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[MERGED PR] Purgatives and dialysis machine rebalance
Being able to get a new one from cargo sounds good to me; reduces the bottlenecking of just having one while still being a fairly clear thing a traitor can disrupt. The cloner is an analogy I like for that, especially since, if it would be mech-scannable as well, I think it would be good to have a non-typical requirement like how printing a cloner requires honey; continuing on the talk of having disruptable things, it would be a bit too much to keep up with if it could be printed with basic materials.

Calomel not being an instant "out" from being ling-stung is exactly one of the main cases why I think this change is good, and where the "shift to relying on others' help" shines. Yes, changelings are very strong as-is, but in this case it's a bit of the cart being before the horse; because purgatives are so easy, people are disinclined to ask for help when they could just calomel themselves okay anyways, and that weakening being able to trivially save one's self from a neuro sting would help encourage calling out for help some more. Or, if you're not the first victim of the ling, not wandering off on your own.

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RE: [PR] Purgatives and dialysis machine rebalance - by saccharineChampion - 10-29-2023, 10:08 AM

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