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[MERGED PR] Random gang member selection at roundstart
Had a shift as a gang member with this testmerged yesterday.

Personally enjoyed it more than the "old" way. I thought I would miss being able to recruit, but everybody being picked from the start allowed things to mobilise more quickly. Recruiting was fun, yes, but by having everyone in the gang from the start, it was easier to have the feeling of being part of a team - and, consequently, having backup when things go awry and specific folk to help when things go poorly for them.

If a comparison must be made, I'd actually compare it closer to revheads than to conspirators. (Except for, ironically, the fact you aren't converting.) The existing gang point framework gives a very solid common cause, and once things ramp into getting good items, you can scuffle with security/heads if your gang works together - something most conspirator teams usually can't touch.

In conclusion, in my personal experience, the gains from this change outweigh the losses. I personally hope it is implemented.

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RE: [PR] Random gang member selection at roundstart - by saccharineChampion - 08-23-2023, 08:46 AM

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