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An unholy union: Robotics & VR
so i was thinking what a lot of you probably are: "man, robotics doesn't have much to do. very few people like getting borged and you aren't guaranteed any work because you can either have a lot or little to no people coming in for limb/organ replacements. and the devs don't want to add anything resembling the mechs on other servers, so, what else could robotics bother with?"

the idea i had was inspired by cyberpunk's ripperdocs and also the presence of the net. if something like this were added, robotics could specialize in technological surgical implants and transplants, while the doctors deal more with flesh. so to preface i'm gonna kinda use the words "net" and "vr" interchangeably since VR now sort of already accomplishes what i'm describing: your mind is moved into a digital plane and you can do fun and interesting stuff there.

even if VR as it exists in the game in the code as some massive lump of spaghetti code, i think there's potential for roboticists to build and maintain some manner of conveyance to vr/cyberspace and also surgically modify individuals to be more suited towards doing shit in vr. like cyberpunk. exactly like cyberpunk.

the idea i kind of have is like a marriage between megaman battle network (where you enter cyberspace and interact with computers, machinery, and other objects in the real world) and system shock (where you hack and you gotta fight off the cyberspace defenses). you could enter a sort of vr/cyberspace version of the station where you could find lost data (that could give you credits/goodies/some kind of buffs for cyberspace)

this could spice up antagonists as well. for example, nuke ops could launch a cyberattack on the station's systems and give themselves an edge when they deploy the nuke (at the cost of having one dude back manning the vr thing somewhere on the station which could necessitate a response from station/security netrunners  to protect its systems and what not

Messages In This Thread
An unholy union: Robotics & VR - by babayetu83 - 01-25-2024, 08:57 PM
RE: An unholy union: Robotics & VR - by Dhaidburt - 01-26-2024, 06:53 PM
RE: An unholy union: Robotics & VR - by Kotlol - 01-28-2024, 03:40 AM

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