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New Backgrounds for Trait selection
(04-18-2024, 06:35 AM)Roninnozlo Wrote: I think Diner Patron would be better as a trait as well, but Missile should probably stay as a purchase because it's really showy and bombastic and stuff. I've thought up some other ideas for spawns;
- starting out drunk/hungover in the bar with some loadout items strewn about the nearby rooms like a party happened last night
- being arrested in shackle-shoes in the brig or interrogation room
- starting in the sleepers, cryo pods, or patient care rooms in the medical bay with a preexisting condition, be it illness, organ damage, or even just brute/burn/tox, as if they were midway through rehab before the shift began.
But I don't know how hard those would be to program and whether they'd be "too strong". I think the only one that could be a major issue would be the second in the list if you joined at a really low population with nobody able to get you out of sec. Ultimately, whether it's cool or not is up to how you play it; Spawning in a random bed or container isn't inherently awesome, per se.

These are great suggestions. I'm certain the hungover one would get merged for sure, I don't see the problem starting in a sleeper or cryo pod instead of a bed or crate either. I quite like the "spawn as a prisoner" one, but I'm worried about the potential headache Security will have to deal with, especially with multiple people picking said trait. One that note, there's a good chance some of these will need an upper cap on how many people can have this trait be realized. There's only so many sleeper and cryo pods, in a 40+ player match having 10 people pick that trait will cause overflow.

Messages In This Thread
New Backgrounds for Trait selection - by Glamurio - 04-15-2024, 11:54 AM
RE: New Backgrounds for Trait selection - by Glamurio - 04-21-2024, 03:11 PM

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