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[MERGED PR] Cyborg movement speed rebalance
I don't think nerfing the speed is a good idea as a borg.

Insted... we need to give reasons WHY these borgs need to be made over "light frame speed"
Right now the downside of light frame borgs is they are squishy... but let's be real...

Every borg is equally weak to stun. Just one flash and boom... the borg is technically down.

What I think would be better is to make heavier borgs more reason to be build. Even with things like no screenheads.

So what I recommend is that we change some details on other borgs types then tweaking the speed.

- Light borg chest lose their 3rd item slot
- Heavy borg heads are immune to flashes.
- Heavy borg arms consume less energy.
- Medium Borg legs reduce stun timers.

That kinda stuff is FAR more effective and MORE FUN then nerfing speed.
You can very easily stun lock borgs, wich is why light borgs are PREFERED since they can avoid being stunlocked easier then mr. slow and heavy.
If we simply change that... suddenly you get flavor in your borging then just: "I look heavy and it's cool"

Messages In This Thread
RE: [PR] Cyborg movement speed rebalance - by Kotlol - 01-06-2024, 04:33 AM
RE: [PR] Cyborg movement speed rebalance - by Cal - 01-29-2024, 04:02 AM

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