
Registration Date: 07-15-2022
Date of Birth: Hidden
Local Time: 12-01-2024 at 12:05 PM
Status: Offline

Roninnozlo's Forum Info
Joined: 07-15-2022
Last Visit: 04-24-2024, 04:31 AM
Total Posts: 22 (0.03 posts per day | 0.01 percent of total posts)
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Total Threads: 5 (0.01 threads per day | 0.02 percent of total threads)
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Time Spent Online: 23 Hours, 13 Minutes, 10 Seconds
Members Referred: 0
Additional Info About Roninnozlo
Bio: I've been playing SS13 since around May 2021, and switched to Goonstation pretty much permanently around October 2021.

I don't play quite as regularly as I want to, and I generally lack confidence due to a deep seated fear of upsetting people. I'm quite wishy-washy, basically, but I want what's best for everyone around.

I almost exclusively play RP, since I like the actual story beats more than "winning".

Josue Bertran Greenawalt, whose name was randomly picked the first time I ever played SS13, and has stuck with me since. He/Him, Human, Civilian/Security.
Dhok Kerberos Malakai, whose name I do not remember the origin of. They/Them, Roach, Med/Sci.
Iassai V.D.O., who doesn't know its own full name. It/Its, Skeleton, Engineering.
V.D.O., an AI/Cyborg whose brain is a donated clone of Iassai's.
Incredibly Illegal Skeleton, which is an attempt at making a "I'm totally an NPC" gimmick (I always break character). Assistant

I have literally no idea if I'll *ever* apply for hos/mentor/admin/anything lol
Pronouns: He/Him
BYOND Username: Roninnozlo
Character Name: Josue Greenawalt & others