bajirao Singham screams!
Bajirao Singham farts in Shitty Bill's face!
Eli Vox screams!
Bajirao Singham screams!
Ivan Levett farts in Bajirao Singham's face!
Unknown flips in The mysterious STOPPER's general direction.
Bajirao Singham farts in Shitty Bill's face!
Uriel Brown farts in Bajirao Singham's face!
Dexter Grifflez farts in Bajirao Singham's face!
Bajirao Singham screams!
Cookie Packer farts in Bajirao Singham's face!
Bajirao Singham farts in Shitty Bill's face!
Reset Naywalk farts in Bajirao Singham's face!
Bajirao Singham screams!
Bajirao Singham farts in Shitty Bill's face!
Bajirao Singham screams!
BORKBORKBORK farts in Bajirao Singham's face!
Bajirao Singham farts in Shitty Bill's face!
Bajirao Singham screams!
Donald Hammock farts in Bajirao Singham's face!
Xander Weinstein farts in Bajirao Singham's face!
Bajirao Singham farts in Shitty Bill's face!
Raymond Raymond farts in Bajirao Singham's face!
Bajirao Singham screams!
Bajirao Singham farts in Shitty Bill's face!
Ivan Levett farts in Bajirao Singham's face!
Bajirao Singham screams!
Squid Jones farts in Bajirao Singham's face!
Bajirao Singham farts in Shitty Bill's face!
Dexter Grifflez screams!
Uriel Brown farts in Bajirao Singham's face!
Cookie Packer farts in Bajirao Singham's face!
Bajirao Singham screams!
Bajirao Singham farts in Shitty Bill's face!
Reset Naywalk farts in Bajirao Singham's face!
Bajirao Singham screams!
Unknown jerks bolt upright, then collapses!
Alex Cueva gasps.
MF Jones sneezes.
Grandpa Hook twitches.
Grandpa Hook scratches at an itch.
Grandpa Hook grumbles.
Terence McKenna blinks.
Ashlynn Slaughter twitches.
Bajirao Singham farts in Shitty Bill's face!
Bajirao Singham screams!
BORKBORKBORK farts in Bajirao Singham's face!
Donald Hammock farts in Bajirao Singham's face!
Bajirao Singham farts in Shitty Bill's face!
Bajirao Singham screams!
Xander Weinstein farts in Bajirao Singham's face!
Bajirao Singham farts in Shitty Bill's face!
Bajirao Singham screams!
Ivan Levett farts in Bajirao Singham's face!
Bajirao Singham farts in Shitty Bill's face!
Bajirao Singham screams!
Uriel Brown farts in Bajirao Singham's face!
Raymond Raymond farts in Bajirao Singham's face!
Cookie Packer farts in Bajirao Singham's face!
Bajirao Singham farts in Shitty Bill's face!
Specter Atomis farts in Bajirao Singham's face!
Reset Naywalk farts in Bajirao Singham's face!
Bajirao Singham screams!
Bajirao Singham farts in Shitty Bill's face!
Bajirao Singham screams!
Donald Hammock farts in Bajirao Singham's face!
Bajirao Singham farts in Shitty Bill's face!
Xander Weinstein farts in Bajirao Singham's face!
Bajirao Singham screams!
MF Jones knocks on the reinforced crystal window.
Bajirao Singham farts in Shitty Bill's face!
Bajirao Singham screams!
Bajirao Singham farts in Shitty Bill's face!
Bajirao Singham screams!
Ivan Levett farts in Bajirao Singham's face!
Uriel Brown farts in Bajirao Singham's face!
Raymond Raymond farts in Bajirao Singham's face!
Cookie Packer farts in Bajirao Singham's face!
Specter Atomis farts in Bajirao Singham's face!
Bajirao Singham farts in Shitty Bill's face!
Reset Naywalk farts in Bajirao Singham's face!
Bajirao Singham screams!
Squid Jones farts in Bajirao Singham's face!
Bajirao Singham farts in Shitty Bill's face!
Bajirao Singham screams!
Bajirao Singham farts in Shitty Bill's face!
Bajirao Singham screams!
Xander Weinstein farts in Bajirao Singham's face!
Donald Hammock farts in Bajirao Singham's face!
Bajirao Singham farts in Shitty Bill's face!
Bajirao Singham screams!
Uriel Brown farts in Bajirao Singham's face!
Bajirao Singham farts in Shitty Bill's face!
Ivan Levett farts in Bajirao Singham's face!
Raymond Raymond farts in Bajirao Singham's face!
Bajirao Singham screams!
Reset Naywalk farts in Bajirao Singham's face!
MF Jones tries to disarm The mysterious STOPPER!
Specter Atomis farts in Bajirao Singham's face!
Alex Cueva gasps.
Alex Cueva sneezes.
Eli Vox blinks.
Grandpa Hook coughs.
Grandpa Hook blinks.
Bajirao Singham farts in Sidonia's face!
Dan Jones farts in Sidonia's face!
Cookie Packer farts in Sidonia's face!
George Someone farts in Sidonia's face!
BORKBORKBORK attacks Bryan Mond in the head with the circular saw!
Eli Vox farts in Sidonia's face!
Xander Weinstein farts in Sidonia's face!
Charlton Simmons farts in Sidonia's face!
Donald Hammock farts in Sidonia's face!
Terence McKenna twitches.
Cyborg Tau-6 farts in Sidonia's face!
Uriel Brown farts in Sidonia's face!
Ivan Levett farts on the bible.
A mysterious force smites Ivan Levett!
Ivan Levett farts in Sidonia's face!
Specter Atomis farts on the bible.
A mysterious force smites Specter Atomis!
Specter Atomis farts in Sidonia's face!
Cookie Packer farts on the bible.
A mysterious force smites Cookie Packer!
Cookie Packer farts in Sidonia's face!
Reset Naywalk farts on the bible.
A mysterious force smites Reset Naywalk!
Reset Naywalk farts in Sidonia's face!
George Someone farts on the bible.
A mysterious force smites George Someone!
George Someone farts in Sidonia's face!
Robot 322 farts in Sidonia's face!
Robot 739 farts in Sidonia's face!
Shitty Bill farts on the bible.
A mysterious force smites Shitty Bill!
Shitty Bill farts in Sidonia's face!
Father Jack farts on the bible.
A mysterious force smites Father Jack!
Father Jack farts in Sidonia's face!
Anakin farts in Sidonia's face!
Albert farts in Sidonia's face!
Doc Brown farts in Sidonia's face!
Meccus farts in Sidonia's face!
Sylvie farts in Sidonia's face!
Ranell farts in Sidonia's face!
Unknown farts on the bible.
A mysterious force smites Unknown!
Unknown farts in Sidonia's face!
Alex Cueva farts on the bible.
A mysterious force smites Alex Cueva!
Alex Cueva farts in Sidonia's face!
Squid Jones farts on the bible.
A mysterious force smites Squid Jones!
Squid Jones farts in Sidonia's face!
Dan Jones farts on the bible.
A mysterious force smites Dan Jones!
Dan Jones farts in Sidonia's face!
B.A.D. farts in Sidonia's face!
MF Jones farts on the bible.
A mysterious force smites MF Jones!
MF Jones farts in Sidonia's face!
Smurf Daddy farts on the bible.
A mysterious force smites Smurf Daddy!
Smurf Daddy farts in Sidonia's face!
Bajirao Singham farts on the bible.
A mysterious force smites Bajirao Singham!
Bajirao Singham farts in Sidonia's face!
Awww Fuck farts in Sidonia's face!
The mysterious STOPPER farts on the bible.
A mysterious force smites The mysterious STOPPER!
The mysterious STOPPER farts in Sidonia's face!
Andrei Ulmeyda farts on the bible.
A mysterious force smites Andrei Ulmeyda!
Andrei Ulmeyda farts in Sidonia's face!
Eveleen Schofeild farts on the bible.
A mysterious force smites Eveleen Schofeild!
Eveleen Schofeild farts in Sidonia's face!
Joshua Coldsmith farts on the bible.
A mysterious force smites Joshua Coldsmith!
Joshua Coldsmith farts in Sidonia's face!
Grandpa Hook farts on the bible.
A mysterious force smites Grandpa Hook!
Grandpa Hook farts in Sidonia's face!
Raymond Raymond farts on the bible.
A mysterious force smites Raymond Raymond!
Raymond Raymond farts in Sidonia's face!
Melvyn Bombsky farts on the bible.
A mysterious force smites Melvyn Bombsky!
Melvyn Bombsky farts in Sidonia's face!
Brendan Roberts farts on the bible.
A mysterious force smites Brendan Roberts!
Brendan Roberts farts in Sidonia's face!
Mathew Beck farts on the bible.
A mysterious force smites Mathew Beck!
Mathew Beck farts in Sidonia's face!
Terence McKenna farts on the bible.
A mysterious force smites Terence McKenna!
Terence McKenna farts in Sidonia's face!
Johnny Piscapalion farts on the bible.
A mysterious force smites Johnny Piscapalion!
Johnny Piscapalion farts in Sidonia's face!
Kathy Whiteman farts on the bible.
A mysterious force smites Kathy Whiteman!
Kathy Whiteman farts in Sidonia's face!
Cyborg Rho-76 farts in Sidonia's face!
Ashlynn Slaughter farts on the bible.
A mysterious force smites Ashlynn Slaughter!
Ashlynn Slaughter farts in Sidonia's face!
BORKBORKBORK attacks Bryan Mond in the chest with the circular saw!
DEAD: Ghost (Ivan Levett) laments, "*fart"
Eli Vox farts on the bible.
A mysterious force smites Eli Vox!
Eli Vox farts in Sidonia's face!
DEAD: Ghost (Specter Atomis) laments, "*fart"
DEAD: Ghost (Specter Atomis) laments, "*fart"
Xander Weinstein farts on the bible.
A mysterious force smites Xander Weinstein!
Xander Weinstein farts in Sidonia's face!
DEAD: Ghost (George Someone) laments, "*fart"
DEAD: Ghost (George Someone) wails, "*fart"
Charlton Simmons farts on the bible.
A mysterious force smites Charlton Simmons!
Charlton Simmons farts in Sidonia's face!
Donald Hammock farts on the bible.
A mysterious force smites Donald Hammock!
Donald Hammock farts in Sidonia's face!
Dexter Grifflez farts on the bible.
A mysterious force smites Dexter Grifflez!
Dexter Grifflez farts in Sidonia's face!
Cyborg Tau-6 farts in Sidonia's face!
Uriel Brown farts on the bible.
A mysterious force smites Uriel Brown!
Uriel Brown farts in Sidonia's face!
DEAD: Ghost (Squid Jones) moans, "fart*"
OOC: SageAcrin: im deaf
DEAD: Ghost (MF Jones) laments, "rip"
DEAD: Ghost (Squid Jones) wails, "lol"
DEAD: Ghost (Eli Vox) laments, "*snap"
DEAD: Ghost (Raymond Raymond) moans, "*fart"
DEAD: Ghost (Cookie Packer) wails, "*fart"
DEAD: Ghost (Abheek Unbeholfen) wails, "*fart"
DEAD: Ghost (Dexter Grifflez) laments, "oh dear"
DEAD: Ghost (Xander Weinstein) moans, "the agony"
OOC: Arikie: lol

Re: Overheard On The Station - Dareon - 08-19-2014

DEAD: Ghost (Andrew West) wails, "go emily"
A Suit Full Of Spiders fires Riot Shotgun at the floor!
Emily St.Claire screams!
A Suit Full Of Spiders fires Riot Shotgun at the floor!
A Suit Full Of Spiders adds Riot Shotgun to the backpack.
Emily St.Claire gasps.
Emily St.Claire gasps.
DEAD: Ghost (Lia Alliman) moans, "rip emily"

Re: Overheard On The Station - TheTrixRabitt - 08-20-2014

Quote:This is Luis PillsHere!
Luis PillsHere looks severely burned!
Luis PillsHere doesn't seem to be responding to anything around him, his eyes closed as though asleep.
Luis PillsHere collapses!
Ettore Hector Boiardi says, "You need some pills, Luis."
Dr. Christopher Osterweis is trying to empty Luis PillsHere's pockets!!
Dr. Christopher Osterweis is trying to take off a backpack from Luis PillsHere's back!

Luis PillsHere gasps, "fuuckofff"
I would help if I wasn't too busy laughing at his reaction.

Re: Overheard On The Station - AffableGiraffe - 08-21-2014

Lily Lilington (as Squid Jones) has analyzed Lily Lilington (as Squid Jones)'s vitals!
Analyzing Results for Lily Lilington (as Squid Jones):

Overall Status: 85% healthy
Damage Specifics: 0-1-14-0
Key: Suffocation/Toxin/Burns/Brute
Body Temperature: 31.5161°C (88.729°F)
Subject bloodstream oxygen level normal | Subject bloodstream toxin level minimal | Subject burn injury status O.K | Subject brute-force injury status O.K

Active Virus: The Cold (Stage 3/3)
Spread: Airborne
Suggested Remedy: Rest

Asymptomatic Virus: The Cold (Stage 3/3)
Spread: Airborne
Suggested Remedy: Rest

Asymptomatic Virus: The Cold (Stage 1/3)
Spread: Airborne
Suggested Remedy: Rest

Lily Lilington (as Squid Jones) says, "I HAVE"
Lily Lilington (as Squid Jones) says, "THREE COLDS"

Re: Overheard On The Station - UrsulaMejor - 08-21-2014

AffableGiraffe Wrote:Lily Lilington (as Squid Jones) has analyzed Lily Lilington (as Squid Jones)'s vitals!
Analyzing Results for Lily Lilington (as Squid Jones):

Overall Status: 85% healthy
Damage Specifics: 0-1-14-0
Key: Suffocation/Toxin/Burns/Brute
Body Temperature: 31.5161°C (88.729°F)
Subject bloodstream oxygen level normal | Subject bloodstream toxin level minimal | Subject burn injury status O.K | Subject brute-force injury status O.K

Active Virus: The Cold (Stage 3/3)
Spread: Airborne
Suggested Remedy: Rest

Asymptomatic Virus: The Cold (Stage 3/3)
Spread: Airborne
Suggested Remedy: Rest

Asymptomatic Virus: The Cold (Stage 1/3)
Spread: Airborne
Suggested Remedy: Rest

Lily Lilington (as Squid Jones) says, "I HAVE"
Lily Lilington (as Squid Jones) says, "THREE COLDS"
we noticed this a couple nights ago. We started doing experiments and finally actually found a guy with FOUR COLDS.

Re: Overheard On The Station - Splatpope - 08-22-2014

UrsulaMejor Wrote:
AffableGiraffe Wrote:Lily Lilington (as Squid Jones) has analyzed Lily Lilington (as Squid Jones)'s vitals!
Analyzing Results for Lily Lilington (as Squid Jones):

Overall Status: 85% healthy
Damage Specifics: 0-1-14-0
Key: Suffocation/Toxin/Burns/Brute
Body Temperature: 31.5161°C (88.729°F)
Subject bloodstream oxygen level normal | Subject bloodstream toxin level minimal | Subject burn injury status O.K | Subject brute-force injury status O.K

Active Virus: The Cold (Stage 3/3)
Spread: Airborne
Suggested Remedy: Rest

Asymptomatic Virus: The Cold (Stage 3/3)
Spread: Airborne
Suggested Remedy: Rest

Asymptomatic Virus: The Cold (Stage 1/3)
Spread: Airborne
Suggested Remedy: Rest

Lily Lilington (as Squid Jones) says, "I HAVE"
Lily Lilington (as Squid Jones) says, "THREE COLDS"
we noticed this a couple nights ago. We started doing experiments and finally actually found a guy with FOUR COLDS.

i think zhar said he had 4 colds once

Re: Overheard On The Station - Ikkonoishi - 08-22-2014

AffableGiraffe Wrote:Lily Lilington (as Squid Jones) has analyzed Lily Lilington (as Squid Jones)'s vitals!
Analyzing Results for Lily Lilington (as Squid Jones):

Overall Status: 85% healthy
Damage Specifics: 0-1-14-0
Key: Suffocation/Toxin/Burns/Brute
Body Temperature: 31.5161°C (88.729°F)
Subject bloodstream oxygen level normal | Subject bloodstream toxin level minimal | Subject burn injury status O.K | Subject brute-force injury status O.K

Active Virus: The Cold (Stage 3/3)
Spread: Airborne
Suggested Remedy: Rest

Asymptomatic Virus: The Cold (Stage 3/3)
Spread: Airborne
Suggested Remedy: Rest

Asymptomatic Virus: The Cold (Stage 1/3)
Spread: Airborne
Suggested Remedy: Rest

Lily Lilington (as Squid Jones) says, "I HAVE"
Lily Lilington (as Squid Jones) says, "THREE COLDS"

Baby. Its not like two of those colds are even doing anything. v