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Dwarf fortress : fractured world thing
Because people over here like to play dwarf fortress (not all but there are some who play it) and i thought maybe we can try one thing that i found while on r/dwarfortress a fractured world i cant remember the proper name but its something like that.

What is a fractured world?

its a normal world that you can play by your self but at the same time there are couple of other people playing the same world same starting place same start and it is used to see what the other people have done in it and what happened to them.
basically to awnser the question "what could happen if i did that instead of this"

How do we do this?

its simple we make a world with the setting we choose, pick a starting löcation, the gear we start with and then everyone who has chosen to be in it starts the fort there updating what has happened there every now and then.

What do i need to do?

if you want to be in it just say that you want to be in after we start you can say that you cant continue just say that you cant and i will mark it here simple
you dont need to update this you can just play it and see what other people do but if you are going to post what has happened here just say it and i will put you on the list.

if you have any questions ask away i will try to awnser it.

The list of people who are in this thing.
- Hot coffee mug (me)
- Superlagg
- Crazyabe
- Avack
- ElectroBlueGuy
- fosstarreagan
- Studenterhue
- Wraithcraft
- Sam Eagle
- New525
- robertmanbob
- zewaka

The world that we are using the link in the comments does not work ok but this one should:

im not really good at DF but im learning ok so dont expect anything big from me.
Alright! Let's do this! Sign me on up!

EDIT: Hm, just had a thought, what if part of this could also work as a progression fort? Each of us does our fractured start, then after a season or so we pass the save file to the next player. It would be a clusterfuck to end all clusterfucks!
I Like DF, and can probably remember to play/post, So Sign me up.
I'm up for this, however it ends up happening!
(03-28-2017, 06:32 AM)Superlagg Wrote: EDIT: Hm, just had a thought, what if part of this could also work as a progression fort? Each of us does our fractured start, then after a season or so we pass the save file to the next player. It would be a clusterfuck to end all clusterfucks!

that actually sounds like a good idea we can pass the save file around with people already in this and maybe new people who are starting
that would be a huge clusterfuck
i suck at DF but sure i'm in
If I actually knew how to play DF I would be in; maybe I should learn.
Hi i am kinda good at df, sign me up i guess!
A appropriate time to take a dip back into Dwarf Fortress, I suppose. Sign me up.
I've played Dwarf Fortress once. Count me in.
Oh hey look we have enough people to get a ok start you can still join but after we get to the embarking its too late

so how will we generate the worlds right now everything is in the default settings

also will we use the succsession/progression (iunno) idea that lagg had
What about someone that creates the world, decide where to go, what to get and then just shares the save file, so that we are all the same
oh hey look i made the world because i can i tried to choose a start that would not be too hard or too easy and boring. not work)
also its next to a volcano so i unno.
have fun im happy to wait for the stories that come
What version is all this?

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