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Pathology Changes
There was a round recently in which a pathology antag managed to whip up a set of viruses that stunlocked most of the crew. This caused considerable consternation, and it was suggested that a thread be posted to discuss the matter. My two cents is that pathology kinda reminds me of the atmos job back when that was a thing. It kinda doesn't do a whole lot, except provide a tool for fuckery. I definitely like the idea of having to deal with diseases in space, but there's gotta be a way to make it more fun/less annoying.
Pathology is a broken piece of shit that is locked behind a ton of complex stuff and is time-consuming to the point where you can't do anything strong within 30 minutes.

And I'm pretty sure there are 3 other threads about fixing pathology.
I really doubt Path is gonna get an update unless one of the 10 people who enjoy it go on a coding bender. Really 'only' needs symptom tweaking and a co*wholenewfrontend*ugh. It's got a nice ass, though.
I've probably posted two of those three threads. But yes it requires additional symptoms (mostly neutral or beneficial) and an incubator so that you don't lose your latest strain due to a misclick. I've been out of game due to waiting on 4k support otherwise I probably would have bungled my way through the code by now to add some.

Also cures are really easy once you learn. So learn it and be everyone's best friend!

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