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[MERGED PR] Makes Permeability coefficient into an object property.
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[Experimental] [balance] [wiki] [input]
About the PR
Reworks how permeability_coefficient works into a standard object property much like fire prot and changes up the amount of chems blocked by certain clothes. This is definately gonna need more work and testing on what values are good for blocking chems but I think players seeing how much percentage of chems they are going to block will help them understand chems better.

Under our current system, a scientist in default gear will be completely immune to chemicals rendering biosuits moot.

During my testing It appears that a default assistant has 15% and a default scientist has 42% chemicals blocked from splashes. I find this to be much more preferable as it will make people more inclined to get biosuits and similar. Although, I must add again that these values are NOT set in stone and will likely change as time goes on.
Why's this needed?
Permeability is a mess, it really doesn't make sense nor is it told to the player on how it works. Hell, it was hard for ME to figure out how it worked while investigating the values. This should help players get a better understanding on how much something blocks beaker splashing and let players slap together some higher chem resistant gear if they cannot get bio suits.


(*)Reworked permeability into chemical resistance which has been applied to several clothing items. Please report any weirdness with chemical splashing.

This is definately gonna mess with the balance of a couple game modes I realize. As the permeability system was all over the place.
Speed merge this and spawn popcorn outside chemlab so we can watch nerds sarin themselves to death.
(06-16-2022, 12:46 PM)DimWhat Wrote: This is definately gonna mess with the balance of a couple game modes I realize. As the permeability system was all over the place.

which gamemodes are you referring to specifically?
not a lot of gamemodes really make use of chems, maybe nukies but thats kind of its own thing and preferably with high chemprot should be given to them as is

splashing chems shouldnt really be an effective combat maneuver compared to say injecting it though
I'd assume wizard and nuclear would be pretty effected by this change. Wizards were able to get full chem protection if they put on a gas mask, and nuke ops have sarin nades that a lot of people were immune to.
wizards is kind of its own rabbit hole right now, its a whole jumble of balance
could probably just have sarin pen regardless unless youre on a very high chemprot (100%? 80%?) so assuming biosuits would fill that role, a speed down on said suits would help as well
(06-17-2022, 08:21 AM)Nihisohel Wrote: wizards is kind of its own rabbit hole right now, its a whole jumble of balance
could probably just have sarin pen regardless unless youre on a very high chemprot (100%? 80%?) so assuming biosuits would fill that role, a speed down on said suits would help as well
Best PR has been merged but I do think the idea of sarin having a flag so that protection is either all-or-none would be a good idea, and the flag is something that could be used with future chems as well.

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