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BaneOfGiygas Wrote:
Skunkrocker Wrote:How about when certain mutations are combined they result in something bad happening? For example, taking Polymorphism along with SMES Human...

You suddenly turn into a bolt of lightning! How cool is that?!
* Pubbie McGenetics (DEAD) wails, "OH THAT IS SO BULLSHIT WHAT THE FUCK?!"

Or maybe combining Chameleon with X-Ray Vision...

You suddenly seem to be able to see through everything...

You have gone blind from permanent retinal damage.
While this is hilarious and I'd love to see something like this happen, that's a helluva lot of combinations to code out reactions for.

more powers that you could sabotage like giving someone boosted superfarts or unsynchronized biomass manipulation would be nice. maybe make a chromosome that sabotages genes spectacularly.

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