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Official Traitor Items Discussion Thread (Wonk) - Printable Version

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Re: Underused traitor items that need a buff - Dauntasa - 12-16-2012

ISaidNo Wrote:Quick question - I don't actually play all that much, so I don't get to really see the "ground level" impact of things I code. What I want to know is does the Signal Jammer get much use? I always wanted it since the super old days of SS13, and was really happy when I finally managed to find a way to code it.
The signal jammer is underused, but great. You don't see it that often but it is a very useful item if you know what you're doing.

Re: Underused traitor items that need a buff - Nitrous - 12-16-2012

ISaidNo Wrote:Quick question - I don't actually play all that much, so I don't get to really see the "ground level" impact of things I code. What I want to know is does the Signal Jammer get much use? I always wanted it since the super old days of SS13, and was really happy when I finally managed to find a way to code it.
I use it quite often, its great for making people disappear and it is a part of almost all my stealth-plans and traitor shenanigans.
Mix with stunbaton + handcuffs for best results

Re: Underused traitor items that need a buff - Anticheese - 12-16-2012

The signal jammer combined with some other way to disable someone is a pretty good combination!

Re: Underused traitor items that need a buff - Cogwerks - 12-16-2012

Signal jammer and sleepypen full of radium are a great combo. Turn on jammer, stab person next to you with radium, complain "oh man where is that radiation coming from" a second later and pretend it happened to you too, sympathize with them and talk about how you need to get to medbay together... but take a diversion to the crusher once they pass out.

it's me i'm a jerk

e: I wonder if it'd be fun to make syndicools crushable to get a light explosive reagent?

Re: Underused traitor items that need a buff - Klayboxx - 12-16-2012

Pretty much every time I'm a traitor I pick up the Signal Jammer. It's really awesome and makes it so you're pretty much unknown until you get spotted by someone and have bad luck incapacitating them.

Re: Underused traitor items that need a buff - Morphing_Dwarf - 12-16-2012

ISaidNo Wrote:Quick question - I don't actually play all that much, so I don't get to really see the "ground level" impact of things I code. What I want to know is does the Signal Jammer get much use? I always wanted it since the super old days of SS13, and was really happy when I finally managed to find a way to code it.
I use it when I have assassin objectives, or when the population count is low (15-20 people)

Re: Underused traitor items that need a buff - Karakoran - 12-16-2012

ISaidNo Wrote:Quick question - I don't actually play all that much, so I don't get to really see the "ground level" impact of things I code. What I want to know is does the Signal Jammer get much use? I always wanted it since the super old days of SS13, and was really happy when I finally managed to find a way to code it.
If you're going on a rampage it's useful. That's about it though.

Re: Underused traitor items that need a buff - APARTHEID - 12-17-2012

ISaidNo Wrote:Quick question - I don't actually play all that much, so I don't get to really see the "ground level" impact of things I code. What I want to know is does the Signal Jammer get much use? I always wanted it since the super old days of SS13, and was really happy when I finally managed to find a way to code it.

If you're not going to enslave someone, the signal jammer is definitely the way to go with a cyalume. Pick your target, knock 'em out with what you've got on hand, juke to Medbay and then from, then watch as your victim frantically curses their headset while you beat 'em to a pulp.

Speaking of other 3-crystal accompaniments, the chameleon projector doesn't get much use. It CAN be quite useful, but since most of the crew is klepto as is, your position is usually ruined by the one assistant that just can't have enough wrenches. I mean, they have to have every wrench on the station, come heaven or hell.

Re: Underused traitor items that need a buff - V12US - 12-17-2012

The Chameleon Projector is quite possibly the most awesome and underrated traitor item available. Probably because it doesn't get used much. That also makes people's reactions that much more hilarious when they try to pick you up and they suddenly get a face full of oxygen tank.

Face it. Noone cares about the pen lying in the corner. It's far more stealthy than the cloaking device, far less conspicious too. Disguise yourself as an empty internals box and embrace your inner Snake.

I used to be a shitty and unrobust traitor when I played, so I tried to be as stealthy as possible. If you suck at traitoring, you can always just mentally fuck with people. It's funny to see the security hordes scanning areas for "the cloaker", but they never suspect the traitor to be the cigarette butt right next to them.

Re: Underused traitor items that need a buff - HumbleBee - 12-17-2012

there should be a traitor item testing room or some shit in vr cause frankly theres tons of traitor items and i only know how to use two of them; the saber and the cham projector.

Re: Underused traitor items that need a buff - Nubcake - 12-17-2012

I didn't include the signal jammer, EMP grenades or cham projector as I have seen all these used fairly often (and I use them myself)

Plus I didn't see that they needed any changes applied to them. Still think the rad crossbow shouldn't make a stupidly loud noise, though

Re: Underused traitor items that need a buff - mozi - 12-17-2012

V12US Wrote:The Chameleon Projector is quite possibly the most awesome and underrated traitor item available. Probably because it doesn't get used much. That also makes people's reactions that much more hilarious when they try to pick you up and they suddenly get a face full of oxygen tank.

One round a traitor managed to get his hands on an e-gun, had a c-saber and the chameleon projector. He would disguise himself as the e-gun and just wait in a high-traffic area for someone to come and try and pick him up, then thwack them with the saber.

At the end he was the only one on the escape shuttle. Some miner showing up late might have thought the lone e-gun lying in an unoccupied shuttle was suspicious but he fell for it too. It was awesome.

Re: Underused traitor items that need a buff - Furbeh - 12-17-2012

Hold up, do thermals see through cham projectors?

Re: Underused traitor items that need a buff - Cogwerks - 12-17-2012

HumbleBee Wrote:there should be a traitor item testing room or some shit in vr cause frankly theres tons of traitor items and i only know how to use two of them; the saber and the cham projector.

Uh, there has been. For months now.

Re: Underused traitor items that need a buff - Nubcake - 12-17-2012

Furbeh Wrote:Hold up, do thermals see through cham projectors?
