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Libraries! Do we want them! Where do we want them!? - Printable Version

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RE: Libraries! Do we want them! Where do we want them!? - TemThrush - 09-23-2023

Hi I'm handful of people who expressed interest o/
I agree with a lot of what's already been said, I think if libraries were to be added I'd want them off to the side of the chapel, similar to how the Nerd Dungeon is often located right next to/in the chapel, or how the book-nook on Kondaru is basically connected to it. While a library role could be neat, personally I thought it may be interesting if it could be an "optional" Chaplain duty, something the chaplain could choose to take care of if they're particularly interested in it/aren't already doing a bit.

As just a space to hang out on it's own I think libraries could probably just be added to a couple of maps pretty easily, but I think some concern lies in how they'd function. The issue is the lack of content we currently have for bookshelves, and it's not that no one is making content. I'm sure there are tons of players who have made books and tons more who would love to write something and keep it in the station library. It's already been mentioned but the bookshelves don't seem to keep their books for very long and the printing press is a nightmare to run. I think if a library were to work as a map area there'd probably need to be some kind of rework of the printing press/bookshelves in general and some thought put into how content would be made/preserved. Ideally, I'd like it if player-made books could be preserved between rounds even if removed from bookshelves but I think that could potentially be mishandled or abused if someone sets out to make spam/inappropriate content. I'm not really sure how it'd be managed so there's not much I can say on it. alas!!

(ON another note i think it'd be funny if the bookshelf sprites were bigger and blocked your vision so you could hide between rows of them and ALSO god it would be so so funny to push/have them fall on top of someone and crush them... dramatic library murders!!!! YIPPEEEEEE)

RE: Libraries! Do we want them! Where do we want them!? - Silent Majority - 09-27-2023

I feel like reworking chaplain to be a librarian would be totally out of left field. I feel like removing the nerd dungeon would invalidate the dungeoneer.

RE: Libraries! Do we want them! Where do we want them!? - AgrippaHera - 09-28-2023

(09-27-2023, 10:39 AM)Silent Majority Wrote: I feel like reworking chaplain to be a librarian would be totally out of left field. I feel like removing the nerd dungeon would invalidate the dungeoneer.

- I don't think anyone is suggesting the chaplain becomes a librarian. The ideas thrown around on discord were that the chaplain additionally maintains a library (or that the room of the chapel itself was made into a library. Though, that idea doesn't seem popular.) Chaplain would remain the same.

- Reworking the nerd dungeon to be a nerd dungeon/library doesn't invalidate the dungeoneer. The items to play the table top games would still be there.

RE: Libraries! Do we want them! Where do we want them!? - Frank_Stein - 09-29-2023

I kinda see the Chaplain as a community role more than anything. Chapel tends to be a large open space suitable for events and gatherings, but it usually is a little out of the way and doesn't get as much foot traffic

I think having some library space at or near chapel makes sense, same as combining it with the D&D room. Both benefit from being a bit more removed foot traffic wise, and both activities you'd generally want some privacy

Library would best be served as a study space, so reading up on game mechanics, maybe doing research. I wouldn't want people to visit it frequently

RE: Libraries! Do we want them! Where do we want them!? - Waffleloffle - 09-29-2023

(09-29-2023, 09:07 AM)Frank_Stein Wrote: Library would best be served as a study space, so reading up on game mechanics, maybe doing research. I wouldn't want people to visit it frequently

disagree with this direction for an On-Station Space, both because as an rp player I enjoy station layouts where every room could have some sort of reason to visit it in-round, and because I feel like this interpretation takes most of the possible fun out of it. by interpreting this conceptual library as a designated "check the wiki without having to open the wiki" area, any creative uses for it, as event space or a place to store player-written literature, are pushed to the side

RE: Libraries! Do we want them! Where do we want them!? - Frank_Stein - 09-29-2023

What I mean to say is, I don't think it should be designed for foot traffic to go though it frequently. It being a quiet, somewhat out of the way place means it's as good a place for a clandestine meeting as it would be to take a breather from the chaos of the station

RE: Libraries! Do we want them! Where do we want them!? - Kotlol - 09-30-2023

Since some people say the library would be a place for wiki stuff without the wiki stuff. I recommend the following things to be added to it.

- A PC wich you can see what books are on the shelves. (guides respawn obiviously, but round carry overs are in it too)
- Removal of ALL guides on jobs. (Since they will be in the library in infinite amount, so we don't have to do the shiftly toss of the guide book)
- A few randomly generated books that can give chemical hints, Azone hints, recipe hints and such.
- Have another PC for "wiki" stuff. Players can update them each shift. (yes this means players can also sabotage them.)

As for location wise. Since the nerd dungeon and chapel aren't always in the same area at all we cannot use that.
Insted I recommend these 5 locations:
- Owlery (Since most owleries are barely used, good to kill though, but on Donut 3 it's off station like the Pool, but I like the pool regardless. Owleries are under used, this means the owlery will get a new location all together wich is off station)
- NT information Center , A new location (the library will simply be off station, but on the same level as the station. This is probably easy to pull off and you can transport over.)
- New attachement to the station (No debates, just add a new section to every map that contains this mystical library)
- Arrivals (Let's be real, a lot of stations have arrivals and there is only foot traffic if the cryo is there.. might as well put the library there to give newbies a spot aka Donut 3's location or replace the arrivals shuttle all together)
- Next to ANY Cryo storage or have the Cryo storage in the library (See arrivals logic, though for some stations this requires some heavy restructuring (Destiny, Kodaru come to mind)

Atleast thats my suggestions if we want to do this.
How much I would love the Nerd Dungeon and Chapel to be conected to it... at best the Nerd Dungeon can be next to the library as well.

RE: Libraries! Do we want them! Where do we want them!? - Zamujasa - 09-30-2023

related to the library thing but my unstated goal for canvases was to have them be persistent in some way outside of the centcom art gallery

this is me spitballing without reading much of the thread but i would like to see

* a way to save drawings permanently, like the gallery, but on-station
* rotating, randomly-chosen saved drawings in a few places or otherwise present

i imagine this would require something like

* a discord output for admins/whoever that shows new art that was saved
* easy in-game ways to report bad saved art
* some kind of upvoting/downvoting system

it doesn't have to be too amazing, but a way of saving and showing art that doesn't involve a trip to centcom would be nice; centcom can stay for paid pieces (that don't go away until someone else removes them) but for on-station i'd just have some random selections

bonus comedy option: quartermaster crate that includes a handful of random drawings and books

RE: Libraries! Do we want them! Where do we want them!? - Paai - 10-05-2023

I doont really have much to add that hasn't already been said better or more in depth at this point, but I was one of the people who expressed interest for the original idea, so! I do think that libraries would be really nice- even if just as a nice spot to RP in or whatnot. Replacing or merging it with a lesser-used area like the nerd dungeon or aviary would be nice- ideally nerd dungeon, as that's pretty consistently near, if not next to, the chapel, and it would be a minimal-fuss way to do it without having to totally restructure a bunch of maps hwhaha.

RE: Libraries! Do we want them! Where do we want them!? - ZeWaka - 10-06-2023

(09-30-2023, 09:00 AM)Zamujasa Wrote: * a way to save drawings permanently, like the gallery, but on-station
* a discord output for admins/whoever that shows new art that was saved

we have this already btw

RE: Libraries! Do we want them! Where do we want them!? - Zamujasa - 10-07-2023

news to me, i've only seen them on the centcom art gallery

RE: Libraries! Do we want them! Where do we want them!? - JOELED - 10-08-2023

There's a random room spawn that has some static canvases, but the nature of it being a random room means that it's very very rare to see it in round.

RE: Libraries! Do we want them! Where do we want them!? - Zamujasa - 10-08-2023

yeah i specifically mean in the same sense as like, the various posters around the station, not just some random room that spawns with low%.

RE: Libraries! Do we want them! Where do we want them!? - Silent Majority - 10-10-2023

They can be put on noticr boards

RE: Libraries! Do we want them! Where do we want them!? - Zamujasa - 10-10-2023

But then you can't even see them without interacting, can you? I've never actually looked at one of those persistent noticeboards.