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Ban Appeal format
BEFORE YOU WRITE YOUR APPEAL - Think carefully about what you are going to write! This isn't as simple as post thread -> get unbanned. You are writing an appeal. You are appealing to the admin staff's sense of fair play. If your appeal boils down to 'I'm sorry I got caught' or 'I didn't realize you have an arbitrary rule against something I think is perfectly fine', your appeal isn't going to go as well as an appeal that boils down to 'I thought about the rules, I think I understand now why you guys think they are so important, now that I understand the rule, I won't break it again'. Be polite, be thoughtful, and keep in mind that you broke rules which are in place for a reason. If you are having trouble understanding the reasoning behind a rule, feel free to drop by Discord and ask around. We don't want sucking up - we want a change in behaviour.

DON'T LIE - We have a tremendous amount of logging capability and in all but extreme cases can tell exactly what went on. This includes trying to log in with different keys, on different computers and all the usual ban evasion bits that go with it. If caught lying to us, it is likely the terms of your ban will change.

DO NOT APPEAL PERMABANS WITHIN A MONTH UNLESS THEY SAY OTHERWISE - Unless your ban reason specifically says something like "please make an appeal on the forums", do not appeal your permaban until a month has passed.

Do not private message or ping admins about your ban.

DO NOT APPEAL BANS LASTING 24 HOURS OR LESS - If an admin banned you for a day or less time than that, they likely wanted you to heed the warning and take a timeout. Besides, the appeal process often takes more than 24 hours anyways. If you want to debate the context of the ban or feel it was unfair, you'd likely be better off creating a post in Admin Feedback than making an appeal.

Your thread will be looked at eventually. Don't pester admins to read it.

Now that you've read all this click here and write your ban appeal.


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