Arah's Mentor App (HECATE, Asteria, Hyperia)
I could easily echo everything already said - like how Arah is incredibly smart and well rounded, retains huge amounts of info that makes me feel insane, and is great at interacting with players who need a helping hand - because they ARE and I think their experience, willingness to be patient, and to lead speaks for itself on how capable they already at being a pillar of support in the community and with the people around them.

However, I really would like to add that when I started to play goon around March 2021ish, I had a really difficult time branching out from people I was already friends with that were known variables, because I absolutely stink at speaking with new people. I used to find myself incredibly anxious just joining rounds, let alone playing them. Arah was one of the first people I pushed myself to ask for help on my own, and not once did they make me feel bad for not knowing how to do things, or what some mechanics did or didn't do. Undoubtedly I have them to blame for my quick infatuation with the medical department, (And also that I do mental math every time I see someone's tox damage count so I know exactly how much charcoal I'll need lmao,) and as a larger whole I think having Arah's help and interacting with them as a person has made me feel both welcome, happy, and confident to be here. And I mean confident enough that (along with a few other people and mentors who have given me a helping hand) I've been considering applying for mentor myself every now and again.

I always see them giving good advice, and I'm still learning from them whenever we speak. (Like what do you MEAN there's a NT rep system?? what does that MEAN?) I 100% think they would do fantastic as a mentor.

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RE: Arah's Mentor App (HECATE, Asteria, Hyperia) - by sunkiisu - 09-06-2023, 12:20 PM

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