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Pathogen in hazardous enviroments tester
Basically,a machine that lets you put pathogens in contact with chemicals and see what happens.

The virus could:
3.Start to synthetize the chem
4.become immune to it

It should only let you test it with doctor tier chems,like atropine and stuff,but if you manage to short out the safety circuits,you can use the chems from a chem dispenser.
A way of balancing it is to make the chem synthetizing require the pathogen to have a high resistance(higher the resistance,the more a syntethized chem can become,for a example,a low virus may contain thc,a very resistant one may contain booster enzyme,or even sarin.To synthetize pyro stuff,it would require a VERY high resistant and thermal immunity,or something like that)

Considering also the condition of the current pathology,i consider this for latter updates,for when you could make virus immune to certain stuff and have custom effects.
I don't the point to this. The symptoms are actually very good and I'm happy about their pacing. I just killed off a third of the crew with dragons fever in ~10 minutes. Plus, the synthesizing chems thing was done with materials bullets and look how that was abused.

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