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Playable headspiders and transposed particle fields
It would be cool if the nerd ghost was also hallucinating because they're getting sucked in by the void. Floaty eyeballs, scary monsters, the whole nine yards.

You're stuck between the station and another scarier dimension that you don't want to go to. Attempts to reach this plane of existence is a bad idea, and the void is the one part stable enough to support travel to and from because it's close enough to the station that it won't turn your insides out or sick eldritch horrors on you.

PC nerd ghosts should be screaming for help but sound like gibberish and/or trying to run from something ala the king in yellow. not tatortotting.

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RE: Playable headspiders and transposed particle fields - by atomic1fire - 12-26-2016, 09:39 PM

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