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The ability to build a Casino Roulette Table - Printable Version

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RE: The ability to build a Casino Roulette Table - Sonnzer - 12-23-2022

this needs added.

RE: The ability to build a Casino Roulette Table - Mantwerp - 02-13-2023

Why is it only this post the bots decide to post on (probably because its about gambling)

RE: The ability to build a Casino Roulette Table - RelentlessGarbage - 02-13-2023

I mean, sure, it's annoying that bots necro threads just because their flimsy silicon minds caught a whiff of gambling....

...but having craftable roulette tables isn't a bad idea, either. So I'm ambivalent. Maybe give QM a "gambling crate" they could order with frames for slot machines, roulette tables, russian revolvers, and the like.  That might be easier to implement.

RE: The ability to build a Casino Roulette Table - Kotlol - 02-20-2023

It's kinda funny, since only one station had a roulette table on board... MANTA and that one has been POOFED out of existance.

Does the mining map casino have them? If so thats the only other place...
If not.. at the moment they are MIA.

RE: The ability to build a Casino Roulette Table - Goat_Real - 03-17-2023

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RE: The ability to build a Casino Roulette Table - Technature - 03-17-2023


Implement this idea and lock this thread PLEASE

RE: The ability to build a Casino Roulette Table - Mantwerp - 04-03-2023

This one isnt even linking anything its just promoting the concept of online casinos

RE: The ability to build a Casino Roulette Table - Cal - 04-03-2023

Closing this because this thread brings an annoying amount of spam bots. If someone wants to PR this, go ahead.