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Remove ghost drone and replace it with something else - Printable Version

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RE: Remove ghost drone and replace it with something else - Camryn - 04-30-2021

Imo, the benefits of having ghost drones around significantly outweighs the harm done by people who abuse them

RE: Remove ghost drone and replace it with something else - zcrow - 05-03-2021

My two cents:

I think the biggest issue with ghost drones is the ambiguity in their rules. "Repair the station" leaves a LOT up to interpretation by the player operating the drone. The wiki does have some more information, but even that isn't crystal clear. For example:

Quote:3. Maintain, repair and improve the station.

Your third directive cannot be any more straight forward. Ideally, the station should be kept in the same condition as it was when the round began. Given the crew's natural destructive tendencies, such a goal is nearly impossible to achieve. More importantly, this law means that your job is to repair damage rather than to prevent it. Disarming traps or fighting fires would be a violation of both this law and law 1. If the station is in reasonably good condition, renovation projects are a fun way to work together with your fellow drones, especially since the station is a shithole to start with anyway.

There's nothing in there about whether or not that includes obviously intentional damage by antagonists. If there's a big hole in the station, there's nothing to say a GD can't seal it off and try and replace the missing walls. Of course its obvious that you're not supposed to prevent that damage occuring, but there's no clear rule stipulating that GDs cannot fix something that's broken. The only thing that comes close to that is actively affecting a situation in progress (like preventing a bomb). I recall reading a rule somewhere like, "don't fix an antag's damage until they have moved on". Again, its super ambiguous. How long are you supposed to wait before you're good to start repairing?

I'd either make the rules much clearer and less open to interpretation, or just move them to their own Z-level with other ghosts and let them build to their hearts content.