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[MERGED PR] Purgatives and dialysis machine rebalance
For thoughts on how I think the purgative changes could work. The changes to chemicals that only purge select chems seem like changing numbers for the sake of changing numbers. Dont really see the point of changing those in general, no one finds milk, or halo, etc, too strong. Hunchback changes also seem eh, Id rather nerf it by increasing the damage it deals to +10 tox instead of decreasing depletion rate that way it has the niche of high risk high reward purgative (also probably increase the depletion rate to 1 just to make making pills for it easier). Pent and charcoal changes seem generally fine I dont have any objections there. I think for calomel a good option would be to decrease the base rate of depletion for 3, but make it additionally purge neurotoxin with 2, that way classic ling balance isnt effected, but rp ling and poison mixes in general are.

(10-29-2023, 10:25 AM)saccharineChampion Wrote: I don't think it's a Classic/RP thing; for my part, at least, I only had Classic in mind when I wrote my advocation of shifting the focus on ling countering being self-sufficient stuff vs. making it more reliant on other people. And I do think that the nerfs to purgatives would make the game more interesting, not less, for the reasons described in my first post here.

RP you can get backup for changelings, a lot of the times on classic you cant no matter how hard you try because people are dead or unresponsive. Making purgatives less effective wont change this because that wont make people use comms. Also my comment for interesting is referring to the current applications of smelling salt and calomel when it comes to ling, making smelling salts the objectively better in every way option when it comes to ling is pretty boring.

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RE: [PR] Purgatives and dialysis machine rebalance - by Ikea - 10-29-2023, 10:25 AM

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