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Revert the AI law racks - Printable Version

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RE: Revert the AI law racks - BatElite - 06-18-2022

I haven't been able to find that wraith related commit either and I feel like I would have remembered if it happened, but maybe someone else knows which one it is

Some benefits of the upload comp, in my mind

-It is not possible for crew to accidentally end up with emagged silicons because the asimov laws are almost always the default. You can plop down a new rack right now and that will practically emag any borgs you connect.
-Ion storm laws are permanent damage to the lawset
-If silicons aren't talking, you can't know what the lawset looks like until you get to the upload itself. (mitigated with the shutter that's in the works AFAIK, but the shutter is under player control and can therefore be bypassed
-The status of an upload comp is clearer than the rack, it's either got a big screen with a smile on it (good) or the screen is black (oh fuck). With the rack you can't tell if it's unpowered (which disables the UI on what's an entirely physical thing? what?). I can't say much to the damage effects though, because racks rarely get targeted when I'm playing.
-Changing modules doesn't take an awfully long time, so long that most AIs will have to let you mess around with the rack. Instead you sometimes (albeit infrequently) got situations where crew were struggling with the AI in the upload trying to reset it.
-Here's a surprising one to me, but I find that the specialist upload modules see a lot let use now.

I was thinking that law racks might get interesting results but mostly it seems to tip the dynamics around law changes in favour of the crew. There's not really anything changed that makes crew want to alter the lawset, but rogueing is now significantly harder.

RE: Revert the AI law racks - Ikea - 06-18-2022

It happened a week before the law rack got merged and didnt get a changelog but yeah:

Its important to note that hacked robotics fab can print out asimov lawsets (alongside other lawsets) so there is now a way to fix ion laws without freeform fuckery. Re: shutter, its a project Im working on and should be out soonish. The big thing is that its only open when a human has the rack ui open. So you cant really bypass it. For the how do you tell if its powered, since you cant open the ui when theres no power you also cant open the shutter.

RE: Revert the AI law racks - Mr. Moriarty - 06-18-2022

(06-18-2022, 12:24 PM)Ikea Wrote: Its important to note that hacked robotics fab can print out asimov lawsets (alongside other lawsets) so there is now a way to fix ion laws without freeform fuckery.

Faulty lawboards can be reset by pulsing them with a multitool, so far easier than the older method of using a freeform to correct the law.

RE: Revert the AI law racks - Mouse - 06-18-2022

(06-18-2022, 12:24 PM)Ikea Wrote: It happened a week before the law rack got merged and didnt get a changelog but yeah:

Why the hell was that added anyways?