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Ideas of questionable quality - Printable Version

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RE: Ideas of questionable quality - Technature - 12-28-2018

Useful (though the AI can already highlight whenever his name is called. Or when his name would appear in any word. It's...uh...not reliable.)

RE: Ideas of questionable quality - warcrimes - 12-28-2018

chems that clog and unclog drains

greasy things like oil, porktonium, bacon grease, space soybean oil, and cheese should progressively reduce a drain's capacity until it is clogged and stays clogged,

mildly acidic or caustic chems like acetic acid, acetone, space cleaner will progressively open a clogged drain and return it to normal (drain would have to check what's pooled above it in case it's completely fucked)

obviously neither of these work on a cloth-stuffed or welded drain.

RE: Ideas of questionable quality - warcrimes - 12-31-2018

ok here's an explicitly bad idea:

dying on the station sends you to ghost bar, sure -
dying on ghost bar sends you to ghost destiny.
dying on ghost destiny sends you to ghost clarion.
dying on ghost clarion sends you to idk, ghost space diner
100 z levels

RE: Ideas of questionable quality - Frank_Stein - 01-02-2019

Use the unique DNA codes in packets. Using a teleporter to transfer people transmits their DNA for reassembly.

RE: Ideas of questionable quality - Kubius - 01-07-2019

Wielding an e-magged vape occasionally causes you to involuntarily rant about how you were born in the wrong generation.

RE: Ideas of questionable quality - NateTheSquid - 01-08-2019

you should be able to rename telephones so you can do dumb gimmick stuff by stealing a department's phone. make various hotlines

RE: Ideas of questionable quality - Superlagg - 01-11-2019

all pdas come with a set of basic office supplies. comes with a pen and paper, and a program that'll print things out on a tiny piece of receipt paper.

find the officeDespot upgrade to get a mega pack of office supplies. lots of paper, a copier that can upload things to printers, a stapler, infinite length thermal printer, quantum clipboard to store papers inside, pens of all the colors of the rainbow, Port-a-Blingee, label maker, custom stamper, a roll of sticker paper for making your own stickers and shrinkydinks, wite-out dispenser, t-mail which lets you telecrystal letters to people, an emagged paperclip, spellcheck, a bunch of gaudy templates and paper styles to get the creativity flowing, a calendar printer, a book binder, a coffee mug that only holds coffee, an electromagnetic paperweight that prevents all nearby paper from being moved, a removable toner cartridge for trained professionals only, a quill and ink, wax and a candle to operate the custom stamp, a hole punch, a ditto, a pack of sticker notes, pushpins, a pencil sharpener, a pack of envelopes, a roll of cellotape, an eraser, a laser pointer, an overhead projector, a slide projector, a boss key, and a corporate washroom.

RE: Ideas of questionable quality - Wisecrack34 - 01-11-2019

^ Thread it now plz

RE: Ideas of questionable quality - Superlagg - 01-17-2019

Rotated and mirrored versions of the maps.

RE: Ideas of questionable quality - Wisecrack34 - 01-17-2019

I feel weird about rotated maps depending on the rotation level but mirrored maps could be fun

RE: Ideas of questionable quality - warcrimes - 01-17-2019

Glove slot
Socker Bopper
Hit greyshirt
Greyshirt goes flying offscreeen

RE: Ideas of questionable quality - Wisecrack34 - 01-17-2019

Socker Bopper as an alternative to boxing gloves that do no damage. Modified Socker Bopper launches people across the screen

RE: Ideas of questionable quality - Vitatroll - 01-21-2019

Kinda feel like there's a large enough overlap between medical and chem borgs that they could be merged. Same with engineering and mining. Civvy and Brobo are distinct enough, but merging those would be fine too.

Gives more agency to borgs at the price of bloating the EQ list. Ideally there would be a hotkey or 'borg pockets' system to circumvent this.

RE: Ideas of questionable quality - Wisecrack34 - 01-21-2019

not 100% sure about the medical and chem borgs but the mining and engineering borgs need a merg or mining bots should become their own separate thing, similar to/being an alternative to ghost drones.

RE: Ideas of questionable quality - LuigiThirty - 01-22-2019

If you take a photo of a banana peel and put it on the floor, people can slip on it.