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LLJK 4 Survival Tips? - Printable Version

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Re: LLJK 4 Survival Tips? - Hull - 10-21-2014

The point of this game is to play it, not to win it.

Re: LLJK 4 Survival Tips? - babayetu83 - 10-21-2014

to kill people, attack them until they die

Re: LLJK 4 Survival Tips? - Natsumehack - 10-21-2014

If someone spits acid at your face, go take a bathroom break, because you are dead.

Re: LLJK 4 Survival Tips? - DyssalC - 10-22-2014

Natsumehack Wrote:If someone spits acid at your face, go take a bathroom break, because you are dead.
Not until you see the O2 icon. Sometimes they get chased off.

Re: LLJK 4 Survival Tips? - Roomba - 10-22-2014

Put flour in a sink to make dough, roll out dough with a rolling pin and cut it up with a knife to make three uncooked tortilla shells. Cook for six seconds, low, then place any meat of your choice in it and a slice of cheese to complete a taco. Garnish with sauce of your choice.

Re: LLJK 4 Survival Tips? - Splatpope - 10-23-2014

in 5 years I have not been able to figure out what the fuck is up with goonstation but it's great it's a bit like opium i guess

so yeah just go with the flow and don't let your mind get destroyed by the constant stream of nonsense; death is common and sometimes !!fun!!, imo actively trying to survive and powerplay is the surefire way to become frustrated, so I would not care so much if I were you

Re: LLJK 4 Survival Tips? - Natsumehack - 10-23-2014

DyssalC Wrote:
Natsumehack Wrote:If someone spits acid at your face, go take a bathroom break, because you are dead.
Not until you see the O2 icon. Sometimes they get chased off.

Never once did they ever get chased off for me.

Re: LLJK 4 Survival Tips? - Erev - 10-23-2014

It is rare but it can happen. During a 'ling round last night my first tag with acid was the captain who was pulling a locker at the time. Someone hopped OUT of the locker and managed to save the captain from me. I still don't know what he was doing in there....

Re: LLJK 4 Survival Tips? - Natsumehack - 10-23-2014

Erev Wrote:It is rare but it can happen. During a 'ling round last night my first tag with acid was the captain who was pulling a locker at the time. Someone hopped OUT of the locker and managed to save the captain from me. I still don't know what he was doing in there....
Clearly setting a changeling trap.

Re: LLJK 4 Survival Tips? - Conor12 - 10-23-2014

What is this? You're still playing the same game, just with more people!

Hull Wrote:The point of this game is to play it, not to win it.

Re: LLJK 4 Survival Tips? - Xeram - 10-26-2014

1. Never trust Pritchard or anything I ever say becausee 100% of the time It is probably me lying and I am a skeleton waiting to murder you.

Re: LLJK 4 Survival Tips? - Silvercloud29 - 10-30-2014

I been playing for a bit over a year now. Some of the things i like to do to increase my chances of survival:

1: Acquiring a full toolbelt and insulated gloves.
Now what I consider a full toolbelt is all the tools from a blue toolbox, expect you are replacing the analyzer with a multitool. Best places to find toolbelts is the Main pod hanger, Tools storage (Next to botany), Engineering storage, and QM has 2 of them (Inside their hanger.) Now for multitools there is a few laying around. If you cannot find one, any general manufacturers can make one. (There is one in tools storage, and QM as well)

Now for insulated You can ask mechanics or a engineer to give you a pair. Or break into mechanics to get them as well. They have a lot of spares. otherwise a QM can order a crate that has 2 pairs in them

A full toolbelt with a pair of insulated gloves will increase your survivability exponentially once you learned how to hack doors. There has been PLENTY of rounds I have survived due have the ability to robust though ANY locked doors. That! And having the gloves also mitigates shock damage from doors. So if you have a rouge AI you don't have to worry about it shocking you to death.
A full toolbelt with gloves isn't only for just opening doors. it's good for having an alternative for a more subtle approach to breaking into places by moving glass panels, with out breaking them. Wirecutters can instantly cut out a grill. Use a screwdriver and you can pull a grill out of place. You can save your life or the lives of others by having these tools around for use. Or simply going almost anywhere you want to.

2: Space suits are good, but Engineering space suits are better.
The grey space suits in EVA are good if you are in a pinch and you just need to get out into space or into a destroyed section of the station. However they come with a movement penalty which if you are on the lamb, will get you killed. Engineering space suits do not suffer as much of a speed loss (As far as I could tell) to their grey suit brothers. they also have built in flashlights on the helm. leaving your pockets and hands free for other things then to carry a light around.

There is about 5 of these naturally on station (2 in the northern engineering airlock. and 3 in mining) Most miners don't take these anymore since they can make themselves industrial armor suits (Really blast resistant and radiation proof robust black and yellow suits) Alternatively if you cannot find even a grey space suit around. As long as if you have some fabric and a working mining fab you can make a engineering space suit.

3: Backpack or Air Jetpack.
Your backpack is a great storage solution if you got a lot of stuff to carry around and make sure you don't lose it if you, lets say, get knocked over. The problem with this is that if you end up later in the round, where most likely there is massive holes in the station, air is missing, etc. Then you are still leaving yourself open to a problem. How to breath.

Now you could of course use a emergency airtank, fill it up to the max (1013.something) and stick it in your pocket... but if you get pushed out or end up in space for whatever reason, be prepared to take a nice long trip into the debris field. (You could take an item from your backpack and toss it opposite in the direction you want to go... but then what was the point of having all those items on you then?) You could use a fire extinguisher too! (Very few uses but it can save your ass) However the best option for your ONE and ONLY back slot (Specially if you KNOW you are going to deal with space) is the air jetpack. It gives you nearly complete control over your movement (WIthout mag boots you can still "Drift") If you still have to many items to carry you can always hold your backpack (It clogs up a hand but lets you carry a bunch of guns still) I would recommend a empty toolbox over a backpack to store items (Toolboxes can hold weapons like shotguns, lasers, etc) and is a lot more... Useful in a fight then a backpack. The other thing to consider about toolbox is, if you drop it, most likely a person won't pick it up, thinking its a normal toolbox.

Anyway if I think of anything else I will just edit this post to add it in here. Have fun getting murdered on LLJK4

Re: LLJK 4 Survival Tips? - thehman03 - 08-23-2015

dont die i guess

Re: LLJK 4 Survival Tips? - BaneOfGiygas - 08-23-2015

Oh god what is this thread doing back here. Why is this thread from literally almost a year ago back here.

Re: LLJK 4 Survival Tips? - Huff H Law - 08-23-2015

BaneOfGiygas Wrote:Oh god what is this thread doing back here. Why is this thread from literally almost a year ago back here.
Well, did you learn how to survive?