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Re: Online SS13-Themed DnD - FishDance - 09-16-2014

pizzatiger Wrote:Dam you! You picked a school night to do your twisted (Wonderful) games!

I'm sorry! But like I said earlier, if this whole shabang goes over well then I'd totally be up for doing it at a time that will work better for others, etc. Don't fret!

Re: Online SS13-Themed DnD - DyssalC - 09-16-2014

FishDance2 Wrote:Hey guys, upon testing everything out with Amelorate, since they happened to drop in while I was play testing, I've found that playing with 3.5 would make things even more needlessly complicated than it needs to be, so I figure 5.2 would be a but more simple. If anyone wants to look over the basics and or character creation bit in order to figure stuff out beforehand, it'd be can disregard stuff like race and saving throws and stuff, we won't be going that in depth, this'll be a lot of home brew. Here's the link. ... basicrules

Do you have any specific parameters for character creation? Things specific to what we'll be doing?

Re: Online SS13-Themed DnD - FishDance - 09-16-2014

DyssalC Wrote:
FishDance2 Wrote:Stuff

Do you have any specific parameters for character creation? Things specific to what we'll be doing?

As in you'd like to start making a character and you wanna kinda get things in line with how stuff will work? Eh, not really. The only things I can really come up with right now are a ban on mages/wizards, since that's a hell of a lot of complication to add to an entrance level game, but other than that no. In fact, I believe you can go to the d20 link from before, enter the campaign, and begin creating a character. To do this, begin by opening the campaign. Once you're in you should see a chat tool on the right side of the screen. Above the chat log there should be a few little tiles, the second one on the left should look like a newspaper, and upon hovering over it, it should say journal. Click on that, and there should be a list of characters, find the one with your name, click on them, then select character sheet. That will be the character sheet for the one you'll be using in game. That goes for everyone who I mentioned earlier, you all have characters. Please don't mess with other people's characters, that's rude! Also, I left an already filled out character in there as an example that you guys can check out.

Re: Online SS13-Themed DnD - FishDance - 09-16-2014

I'm gonna hover on the SS13 campaign for the next couple of hours, so if you want to get a head start like a couple of others have and create a character already/go through how DnD works, then go ahead and jump onto the game, (Just follow the link then click on the hyperlinked "SS13" text) and drop a message in chat, and I'll help you figure stuff out.

Re: Online SS13-Themed DnD - FishDance - 09-17-2014

One more quick update before we start playing tomorrow. A couple of you have already stopped in and created characters/ gone over how the game works with me so as to not waste a whole lot of time when we actually kick things off tomorrow, so thanks to you guys! Two of you, Poland Spring, and Amelorate already stopped by the game to say hi, but haven't made characters yet, and also Zadeon, you haven't stopped by at all yet. If you three have time to swing by and make a character so that we don't spend too much time tomorrow faffing about on that kind of stuff, then that would be great. I'm going to leave the link down below, and I'll leave the chatroom thing open while I work on other things. So, go ahead and join and drop a message, and I'll be sure to help you guys out in regards to making your character.

The link for getting onto the game ->
The link for setting up a character -> ... basicrules

Sorry for posting into this thread so much, just figure it's the easiest way to get your guys' attention. See ya there!

Re: Online SS13-Themed DnD - FishDance - 09-18-2014

After a pretty good first session, the players who stuck through to the end and I have decided to do the same thing, next week, at the same time. That of course, is Thursday, 5:30 Pacific / 6:30 Mountain / 7:30 Central / 8:30 Eastern. If you were unable to show up, or left partway through, don't fear! You can join part way through with no hard feelings. So that you won't feel left out of the story, david2222121 or, as we call him, David Numbers, will be providing everyone with a run-down of the events that transpired in this session. Hope to see you guys next week!

Re: Online SS13-Themed DnD - david2222121 - 09-18-2014

So, to start this narrative, let's get a roll call going first. Our party consisted of me, some nicotine addicted jerk who thinks he's a detective and is good with guns, Elder Muffin, a kleptomaniacal old man, Steve Dysall, The slam-jam-iest guy around, Nikolas Baskett, our friendly zap happy medic, and Nick Davies, some dude with a C-Saber.

After getting our sheets set up, we left the arrivals shuttle and promptly began to screw around, discovering a Security guard hanging out in the detective's office. Nick Davies promptly insults him and is challenged to a fight near arrivals. After the guard leaves, I hack open the door and steal the revolver because I am the detective and also guns are awesome. We then defuse the fight between Nick and the guard, with Nikolas offering the guard a blunt, then managing to shock all his memories away with his defib. The amnesiac guard is promptly looted and left in Crew Quarters to munch on some donk pockets while we move onto the bar, sans Nick who we stuffed into a disposals pipe after he went AFK. Inside, we find some greyshirts manning the bar and Muffin immediately starts a fight with them, only to start rummaging around the bar for things to eat while Steve and I manage to beat and shoot the three of them to death. One liners were said, and a cleaning grenade was thrown. In the end, we stood victorious, and stuffed Nikolas under the bar table while he took a nap. After regrouping and leveling up, we talked to the chef, who refused to leave the kitchen until we delivered some produce from botany. So off we went. After making our way in, Muffin did the unthinkable, and gazed upon the very edge of space and time itself. The admins appeared, and bestowed upon us Boxward, the talking toolbox if we agreed to not say anything to anyone. He then shoved a botanist and a hapless assistant into Boxward because...well...I'm not really sure why. And at that point we called it quits.

Re: Online SS13-Themed DnD - FishDance - 09-18-2014

david2222121 Wrote:A pretty good summation of events.
It should be noted that the reason why the group of them was there anyhow was because centcom sent a tactical strike team to kill a syndicate operative placed among the ranks of the station, they've narrowed it down to either the Chef, the RD, or the Captain. That's the main reason why they went to the bar first. Also, here's an excerpt from chat that I found pretty humorous:

Quote:[A staff assistant had just dropped a cleaning grenade, and booked it for the bar exit]
Elder Muffin casually walks over to the kitchen table and fancies that cake, he begins eating it.
Fishdance (GM): If you had taken any damage, you'd have healed some. You eat some cake.
Elder Muffin: A most delicious meal.
David "Numbers" Bailey: Steve! Tag him with the grenade!
Steve Dyssal: Can I pick up the grenade and toss it at staff assistant 1?
Fishdance (GM): Lemme put it this way Steve, the motto of this game might as well be "You can try!" So yes.
Steve Dyssal goes to lob the grenade at the fleeing staff assistant!
Fishdance (GM): That's a dexterity check
Steve Dyssal makes an ability check: DEX check : 1
Fishdance (GM): Oh no. You throw the grenade! Or so you think. It falls directly in front of you. You seem proud of yourself, thinking it'd hit him right in the head. You might need glasses.
David "Numbers" Bailey: Jesus, Steve, THIS is how you throw something!
David "Numbers" Bailey makes an ability check: DEX check : 15
Fishdance (GM): You bean the grenade directly off of the Staffies head. It falls and bounces, and lands near his feet.
David "Numbers" Bailey: Rub a dub dub. scrub.
Fishdance (GM): The grenade goes off. The staff assistant slips, hitting his head on the way down.
Fishdance (GM): Staffie 1 starts to crawl to the door, movement is halved.
David "Numbers" Bailey takes aim at the assistant crawling to the door.
David "Numbers" Bailey: We don't allow dine and dashers here, buddy.
David "Numbers" Bailey makes an ability check: DEX check : 15
Fishdance (GM): That's a hit!
David "Numbers" Bailey: Rolling 1d12 + 1d6 damage. (3) + (2) = 5
Fishdance (GM): The bullet hits him in the back, his body becomes limp. Rip.
I feel that pretty much sums up how this game ahs been going.

Re: Online SS13-Themed DnD - Fautzo - 09-20-2014

Is it too late to join? I added myself to the campaign as Thequadehunter but if there's too many people I'd even be happy spectating. I've only done tabletop gaming once and I've been itching to get into it for a while.

Re: Online SS13-Themed DnD - LinkDaWolf - 09-20-2014

i might be interested in playing but i've never done any tabletop-esque gaming before so uh

would it be ok for a complete newbie to jump in, too? i'm gonna look at the character creation stuff now but i'd be willing to sit otu and maybe watch a couple rounds instead

Re: Online SS13-Themed DnD - FishDance - 09-20-2014

In regards to the people who were inquiring about joining late, I'm just gonna make the statement now that "Anyone who shows up at the date and time specified gets to play.*" I added the asterisk because because I'm probably gonna have to kick people if they're disrespectful, refuse to cooperate with others, generally just misbehave, or if there are already 6 or so people in game at the time, as I personally don't think I'll be able to DM a game with that many people and still have it be under control. Other than that, I'm sure the others will agree with me when I say that they'd be happy to let people join. Don't worry about experience or anything, as the majority of people who played the first session were new to the thing as well, and I'd be glad to give a tutorial to explain stuff to people.

After the first round played out Im just gonna give a few tips on how to play with us, since I figure it wouldn't got amiss. First and foremost, try to stick with the main group, straying a room or so away is fine, but if half the group is at a cigarette machine attempting to electrocute it with a defibrilator, one guy's in the shuttle hangar, and another is trying to fight a sec officer (this actually happened) it gets really hard for me to manage everything. Secondly, don't get too rules-lawyery, we're using them as guidelines for the most part, and there's a bit of homebrewing going on. Thirdly, goonstation rules apply, no genital stuff, no ruining other people's fun, etc. That's about it.

Next session is Thursday, 5:30 Pacific / 6:30 Mountain / 7:30 Central / 8:30 Eastern as of right now. See ya there!

Re: Online SS13-Themed DnD - poland spring - 09-21-2014

Aw shit I missed it :<

Re: Online SS13-Themed DnD - DyssalC - 09-25-2014

Might be a bit late this time, feel free to start without me if I am.

Re: Online SS13-Themed DnD - DyssalC - 09-25-2014

This week on Goon Dungeon 13

Fall of the Gourmand
Nanotrasen sent us some backup! One of them is a horrible freak of nature with bears for hands!
We brought the chef some explosively good "herbs" that left him in shock and awe!
We discovered the chef had a wizard with him!
We found ourselves in quite a pickle as we took on our beefiest opponent yet, but we mustard up the courage to defEAT him!
The wizard subsequently exploded from puns!
We stabbed the chef so hard he blacked out!
We interrogated the chef kind of!
We gave the chef a bath to wash off the blood... in incredibly hot oil!
We used the oven and Elder's talking toolbox filled with many corpses to create a talking loaf!
We fed the lightly fried chef to the man with bear hands' hand bears and the talking toolbox Boxington!
We sent a report to Nanotrasen about how incompetent we were!
We were rewarded for our incompetency!

A Brief Respite
We made our way to medbay to pick up prescriptions and steal things!
The least intelligent person in the group was given the responsibility of mutating the rest of the team!
It worked out sort of!
The group was tasked with dealing with the mad robutticist!
The least intelligent person in the group challenged his killborg to a one on one fight!
The least intelligent person in the group got decapitated!
Things worked out sort of!

Re: Online SS13-Themed DnD - FishDance - 09-25-2014

DyssalC Wrote:A pretty good, and well formatted summary of events.
In addition to that, I will now be writing a state of the party! Here goes nothing!

Our main party now consists of
David Numbers Bailey: The gun toting and wisecracking (usual) leader of the group!
Elder Muffin: The guy who now has control over both an omniscient toolbox and a talking loaf. Oh, and he's radioactive among other mutations!
Nick Davis: The guy who played for about 10 minutes of the first session and is now unconscious on the shuttle!
Nikolas Baskett: The guy who sits out for every single fight, but who has otherwise has pretty good ideas!
SteveBorg 5000: The person formerly known as Steve Dyssal is now a borg's body with a human head! Fighting style involves pelting people with B-Balls!
And, Valterak Balmue: The newest member of the group, uses his bear hands and "Jumpy" mutation to clobber his enemies!

Supporting characters include
Boxward: The talking, and omniscient, toolbox sent from the heavens! Has an appetite for humans and just about anything else!
Loafer: The Fissile Loaf created by Elder Muffin! It walks, it talks, it... Well, it hasn't really done anything else yet!
F15K: Nearly the only non-throwaway NPC in the entire adventure! The groups Centcom representative and mission specialist!

Total bodycount as of this post
Assistants: 7
Botanists: 1
Borgs: 1
Wizards: 1
BBEGs: Chef, Roboticist

Other fun facts

Boxward is currently adorned with a Centcom Souvenir Keychain
Loafer is currently wearing a stylish hat.
The only body that is currently dead and has not been consumed by Boxward is that of former Steve Dyssal.
David "Numbers" Bailey Has smoked a total of 2 packs of pro puffs.
Valterak Balmue also has bear heads on his shoulders, where he welded them to himself somehow.
The amount of words currently typed would be here, but they crashed my text editor.
If anyone wants to read the EXACT goings-on, the archived chat link is here: